Los Alamos Technical Reports This file lists the Los Alamos Technical Reports numbered LAMS-2000 through LAMS-NUREG-6330 in the Los Alamos Library online catalog. The text of many of these reports are available online. Access the Los Alamos Library catalog by telnetting to "library.lanl.gov" without the quotes. Compiled by Gregory Walker, gwalker@netcom.com. For more information on nuclear weapons, visit Trinity Atomic Web Site at http://www.envirolink.org/issues/nuketesting/ LAMS-2005 MK-III Baro Switch Tester : interim manual LAMS-2015 An electron multiplier tube with grids. Part II LAMS-2019 A hand method for the computation of fall-out patterns LAMS-2020 The Wind variability of fall-out patterns LAMS-2021 Possible propellants for use in a nuclear rocket LAMS-2031 Air, precipitation, and surface contamination at certain localities in New Mexico from Operation Teapot, Spring 1955 LAMS-2036 The LASL nuclear rocket propulsion program LAMS-2038 A survey of some Los Alamos county canyons for radioactive contamination, spring 1953 to spring 1955 LAMS-2040 Design, construction, and use of X-ray cameras in temperature range above 500[degrees] centigrade : a search of the unclassified literature from 1945 to April 1956, 50 references, bibliography LAMS-2047-pt.1 Charged particle cross-sections at energies up to 40-MeV. Part I, The nuclides neon through chlorine : a search of the unclassified literature from 1945 to date : bibliography LAMS-2047-pt.2 Charged particle cross-sections at energies up to 40-MeV. Part II, The nuclides lead through californium : a search of the unclassified literature from 1945 to date : bibliography LAMS-2047-pt.3 Charged particle cross-sections at energies up to 40-MeV. Part III, The nuclides argon through zinc : a search of the unclassified literature from January 1955 to date : bibliography LAMS-2047-pt.4 Charged particle cross-sections at energies up to 40-MeV. Part IV, The nuclides gallium through thallium : a search of the unclassified literature from 1945 to date : bibliography LAMS-2047-pt.5 Charged particle cross-sections at energies up to 40-MeV. Part V, The nuclides hydrogen through fluorine : a search of the unclassified literature from January 1956 to date : bibliography LAMS-2060 Reciprocity-law failure : A bibliography covering the period 1951-56 LAMS-2064 Nondestructive testing of uranium : a compilation of papers for the symposium in Los Alamos, October 5 and 6, 1956 LAMS-2070 Bibliography of chemistry and metallurgy documents received by the Los Alamos Report Library during the period July 1, 1954 to January 1, 1955 LAMS-2072 Application of pulsed-beam time-of-flight technique to fast-neutron measurement LAMS-2078 A portable gas scintillator with a thermal convection purifier : its performance as an [alpha]-monitor for the D-T reaction LAMS-2082 The particle-in-cell method for two-dimensional hydrodynamic problems LAMS-2082 The particle-in-cell method for hydrodynamic calculations LAMS-2098 SNT handbook of nondestructive testing. Chapter 5.1, Fundamental principles of radiation physics LAMS-2100 Large liquid scintillation detector as a neutron spectrometer LAMS-2101 Experiments on uranium loss from uranium-loaded graphite at elevated temperatures LAMS-2102 Design study for a 12-BeV constant-gradient proton synchrotron LAMS-2103 Use of small-aperture diaphragms in ion-accelerat- or tubes LAMS-2105 Nonlinear wave motion in magneto-hydrodynamics LAMS-2108 Fabrication of lithium hydride by hot-pressing LAMS-2116 Solution of the initial value problem for the linearized multi-velocity transport equation with slab geometry LAMS-2117 Radioactive decontamination tests on surgeon's gloves contaminated with plutonium LAMS-2119 Progress report on the betatron research program at GMX-1 LAMS-2125 Visible radiation from helium in a strong shock wave LAMS-2126 Suggestions on the design of heterogeneous reactors LAMS-2128 Aerosol collection by wetted fiberglas media LAMS-2135 Study of current noise in cokes, carbons, and graphites LAMS-2154 Liquid-scintillator and reflective-coating study LAMS-2162 D(d,n)He[sup 3] and T(d,n)He[sup 4] source handbook LAMS-2168 Recovery of lithium-6 deuteride and sonversion of lithium chloride LAMS-2169 Status report on the role of nondestructive testing as applied to the Rover program LAMS-2182 Size resonances in proton scattering LAMS-2186 Some schemes for nuclear propulsion LAMS-2199 An unconditionally stable, finite difference method for photon transport problems LAMS-2200 U[sup 239] fission cross section LAMS-2201 S[sub n] method and the SNG code LAMS-2206 Electroplating of tapered silver deposits on stainless steel and inconel tubes for a high-capacity mercury-column rheostat LAMS-2211 Vinyl coating of graphite plates for ultrasonic inspection LAMS-2215 Pulsed neutron techniques LAMS-2217 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending March 20, 1958 LAMS-2219 On the possibility of extracting energy from gravitational systems by navigating space vehicles LAMS-2226 On the production of heavy uranium isotopes in a very high density fast neutron flux LAMS-2227 Kiwi-A control system analysis and design LAMS-2228 Evaluation of propellants for the Kiwi-A reactor test program LAMS-2236 Alpha-particle oxidation and reduction in aqueous plutonium solutions LAMS-2239 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending June 20, 1958 LAMS-2240 Reactor computing practices LAMS-2243 Experimentally determined characteristics of IPC filters and supports LAMS-2248 Design and testing of lens systems LAMS-2255 Neutron cross sections for fast and intermediate nuclear reactors LAMS-2257 Preliminary investigation of a five-crystal scintillation gamma-ray spectrometer LAMS-2258 Instrumentation and some related problems for neutron flux measurement of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory KIWI-A reactor LAMS-2259 Some reactor physics in the Rover project LAMS-2264 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending September 20, 1958 LAMS-2266 Nickel plating of oralloy for Godiva II LAMS-2268 Rolling of gold sheet for the LAPRE II pressure liner LAMS-2282 Pressure balance in a toroidal pinch LAMS-2283 Bibliography on the effects of hydrogen embrittlement on metals : 1952 to present LAMS-2288 Physics of intermediate reactors LAMS-2288-Suppl.1 Physics of intermediate reactors. Supplement LAMS-2290 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending December 20, 1958 LAMS-2293 Nuclear-critical accident at the Los Alamos Scientific Lab. on December 30, 1958 LAMS-2302 Bibliography on fission, 1952 to present LAMS-2311 Quarterly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending March 20, 1959 LAMS-2318 On the characteristics of oxides and nitrides precipitated from [alpha] tantalum LAMS-2319 Procedures for decontamination of plutonium from various surfaces LAMS-2324 Compilation of the Debye or characteristic temperatures for elements and compounds LAMS-2325 High temperature measuring techniques 1948 to present : bibliography LAMS-2328 Theory of gravitation 1920 to present (bibliograp- hy) LAMS-2330 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending June 20, 1959 LAMS-2333 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending June 20, 1959 LAMS-2339 FLOCO II manual LAMS-2342 Standard deviations of radiochemical analyses LAMS-2343 Literature search on the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of ionizing radiations LAMS-2346 The DSN and TDC neutron transport codes LAMS-2346-App.1 The DSN code LAMS-2346-Append.2 The TDC code LAMS-2356 On some mathematical problems suggested by biological schemes LAMS-2357 Equations of state of liquid and gaseous normal hydrogen and the application of multiple regression techniques to curve fitting LAMS-2359 An IBM 704 program for the computation of cross-section in gamma-ray zero-zero transitions in nuclei LAMS-2360 Coordinate transformations in intranuclear cascade studies LAMS-2363 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover Program for period ending September 20, 1959 LAMS-2364 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending September 20, 1959 LAMS-2365 WAT : a numerical method for two-dimensional unsteady fluid flow LAMS-2371 Particle orbits in a rotating magnetic field LAMS-2378-v.1 Chemical detectors : a bibliography for the industrial hygienist with abstracts and annotations LAMS-2378-v.2 Chemical detectors : a bibliography for the industrial hygienist with abstracts and annotations LAMS-2379 Methods of differencing in Eulerian hydrodynamics LAMS-2381 Stability of a linear pinch. Part II LAMS-2382 Bibliography of report literature on beryllium, January 1954-November 1959 LAMS-2382-Suppl. Bibliography of report literature on beryllium, January 1954-November 1959 LAMS-2384 Structural design of perforated plates : a review with annotated bibliography LAMS-2385 Field emission of electrons : a bibliography of abstracts LAMS-2386 Design considerations for a plasma thermocouple reactor LAMS-2387 Calculated properties of [mu]-mesonic atoms LAMS-2389 Collective octupole vibrations of deformed nuclei LAMS-2391 Nuclear explosions as neutron sources : talk given at Plowshare Symposium, San Francisco, Calif., May 13-15, 1959 LAMS-2393 High-temperature metal resistance furnace for vacuum or pressure operation LAMS-2395 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending December 20, 1959 LAMS-2396 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending December 20, 1959 LAMS-2397 Radioactivity in environmental air at Los Alamos, New Mexico, for the period November 17, 1958 through December 31, 1959 LAMS-2399 Hydrogen gas-liquid mixing experiments LAMS-2401-v.1 Bibliography on tungsten, its alloys and compounds LAMS-2401-v.2 Bibliography on tungsten, its alloys and compounds LAMS-2403 Solution of a problem to obtain the optimum energy for a rocket initially in a circular orbit LAMS-2404 Lightweight nuclear rocket reactors LAMS-2413 Tabulated values of thermal diffusion column shape factors for the Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential LAMS-2415 Critical data for nuclear safety guidance LAMS-2416 Development of reliable 20 kV, size A ignitrons for thermonuclear research LAMS-2421 Penetration of radiation with constant driving temperature LAMS-2422 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending March 20, 1960 LAMS-2423 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending March 20, 1960 LAMS-2427 A radiation reactor concept (Glowworm) LAMS-2428 Annihilation radiation counting for neutron activation determination LAMS-242A Addendum to LAMS-242 LAMS-2433 Proposed fast reactor installation project FRE-EX LAMS-2434 Fabrication of tantalum capsules for LAMPRE I reactor LAMS-2435 Crowbar code LAMS-2436 Approximate calculation of the temperature distribution surrounding coolant holes in a heat generating solid with finite value of fluid heat transfer coefficient LAMS-2437 On a method of measuring diffusion coefficients for fission products in powdered or sintered materials LAMS-2438 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending May 20, 1960 LAMS-2441 Large scale preparation of high purity plutonium metal by electrorefining : preliminary report LAMS-2443 Proceedings of the Conference on Scientific Applications of Nuclear Explosions held July 6-8, 1959, Los Alamos, New Mexico LAMS-2444 Quarterly status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending May 20, 1960 LAMS-2445 Biological and Medical Research Group (H-4) of the Health Division semiannual report July through December 1959 LAMS-2447 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period Ending June 20, 1960 LAMS-2448 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending June 20, 1960 LAMS-2452 Stability of difference equations : selected topics LAMS-2455 Biological and Medical Research Group (H-4) of the Health Division semiannual report, January through June 1960 LAMS-2457 Bibliography on magnetic susceptibility. 1, Actinide elements, their alloys and compounds, and 2, Methods and instrumentation LAMS-2462 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending August 20, 1960 LAMS-2464 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending August 20, 1960 LAMS-2469 Quarterly status report on Turret reactor experiment for period ending August 20, 1960 LAMS-2470 Kiwi-B heat exchanger and neutronics - dynamics analysis LAMS-2471 Dynamic sheath in an axial magnetic field LAMS-2472 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending Septemer 20, 1960 LAMS-2473 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending September 20, 1960 LAMS-2474 Radiation shielding for test cell "C" LAMS-2477 Stability of a diffuse hollow-core toroidal pinch LAMS-2481 Hypersonic plasma thermocouple LAMS-2482 Turret preliminary nuclear calculations LAMS-2483 A preliminary reort of the Kiwi-A tests LAMS-2484 A Preliminary design study of Kiwi-B type inlet reflector-core support structures LAMS-2487 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending November 20, 1960 LAMS-2488 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending November 20, 1960 LAMS-2489 Critical masses of composites of Oy and Pu-239-240 in Flattop geometry LAMS-2491 Modifications to CEC 21-620 mass spectrometer for increased sensitivity LAMS-2492 Kiwi-A prime tesst series. Part 1: final report on the Kiwi-A prime full power run LAMS-2495 Quarterly status report on Turret reactor experiment for period ending November 20, 1960 LAMS-2496 Metallurgical evaluation of tantalum alloys. Part I, Tantalum containing 0.1 or 3.0 w/o tungsten LAMS-2499 Beta-gamma radioactivity in environmental air at Los Alamos, New Mexico, for 1960 LAMS-2502 Miscellaneous data in support of LASL presentation before engine contract bidders briefing LAMS-2503 Fabricaton of mild detonating fuse LAMS-2504 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending December 20, 1960 LAMS-2505 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending December 20, 1960 LAMS-2506 Preparation of plutonium carbides and uranium monocarbide-plutonium monocarbide solid solution LAMS-2508 Comments on the optical surveillance systems LAMS-2512 Mission studies for nuclear heat exchanger rockets LAMS-2514 Consequences of the inhalation of insoluble particulate material containing an hydrolyzable radionuclide LAMS-2515 Nuclear powered lunar rockets LAMS-2517 Tabulated values of thermal diffusion column shape factors for the Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential LAMS-2518 Purification of plutonium fuels by mercury processing : (experimental survey) LAMS-2519 Nuclear rocket propulsion : a selected bibliograp- hy of the unclassified literature LAMS-2522 The POT code LAMS-2523 The TOP code LAMS-2526 Biological and Medical Research group (H-4) of the Health division : semiannual report, July through December 1960 LAMS-2529 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending February 20, 1961 LAMS-2531 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending February 20, 1961 LAMS-2532 Project Y, the Los Alamos story LAMS-2532-v.1 Manhattan District history : Project Y, the Los Alamos Project. Vol. I, Inception until August 1945 LAMS-2532-v.2 Manhattan District history : Project Y, the Los Alamos Project. Vol. II, August 1945 through December 1946 LAMS-2534 An Energy principle for the stability of hydromagnetic plasmas in equilibrium motion LAMS-2536 Artificial aurora and upper atmospheric shock produced by teak LAMS-2537 Critical data for nuclear safety guidance LAMS-2537 Correlations of experimental and theoretical critical data : comparative reliability, safety factors for criticality control LAMS-2538 Preliminary report on nuclear rocket dynamics and control LAMS-2539 KIWI-B system dynamics LAMS-2539-Suppl. 1 Equations representing reactor system with emphasis on KIB digital program LAMS-2541 2000 kilowatt sodium test facility project description and progress reports : 1. through June 30, 1958, 2. July 1 through September 30, 1958, 3. October 1 through December 31, 1958, 4. January 1 through March 31, 1959, 5. April 1 through September 30, 1959 LAMS-2542 Accident and transient characteristics of Kiwi-B reactors LAMS-2543 Six and sixteen group cross sections for fast and intermediate critical assemblies LAMS-2544 Quarterly status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending March 20, 1961 LAMS-2545 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending March 20, 1961 LAMS-2546 Simplified plasma propeller LAMS-2546-Suppl. Preliminary nozzling of the plasma propeller LAMS-2547 Applications of low power nuclear rocket engines LAMS-2548 Notes on power, flow rate, and temperature programming for Kiwi reactors LAMS-2551 Proposal for the use of the method of characteris- tics as a condition on the numerial solutions of two-dimensional Lagrangian isentropic flow LAMS-2552 Breeding in the equilibrium sense LAMS-2555 Kiwi reactor cores : heat transfer and propellant flow studies LAMS-2557 Turret shielding report LAMS-2561 Turret core calculations LAMS-2562 Bibliography on self-diffusion of pure metals in the solid state, 1950-1960 LAMS-2564 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE Program for period ending May 20, 1961 LAMS-2566 Low exposure method for disposing of high activity wastes LAMS-2567 The particle-and-force computing method for fluid dynamics LAMS-2570 Quarterly status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending May 20, 1961 LAMS-2571 Pressure balance in the toroidal orthogonal pinch LAMS-2573 Mechanical quadrature and the transport equation LAMS-2574 Plutonium-240 cross sections and their temperature dependence LAMS-2576 Thermal performance of Kiwi-A' and Kiwi-A3 LAMS-2579 Critical mass measurements of Oy and Pu cores in spherical aluminum reflectors LAMS-2580 Calculation of the beta energy absorbed by tritiated gases in spherical vessels LAMS-2581 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending June 20, 1961 LAMS-2582 Quarterly status rpeort of LASL ROVER program for period ending June 29, 1961 LAMS-2583 Hot pressing of low-molybdenium-uranium alloys LAMS-2587 The Fabrication of uranium-loaded graphite LAMS-2588 Radiation measurement of the effluent from the KIWI-A series of reactors LAMS-2593 Calculation to simulate the underground Bernalillo shot LAMS-2596 Ionization of the interplanetary gas LAMS-2597 Analytical chemistry program for the analysis of uranium-loaded graphite fuel elements LAMS-2598 Operating characteristics of a cesium diode utilizing fission heating of the emitter LAMS-2600 Monthly status report for LASL NERVA activities for period ending July 20, 1961 LAMS-2601 MADCAP III LAMS-2602 Health problems associated with the acceleration of tritons in a 2.5 MeV Van de Graaff LAMS-2603 Maxwell averages for DT and DD below 1 kilovolt LAMS-2604 Hindered settling rates of concentrated suspensions of uranium dioxide in sodium LAMS-2605 Castle and Teapot Elf EM signals : Albert loop data LAMS-2607 The IVY system LAMS-2609 Proposal for a 3.5 megajoule magnetic compression experiment Scylla IV LAMS-2610 Computations on the parameter values inside of the E. M. source LAMS-2612 Powder rolling of molybdenum and tungsten LAMS-2615 Monthly status report for LASL NERVA activities for period ending August 20, 1961 LAMS-2616 Coulomb wave functions LAMS-2619 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending August 20, 1961 LAMS-2620 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending August 20, 1961 LAMS-2622 The Mechanical and structural aspect of the LASL electrostatic analyzer experiment for Project Mariner LAMS-2623 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending August 20, 1961 LAMS-2624 Electromagnetic signal from a bomb burst in Vacuo LAMS-2627 Biological and Medical Research group (H-4) of the Health division : semiannual report, January through June 1961 LAMS-2628 Atomic hydrogen recombination and catalysis by molecules and particles LAMS-2629 A Preliminary study : Siting information for the fast reactor core test facility LAMS-2630 KIWI-A prime test series, part II : final report on the KIWI-A3 full power run LAMS-2632 Mission analysis for nuclear propulsion LAMS-2633 Stability of a high-speed plasma stream LAMS-2634 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending September 20, 1961 LAMS-2637 Quarterly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending October 20, 1961 LAMS-2639 Preparation of pure impervious magnesia by aqueous slip casting LAMS-2640 Thermodynamic properties of seven metals at zero pressure LAMS-2642 Energy and time dependence of delayed gammas from fission LAMS-2645 Quarterly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending November 20, 1961 LAMS-2646 The Gas deposition of pyrolytic graphite and niobium carbide protective coatings on graphite fuel elements of Kiwi-A prime and Kiwi-A3 LAMS-2647 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending November 20, 1961 LAMS-2648 Interaction of liquid hydrogen with the Kiwi-B reactor LAMS-2649 Energy levels in cesium LAMS-2650 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending November 20, 1961 LAMS-2651 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending November 20, 1961 LAMS-2652 Studies on the polymorphs of HMX LAMS-2655 Monthly status report for LASL NERVA activities for period ending December 20, 1961 LAMS-2658 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending December 20, 1961 LAMS-2659 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending December 20, 1961 LAMS-2660 Plutonium facility operating procedures in CMF-5 LAMS-2668 NbC cladding of bores and NbC vapor coating of ends of uranium-loaded graphite fuel elements for Kiwi-B1A LAMS-2670 Monthly status report for LASL Nerva activities for period ending January 20, 1962 LAMS-2673 Surface fitting of the equation of state of liquid and gaseous normal hydrogen LAMS-2674-Pt. 1 Critical review of refractories. Part 1. Selected properties of group 4a, -5a, and -6a carbides LAMS-2674-pt.2 Critical review of refractories. Part 2, Selected properties of group 4a, -5a, and -6a nitrides LAMS-2675 Properties of tungsten of interest in the field of nuclear power : a selected, annotated bibliography LAMS-2676 Monthly status report for LASL Nerva activities for period ending February 20, 1962 LAMS-2678 Quarterly status report on Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX) for period ending February 20, 1962 LAMS-2681 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending February 20, 1962 LAMS-2682 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending February 20, 1962 LAMS-2688 A Feasibility study of the disposal of a Rover reactor with high explosives LAMS-2692 An Energy measurement of PuF[sub 4] neutrons and the neutron dose rate from PuF[sub 4] processing equipment LAMS-2694 Monthly status report for LASL NERVA activities for period ending March 20, 1962 LAMS-2695 Kiwi-B1A gamma dose rate measurements LAMS-2697 Thermal calibration of the converted peewee neutron survey instrument LAMS-2698-Rev. Hazards evaluation for the Los Alamos critical assembly facility LAMS-2701 T[sub 62]He[sup 3] temperature scale. IV. Tables LAMS-2702 Beta-gamma radioactivity in environmental air at Los Alamos, New Mexico, for 1961 LAMS-2704 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending March 20, 1962 LAMS-2705 Quarterly status report of LASL Rover program for period ending March 20, 1962 LAMS-2706 Radiation effects on semiconductor devices LAMS-2708 Final report on the KIWI-B-1A full-power run LAMS-2709 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending April 20, 1962 LAMS-2710 Project Rover : primary radiological safety guide and hazards evaluation for Kiwi-B reactors LAMS-2710-Rev. Project Rover : primary radiological safety guide and safety analysis report for Kiwi-B reactors LAMS-2713 A Description of a time dependent radiation hydrodynamics transport code and some numerical results LAMS-2716 High density W-UO[sub 2] by activated sintering LAMS-2718 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending May 20, 1962 LAMS-2720 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending May 20, 1962 LAMS-2721 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending May 20, 1962 LAMS-2722 Quarterly status report on Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX) for period ending May 20, 1962 LAMS-2725 H4LM graphite LAMS-2726 Examination of gross particles from Kiwi-A3 nuclear rocket propulsion reactor at Nevada test site LAMS-2728 Preliminary design of a high power rocket propulsion reactor LAMS-2734 Pulsed ruby laser for plasma interferometry LAMS-2736 Application of ultra-fine particles in tungsten powder metallurgy LAMS-2738 Status report of LASL ROVER program for period from May 20 to July 20, 1962 LAMS-2740 Scattering of non-relativistic systems with arbitrary spin LAMS-2741 Status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for four-month period ending July 20, 1962 LAMS-2744 Reflector savings of moderating materials on large diameter U(93.2%) slabs LAMS-2745 Difference equations for plane thermal elasticity LAMS-2747 Code for reducing many-group cross sections to few groups LAMS-2752 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending August 20, 1962 LAMS-2753 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending August 20, 1962 LAMS-2754 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending August 20, 1962 LAMS-2755 Leakage neutron spectrum of U[sup 233] critical assembly LAMS-2756 Preparation of neptunium-237 metal LAMS-2760 Equation of state of Nevada alluvium LAMS-2762 Digital programs for para hydrogen properties LAMS-2764 Monte Carlo calculation of neutron detection efficiency of a hydrogen bubble chamber LAMS-2770 Rise through the atmosphere of a hot bubble LAMS-2771 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending September 20, 1962 LAMS-2773 Some observations of the effect of atmospheric humidity on the flow of metal powder LAMS-2774 Some Rover neutronics studies LAMS-2779 Bibliography on corrosion by liquid meals (1957-September 1962) LAMS-2780 Biological and Medical Research group (H-4) of the Health division : annual report July 1961 through June 1962 LAMS-2781 Isotope effect in the recombination of iodine atoms LAMS-2782 Status report on Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX) for four-month period ending September 20, 1962 LAMS-2783 Extraction of fission products from Rover fuel elements LAMS-2793 Parametric survey of tube and fin type radiators LAMS-2794 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending October 20, 1962 LAMS-2795 On the computation of the transport of radiation LAMS-2796 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending October 20, 1962 LAMS-2797 Epoxy potting systems for high voltage, high amperage circuitry LAMS-2798 Formulation of a low static accumulating, resilient vinyl coating for explosive handling equipment LAMS-2799 A brief survey of production techniques used at LASL for fabrication of custom gaskets LAMS-2800 Flexible neutron shielding systems based on vinyl plastisols LAMS-2801 Code for reducing many-group cross sections to few groups LAMS-2803 Effect of two-phase flow in startup studies of Kiwi-B LAMS-2807 Field of a magnetic bubble LAMS-2809 RATH MESHER : a 7090 program for preparing input data for heat conduction codes LAMS-2810 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending November 20, 1962 LAMS-2814 Reactor irradiation of uranium-impregnated graphite at 1500[degree]C to 10% burnup LAMS-2815 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE Program for period ending November 20, 1962 LAMS-2816 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending November 20, 1962 LAMS-2826 A method for Eulerian fluid dynamics LAMS-2829 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending December 20, 1962 LAMS-2830 Reactor exhaust temperature experiment Kiwi-A3 LAMS-2832 The solubility of selected elements in liquid plutonium. I, Carbon LAMS-2835 Quarterly status report on Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX) for period ending December 20, 1962 LAMS-2839 Pilot model : induction heated rotating fluidized bed LAMS-2840 Phoebus II reactor analysis LAMS-2845 Computer data processing system : Project ROVER, 1962 LAMS-2846 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending January 20, 1963 LAMS-2852 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending January 20, 1963 LAMS-2856 A general Monte Carlo neutronics code LAMS-2870 Beta-gamma radioactivity in environmental air at Los Alamos, New Mexico, for 1962 LAMS-2872 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending February 20, 1963 LAMS-2873 Anisotropic scattering in the transport equation : an evaluation of common approximations LAMS-2874 Quarterly status report of the LASL Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program for period ending February 20, 1963 LAMS-2875 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE Program for period ending February 20, 1963 LAMS-2878 Strontium-90, cesium-137, and radioactive rare earths in environmental rain and air at Los Alamos, New Mexico, 1958-June 1963 LAMS-2879 Plants as monitors of radioactive contamination of the environment of Los Alamos, New Mexico LAMS-2882 Some approximate calculations of the wall pressure profile for the case of the Chapman-Jouquet detonation in a finite mass of high explosive adjacent to a rigid wall LAMS-2883 Study of fission neutron spectra with high-energy activation detectors LAMS-2884 Processing of UC-PuC with tributyl phosphate LAMS-2893 Monthly status report for LASL ROVER program for period ending March 20, 1963 LAMS-2894 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending March 20, 1963 LAMS-2895 Selected bibliography of publications of L.A.S.L. research, 1957-1962 LAMS-2895-Suppl. Selected bibliography of publications of L.A.S.L. research, 1957-1962 (supplement) LAMS-2896 Graphite-hydrogen-methane kinetics above 1600[degrees]K LAMS-2898 Compaction and sintering of PuO[sub 2]-type 302B stainless steel powder mixtures LAMS-2903 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for the period ending April 20, 1963 LAMS-2904 Test cell a shielding study : KIWI B-4A LAMS-2905 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending April 20, 1963 LAMS-2906 A new brittleness test for powder metallurgy materials LAMS-2911 Comparison of computed and measured behavior of fast theta pinches LAMS-2913 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending May 20, 1963 LAMS-2915 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending May 20, 1963 LAMS-2916 Quarterly status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending May 20, 1963 LAMS-2917 Ceramic-to-metal seals for high temperature operation LAMS-2919 Investigations of underground explosions in Nevada sandy soil LAMS-2920 RAC : a computer program for reactor accident calculations LAMS-2930 Study of a heterogeneous reactor for rocket propulsion LAMS-2931 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending June 30, 1963 LAMS-2932 Radiation measurements of the effluent from the KIWI B-1A, B-1B, and B-4A reactors LAMS-2933 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending June 20, 1963 LAMS-2934 Temperature-flow stability experiments LAMS-2935 Outline of the proposal for a meson facility at Los Alamos LAMS-2937 Radioactive gaseous effluents from a homogeneous reactor LAMS-2941 Los Alamos group-averaged cross sections LAMS-2944 Numerical studies of the theta pinch LAMS-2945 TA-10 Bayo Canyon cleanup : May 1963 LAMS-2946 Health physics bibliography on tritium LAMS-2948 Compatibility evaluation of materials with cesium LAMS-2949 Quarterly status report on solid plutonium fuels program for period up to June 30, 1963 LAMS-2950 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending July 20, 1963 LAMS-2951 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending July 20, 1963 LAMS-2952 The solubility of selected elements in liquid plutonium. II, Tantalum LAMS-2954 Computing the critical frequencies of stepped shafts LAMS-2955 Critical dimensions of uranium (93.5)-graphite-wa- ter spheres, cylinders, and slabs LAMS-2956 A versatile cathodic etcher LAMS-2959 Health physics planning for a high-pressure tritium gas experiment at a university LAMS-2960 Implicit radiation diffusion LAMS-2962 Radiation hazard resulting from tritium diffusion in glove box operations LAMS-2963 Dose rates, activity, and shielding transmission factors for U[sup 235] fission products after short irradiation LAMS-2965 Total optical emissivity and electrical resistivity of (U[sub 0.3]Zr[sub 0.7])C in the temperature range 1400[degrees]K to 2800[degrees]K LAMS-2966 KIWI B-1B control systems : test cell "A" LAMS-2966-Suppl. KIWI B-1B control systems : test cell "A" LAMS-2967 Coupled core reactors LAMS-2968 Investigation of coupled Rover cores LAMS-2969 Methods of chemical analysis used in the research and development program for pyro-coated uranium dicarbide-loaded graphite fuel elements LAMS-2970 Monthly status report of LASL REVOER program for period ending August 20, 1963 LAMS-2971 Studies of refractory-metal-UO[sub 2] fuel materials LAMS-2971 Improved performance of w-based UO[sub 2] fuel materials LAMS-2973 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending August 20, 1963 LAMS-2975 The Fourier transforms of (x[sup 2] + a[sup 2])[sup minus 1] (x[sup 2] + b[sup 2])[sup minus 1/2] LAMS-2977 A comparison of the neutron dose rates obtained with the single-sphere instrument, multisphere method, and Hurst proportional counter LAMS-2979 Fast neutron interactions with Li[sup 6] and Li[sup 7] LAMS-2982 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending September 20, 1963 LAMS-2983 Impact and thermal tests on transport containers ICC 2-R and ICC 6-J LAMS-2983-Suppl. Supplemental impact tests on ICC 6-J and ICC 2-R container (B.E. 1736) LAMS-2984 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending September 20, 1963 LAMS-2985 Numerical integration of a 97 KT explosion in sea level air LAMS-2986 Switching circuit analysis program SCAP-1 LAMS-2988 The Differential Thermal Analysis Unit at Group GMX-3 LAMS-2993 Time-density study of H[sub 2]O in Kiwi B4 fuel elements with varying impact velocities LAMS-2994 Loss of zirconium and uranium from fluidized beds of ZrC and UC-ZrC particles at high temperatures LAMS-2998 Radiation transmission measurements on two Kiwi-model impact tests LAMS-2999 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending October 20, 1963 LAMS-3000 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending October 20, 1963 LAMS-3002 Status report on opacity calculations LAMS-3002-MS-Suppl.2 Status report on opacity calculations LAMS-3002-Suppl.1 Status report on opacity calculations. Supplement 1 LAMS-3002-Suppl.2 Status report on opacity calculations LAMS-3004 Semiannual status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending October 20, 1963 LAMS-3008-BDX An Eletropneumatic control drum actuation subsystem and dynamic shaft seal development LAMS-3009 Pions, muons, and nuclear structure LAMS-3011 Selected contributions to high-pressure research from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory LAMS-3012 Experimental studies relating to rotating fluidized bed reactors LAMS-3013 Some low energy neutrino cross sections LAMS-3014 Radiative and conductive opacities and monochroma- tic absorption coefficients for air LAMS-3015 Radiative and conductive opacities and monochroma- tic absorption coefficients for copper LAMS-3017 Radiative and conductive opacities and monchromat- ic absorption coefficients for iron and aluminum LAMS-3018 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending November 20, 1963 LAMS-3021 Quarterly status report on LAMPRE program for period ending November 20, 1963 LAMS-3022 Deoxidation of tantalum with some reactive metals LAMS-3023 Quarterly status report on solid plutonium fuels program for period July 1 through September 30, 1963 LAMS-3025 Introduction to the proposed Los Alamos Meson Project LAMS-3027 An examination of a model of a search by the sense of "smell" LAMS-3028 Some ethical and social problems of science and technology : a bibliography of the literature from 1955 LAMS-3030 Nuclear physics applications of a high-flux meson facility LAMS-3032 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending December 20, 1963 LAMS-3034 Biological and medical research group (H-4) of the health division annual report, July 1962 through June 1963 LAMS-3036 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending December 20, 1963 LAMS-3039 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending January 20, 1964 LAMS-3041 Comments on a steady-state plasma accelerator LAMS-3042 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending January 20, 1964 LAMS-3047 Calculated density of lithium hydride and lithium hydroxide for various isotopic compositions LAMS-3053 Search for the Mossbauer resonance of the 137 keV [gamma] ray of Fe[sup 57] LAMS-3054 Quarterly status report on solid plutonium fuels program for period October 1-December 31, 1963 LAMS-3055 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending February 20, 1964 LAMS-3057 Quarterly status report on plutonium reactor fuel development for period ending February 20, 1964 LAMS-3059 Energy depostion in the atmosphere by delayed gammas from fission LAMS-3062 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending March 20, 1964 LAMS-3063 Graphite corrosion studies for the ultra high temperature reactor experiment LAMS-3065 Feasibility study of the co-extrusion of refractory metal clad reactor fuel elements LAMS-3067 Los Alamos critical-mass data LAMS-3068 Optimal control of nuclear reactor processes LAMS-3069 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending March, 20, 1964 LAMS-3070 Pressure oscillations induced by forced convection heat transfer to two phase and supercritical hydrogen : preliminary experiments LAMS-3071 Beta-gamma radioactivity in environmental air at Los Alamos, New Mexico, for 1963 LAMS-3074 Detection of nuclear explosions in space including detector information for launch 2 LAMS-3075 Tewa -- an IBM code for computing the maxwellian doppler broadening of breit-wigner resonances LAMS-3076 Interim report on blast simulation by selt LAMS-3079 Recent progress in transport theory LAMS-3080 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending April 20, 1964 LAMS-3081 The effect of lateral inertia on the propagation of plastic strain in a cylinfrical rod LAMS-3083 A digital computer method for design and analysis of axisymmetric thin shells subjected to pressure and thermal environments LAMS-3084 Quarterly status report of the LASL plasma thermocouple development program for period ending April 20, 1964 LAMS-3085 Semi annual status report of the LASL controlled thermonuclear research program for period ending April 20, 1964 LAMS-3086 Experimental observation of a cesium plasma diode with a nickle emitter LAMS-3089 Large explosive-driven plywood shock tubes LAMS-3090 Respirator drying cabinet LAMS-3092 Studies on the alpha-to-beta and beta-to-alpha phase transformation of plutonium LAMS-3093 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending May 20, 1964 LAMS-3096 Plutonium reactor fuel development : quarterly status report for period ending May 20, 1964 LAMS-3099 Theory of gravitation, 1959-1963 : bibliography LAMS-3104 The radiochemical purification of europium and a study of the nuclear properties of Eu[sup 157], Eu[sup 158], and Eu[sup 159] LAMS-3107 Quarterly status report on solid-plutonium fuels program for period January 1-March 31, 1964 LAMS-3110 Monthly status report of LASL ROVER program for period ending June 20, 1964 LAMS-3111 Automatic startup for nuclear reactors LAMS-3112 Quarterly status report on ultra high temperature reactor experiment (UHTREX) for period ending June 20, 1964 LAMS-6246 Use of Rover-like systems as drivers for LMFBR fuel pin tests LAMS-6286 Power distribution requirements for transient proof testing in 37-pin bundles LAMS-6330 Numerical calculation of flashing from long pipes using a two-field model LAMS-NUREG-6231 Multicomponent analysis of the carbon/water equilibria in the HTGR primary coolant system LAMS-NUREG-6246 Use of Rover-like systems as drivers for LMFBR fuel pin tests LAMS-NUREG-6286 Power distribution requirements for transient proof testing in 37-pin bundles LAMS-NUREG-6330 Numerical calculation of flashing from long pipes using a two-field model