Los Alamos Technical Reports This file lists the Los Alamos Technical Reports numbered LA-5000 through LA-5999 in the Los Alamos Library online catalog. The text of many of these reports are available online. Access the Los Alamos Library catalog by telnetting to "library.lanl.gov" without the quotes. Compiled by Gregory Walker, gwalker@netcom.com. For more information on nuclear weapons, visit Trinity Atomic Web Site at http://www.envirolink.org/issues/nuketesting/ LA-5000 Origins and history of the Los Alamos Meson Physics facility LA-5001 Parameter study of spall calculations in one-dimensional hydrodynamics codes LA-5001-MS Parameter study of spall calculations in one-dimensional hydrodynamics codes LA-5002 Evaluation of uranium alloys LA-5003-MS Self-focusing passive media I LA-5005 Development of carbide-carbon composite fuel elements for Rover reactors LA-5008 History of the plutonium bioassay program at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1944-1972 LA-5010 Multiple-pass laser heating of a magnetically confined plasma LA-5012-PR Performance of multiple HEPA filter against plutonium aerosols for period March 1 through June 30, 1972 LA-5013-T State estimation in discrete-time linear systems with quadratic form observers LA-5016-PR Aerosol research and development related to health hazard analysis LASL project R-038, April 1 through June 30, 1972 LA-5017-MS Dart technology development : final report LA-5018 Medium-energy physics program : quarterly report for the period ending July 31, 1972 LA-5018-PR Medium-energy physics program : quarterly report for the period ending July 31, 1972 LA-5019 Low-density limit of the theta pinch LA-5019-MS Low-density limit of the theta pinch LA-5020 Patricia II : two level overlayed indexes for large libraries LA-5020-T Patricia II : two level overlayed indexes for large libraries LA-5021-PR Quarterly report on the space electric power R and D program for the period ending July 31, 1972 LA-5022 Respirator-cartridge filter efficiency under cyclic and steady-flow conditions LA-5024 Capture cross section of Pu-238 from persimmon : tabulation of values LA-5024-MS Capture cross section of Pu-238 from persimmon : tabulation of values LA-5025-PR Annual progress report of the Defense Nuclear Agency sponsored cross-section evaluation group : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory : July 1, 1971 through June 30, 1972 LA-5026-P Proposed experiments on heating, staging, and stabilization of theta pinches LA-5026-P-Rev. Proposed experiments on heating, staging, and stabilization of theta pinches LA-5028-MS Programmer's guide to the microprogrammed branch driver for the PDP-11 LA-5029 On the construction of tetrahedra with given edge lengths LA-5030 Field photography of projectiles in flight : summary of techniques and equipment LA-5030-MS Field photography of projectiles in flight : summary of techniques and equipment LA-5031 Note on inverse bremsstrahlung in a strong electromagnetic field LA-5031-MS Note on inverse bremsstrahlung in a strong electromagnetic field LA-5032 Computer analysis of differential light scattering from coated spheres LA-5033-PR Theoretical reactor physics program and annual report : FY 1972 : April 1 to June 30, 1972 LA-5034 Computer-generated optical sound tracks LA-5036 Effect of interstitial gases on the shock sensitivity of granular PETN LA-5037 Spontaneous ignition : finite element solutions for steady and transient conditions LA-5038 Nonlinear radiation transport simulation with an implicit Monte Carlo method LA-5039 Water supply at Los Alamos during 1971 LA-5039-MS Water supply at Los Alamos during 1971 LA-5040 Summary of Los Alamos municipal well-field characteristics, 1947-1971 LA-5040-MS Summary of Los Alamos municipal well-field characteristics, 1947-1971 LA-5041 Physical and biological aspects of high let radiations with reference to radiotherapy LA-5041-MS Physical and biological aspects of high let radiations with reference to radiotherapy LA-5042 Fission cross section of [sup 249]Cf from physics-8, table of values LA-5043 Coupled neutron-gamma ray multigroup cross sections for nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, aluminum, carbon, iron, and hydrogen LA-5043-MS Coupled neutron-gamma ray multigroup cross sections for nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, aluminum, carbon, iron, and hydrogen LA-5044-MS-v.1 Nuclear engine definition study preliminary report. Volume 1, Engine description LA-5044-MS-v.2 Nuclear engine definition study preliminary report. Volume 2, Supporting studies LA-5044-MS-v.3 Nuclear engine definition study preliminary report. Volume 3, Preliminary program plan LA-5046-MS Studies on the beam dynamics of the high-intensity proton beam line in the injector complex of LAMPF LA-5047 Nuclear wave functions from particle transfer data LA-5047-MS Nuclear wave functions from particle transfer data LA-5048 Gamma-ray production cross sections for 1- and 2-MeV neutron interactions with [sup 235]U and[sup 239]Pu LA-5049-MS Transition region LA-5050-PR Electroexplosives safety qualifications : July 1 through August 31, 1972 LA-5051 Cross sections and analyzing powers in deuteron elastic scattering LA-5052 Pauli principle and pion scattering LA-5052-MS Pauli principle and pion scattering LA-5054-PR Quarterly progress report of LASL Rover program for the period ending August 31, 1972 LA-5055 Plutonium-scandium system LA-5056 Electromagnetic pulse from an underground nuclear explosion LA-5057 Nuclear rocket reference data summary LA-5057-MS Nuclear rocket reference data summary LA-5058 Holographic interferometry cookbook LA-5058-MS Holographic interferometry cookbook LA-5059 Specifications for CAMAC subroutines LA-5059-MS Specifications for CAMAC subroutines LA-5061 Monte Carlo sampler LA-5061-MS Monte Carlo sampler LA-5062-PR CMB-13 research on carbon and graphite : report no. 20 : summary of progress from November 1, 1971 to January 31, 1972 LA-5063 On the use of an electrodeless ring-discharge source to separate the second and third spectra of chlorine LA-5064 Analytical methods for fissionable materials in the nuclear fuel cycle : program status report, June 1971-June 1972 LA-5064-SR Analytical methods for fissionable materials in the nuclear fuel cycle : program status report, June 1971-June 1972 LA-5065-MS Megagauss field applications : a selection of LASL internal reports LA-5067 Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly progress report : April 1 to June 30, 1972 LA-5067-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly progress report : April 1 to June 30, 1972 LA-5068 Low-temperature equation of state for metals LA-5070 Proposed fast electronics for EPICS LA-5070-MS Proposed fast electronics for EPICS LA-5071 [sup 252]Cf assay system for FBR fuel pins : description and operating procedures manual LA-5072 Spectrometer design at LASL LA-5072-MS Spectrometer design at LASL LA-5073 Using multiwire proportional chamber decoders LA-5073-MS Using multiwire proportional chamber decoders LA-5075 Computation of magnetic end fields, and comparison with measurement LA-5076 Electro-mechanical tolerance requirements for quadrupoles from the beam optical aberrations LA-5076-MS Electro-mechanical tolerance requirements for quadrupoles from the beam optical aberrations LA-5077 3D magnetic field computations and comparison with measurements LA-5077-MS 3D magnetic field computations and comparison with measurements LA-5078 Application of the random source interrogation system (random driver) at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant : preliminary results LA-5078-MS Application of the random source interrogation system (random driver) at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant : preliminary results LA-5079 Proposal for EPICS data acquisition software LA-5079-MS Proposal for EPICS data acquisition software LA-5083 Cross sections for P [plus] nucleus [yields] [pi plus minus] [plus]... for 740-MeV protons LA-5083-MS Cross sections for P [plus] nucleus [yields] [pi plus minus] [plus]... for 740-MeV protons LA-5084 Magnetic measurements on the LASL prototype magnet LA-5084-MS Magnetic measurements on the LASL prototype magnet LA-5085 Using the CA3054 MWPC amplifier LA-5085-MS Using the CA3054 MWPC amplifier LA-5086 Laser pulse propagation through ionizable media LA-5086-MS Laser pulse propagation through ionizable media LA-5087 Reversible magnetic energy transfer and storage systems LA-5087-MS Reversible magnetic energy transfer and storage systems LA-5088 Least-structure unfolding code LA-5089 Monte Carlo transport routine for the "U.S. Standard Atmosphere" (1962) to an altitude of 90 kilometers LA-5089-MS Monte Carlo transport routine for the "U.S. Standard Atmosphere" (1962) to an altitude of 90 kilometers LA-5091 Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, May-August 1972 LA-5091-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, May-August 1972 LA-5092 Computer control of EPICS beam line and spectrometer LA-5092-MS Computer control of EPICS beam line and spectrometer LA-5094 Internal reaction phenomena in prototype subterrene radiant heater penetrators LA-5094-MS Internal reaction phenomena in prototype subterrene radiant heater penetrators LA-5095-PR Physics for safety analysis program for the period July 1 - September 30, 1972 LA-5097 Los Alamos land areas environmental radiation survey 1972 LA-5097-MS Los Alamos land areas environmental radiation survey 1972 LA-5098-PR Theoretical reactor physics program: July 1 - September 30, 1972 : quarterly report LA-5100 YAQUI : an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian computer program for fluid flow at all speeds LA-5101 Comparative power studies of some tests of normality LA-5101-MS Comparative power studies of some tests of normality LA-5102 Transmission of a train of short intense laser pulses LA-5102-MS Transmission of a train of short intense laser pulses LA-5103 LASL computer network LA-5103-MS LASL computer network LA-5104-PR Development of air-sampling techniques : LASL project R-059 : quarterly report, May 16 through September 15, 1972 LA-5105-PR Evaluation of methods for the determination of mercury : LASL project R-060, July 1 through September 30, 1972 : quarterly report LA-5106 Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly progress report, July 1-September 30, 1972 LA-5106-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly progress report, July 1-September 30, 1972 LA-5108 Determination of total amount of volatiles in mixed-oxide reactor fuel pellets LA-5110 EXOTIC : a computer code for energy levels of EXOTIC atoms LA-5111 Fabrication and properties of tungsten [minus]60 VOL% lead hollow cylinders LA-5112 Permissible multipole field components in quadrupole magnets LA-5112-MS Permissible multipole field components in quadrupole magnets LA-5113 Space electric power R and D program : quarterly report for the period ending October 31, 1972 LA-5113-PR Space electric power R and D program : quarterly report for the period ending October 31, 1972 LA-5114 HEX : a one-dimensional code for computing x-ray absorption LA-5115 Proceedings of the 1972 proton linear accelerator conference, October 10-13, 1972 LA-5116 Linear functions, differing weights, and nonlinear least squares LA-5118 MCA focal : a real-time programming system for multichannel analysis on a PDP-9/PDP-15 computer LA-5118-MS MCA focal : a real-time programming system for multichannel analysis on a PDP-9/PDP-15 computer LA-5119 Electronic control system for temperature regulation LA-5120-PR Accelerator-produced radioisotope program : July 1 through September 30, 1982 : quarterly report LA-5121 Reference theta pinch reactor (RTPR) : a study of a pulsed high-beta fusion reactor based on the theta pinch LA-5122 Recent progress in the large-scale skid sensitivity test LA-5123-PR CMB-13 research on carbon and graphite : report no. 21 : summary of progress from February 1 to April 30, 1972 LA-5124 Geology of the Jemez plateau west of Valles Caldera LA-5125-PR Research on carbon and graphite quarterly progress report from July 1 to September 30, 1972 LA-5126 Magnet alignment study for the LAMPF biomedical pion channel LA-5127-MS-v.1 Transuranic waste repository studies LA-5129 Petrography of some rock types of the precambrian basement near the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory geothermal test site, Jemez mountains, New Mexico LA-5131 Pressure measurements on the shock-induced decomposition of high-density PETN LA-5132 Nonlinear diffusion of pulsed magnetic fields in planar and cylindrical plasmas LA-5133-PR Quarterly progress report of LASL Rover program for the period ending November 30, 1972 LA-5134 Gamma-ray production cross sections for 5- to 8-MeV neutron interactions with U-235 LA-5135 Internal temperature distribution of a subterrene rock-melting penetrator LA-5136 MC-M'O2 composites : a new thermal insulator LA-5137 Coupled neutron-gamma multigroup-multitable cross sections for 29 materials pertinent to nuclear weapons effect calculations generated by LASL/TD division LA-5138 Direct : a neutron-transport cross section and trial-solution data retrieval system LA-5139 New laminated bus for the nuclear instrument module system LA-5140-MS Improved thermal-shock-resistant carbides LA-5141-MS LASL group M-6 summary report : the birdseed program LA-5142 Oxidation behavior of transit capsule T-47 LA-5144 Design and operation of a microprogrammed branch driver for a PDP-11 computer LA-5145-MS Laser CTR systems studies LA-5146 Numerical calculation of surface waves : a modified Zuni code with surface particles and partial cells LA-5147 Special graphites and carbide-graphite composites developed at LASL LA-5148 Twenty-seven year study of selected Los Alamos plutonium workers LA-5149 Some factors bearing on the decay and reversal of the plasma current in Z pinches LA-5151 CO[sub]2 gas laser studies LA-5151-MS-Suppl.1 CO[sub]2 gas laser studies LA-5151-MS-Suppl.2 CO[sub]2 gas laser studies LA-5153 Particle physics at LAMPF LA-5154-MS Electron transport in gas discharge lasers LA-5155 Medium-energy physics program : quarterly report for the period ending October 31, 1972 LA-5156-M Neutron coincidence detector for FBR fuel pins : description and operating procedures manual LA-5157-MS Monte Carlo photon codes : MCG and MCP LA-5159 Projected multiple scattering distributions LA-5160-MS Data sheets for PPO radioisotopic fuel LA-5160-MS-Rev.1 Data sheets for PPO radioisotopic fuel LA-5161-PR Accelerator-produced radioisotope program : quarterly report for the period October 1 through December 31, 1972 LA-5163 Source sampling in the Flash Monte Carlo computer code LA-5164 Development of air sampling techniques : LASL project R-059 : quarterly report, September 16-December 31, 1972 LA-5166-MS Laser modulator LA-5167-MS Multipass systems for CO[sub 2] laser plasma heating and diagnostic scattering experiments LA-5168-MS-pt.1-2 Instrumentation for high temperature chemical process control. Part 1, Digital readout for optical pyrometer. Part 2, Periodically sensing alarm system LA-5169 Compatibility of Zircaloy-4 and Nb-1 wt% Zr alloy in hydrogen as a function of temperature LA-5170 Performance of multiple HEPA filters against plutonium aerosols : progress report, July 1-December 31, 1972 LA-5171-MS n-d breakup reaction and the n-n scattering length LA-5172 Evaluated neutron-induced cross sections for Pu-239 and Pu-240 LA-5173 Particulate composite materials technology LA-5175-MS Neutrino disintegration of the deuteron at LAMPF energies LA-5176 G[sup]3 : general purpose gamma-ray scattering program LA-5177-PR Quarterly report on the physics for safety analysis program for the period October 1 through December 31, 1972 LA-5178-MS Radial collapse of a dense plasma spindle focus LA-5179-PR Quarterly report on the theoretical reactor physics program, October 1 through December 31, 1972 LA-5180-C Conference on particle accelerators in radiation therapy, October 2-5, 1972, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico LA-5181-MS Sensitive optical photometer for use at 1.27 microns LA-5182 Aerosol research and development related to health hazard analysis : quarterly report, July 1-December 31, 1972 LA-5184 Environmental monitoring in the vicinity of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory : calendar year 1972 LA-5186 Time- and space-resolved photochromism of hydration electrons produced during nanosecond radiation pulses LA-5187 Velocity distributions by correlation techniques LA-5188-PR Evaluation of methods for determining mercury : LASL project R-060 : quarterly report, October 1-December 31, 1972 LA-5189-MS Nuclear furnace-1 test report LA-5190-C Proceedings of the sixth LAMPF users meeting held at University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Nov. 13-14, 1972 LA-5191-P Proposal for a 14-MeV intense neutron source at Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-5193-PR Quarterly progress report on the advanced plutonium fuels program : October 1 to December 31, 1972 LA-5195-MS Proportional chambers with monofilar helical cathodes for high spatial resolution LA-5196-MS Scattering formulas for the two-particle reaction LA-5197-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, September-December 1972 LA-5198-MS Use of hydrazine compounds to increase the speed and contrast of industrial radiographic film LA-5199-MS Experiments in the new LASL MPD Arcjet Test Facility LA-5200 Manhattan district history : nonscientific aspects of Los Alamos Project Y, 1942-1946 LA-5202-MS Thermodynamic analysis of MHW space electric power generator LA-5203-MS Los Alamos field pulse-height analyzer LA-5204-MS Subterrene penetration rate : melting power relationship LA-5205-MS Design and development of prototype universal extruding subterrene penetrators LA-5206-MS Identification of potential applications for rock-melting subterrenes LA-5207-MS Heat loss calculations for small diameter subterrene penetrators LA-5208-MS Phenomena associated with the process of rock melting : application to the subterrene system LA-5209-MS Development and construction of a modularized mobile rock-melting subterrene demostration unit LA-5210-MS Large subterrene rock-melting tunnel excavation systems : a preliminary study LA-5211-MS Subterrene electrical heater design and morphology LA-5212-MS Design description of melting-consolidating prototype subterrene penetrators LA-5213-MS Description of field tests for rock melting penetration LA-5215 Measurements of helium release from materials containing Pu O[sub]2-238 LA-5216 H[sub]2-atmosphere furnace-brazing and soldering-- oven production operation at LAMPF LA-5218-MS Optimization of the superconducting switch in a superconducting magnetic energy storage system LA-5219-MS CDC 7600 : fortran optimizing techniques LA-5220-M LASL quality assurance manual for engineering and construction LA-5221 Evaluation of the radiative-capture cross section for tungsten LA-5222-MS Mechanical design of the LAMPF low-energy pion channel LA-5223-PR CMB-13 research on carbon and graphite : report no.22 : summary of progress from May 1 to July 31, 1972 LA-5224 Material science experience gained from the space nuclear rocket program : insulators LA-5224 Research, development and production of substoichiometric zirconium carbide for high-temperature insulation LA-5225-MS One-degree of freedom model for the taylor instability of an ideally plastic metal plate LA-5227-PR Annual report of the Biological and Medical Research Group (H-4) of the LASL Health Division : January through December 1972 LA-5228 D + CIF(sub 3) : molecular beam kinetics LA-5230-T Study of the (pi+, p) and (pi+, pp) reactions on selected light nuclei LA-5231-MS Encomium on solar sailing LA-5232 Determination of platinum, iridium, and rhodium in uranium alloys by atomic-absorption spectrophotom- etry LA-5233-PR Research on carbon and graphite : quarterly progress report from October 1 through December 21, 1972 LA-5234-MS Regional survey of tritium in surface and ground water in the Los Alamos area, New Mexico, August 1966 - May 1969 LA-5235-MS Continuous crystallization of high explosives LA-5236-PR Respirator studies related to the AEC directorate of regulatory standards : July 1-December 31, 1972 LA-5238 Evaluation of depleted-uranium alloys for use in armor-piercing projectiles LA-5240-MS MCP code flourescence-routine revision LA-5241-MS Photon emission from gases induced by tritium beta decay LA-5243-MS Fresnel diffraction effects in the design of high-power laser systems LA-5245-MS Electronic system for drop smasher LA-5246-MS Determination of trichinellae in pork LA-5247 Etchant for (U, Pu)O[sub]2 irradiated fuel and irradiated cladding LA-5248 PLAN2 : a receipts and disbursements code for preparing R and D operating plans LA-5249-PR Accelerator-produced radioisotope program : quarterly report : January 1 through March 31, 1973 LA-5250-PR LASL controlled thermonuclear research program : progress report for a 12-month period ending December 1972 LA-5251-PR Laser program at LASL : progress report for the period July 1 through December 31, 1972 LA-5253-MS Compilation of requests for nuclear data LA-5254-MS Small particle statistics : the analysis of particle "size" data LA-5255-MS Initial development and characterization of plutonia-iridium cermets (PIC) LA-5257 Determination of the EMP enhancement factor LA-5258-PR USAEC division of applied technology superconduct- ing magnetic energy storage project at LASL : progress report LA-5260-T New techniques in precision gamma scanning : application to fast-breeder fuel pins LA-5261 A Small, inexpensive albedo-neutron dosimeter LA-5262-PR Quarterly report on the medium-energy physics program for the period ending January 31, 1973 LA-5265-T Reactions of N[sub]2 F[sub]4 and SF[sub]6 with H[sub]2 induced by CO[sub]2 laser pulses and by electrical discharge LA-5266-MS Recommendations for implementing radiotherapy with negative pions at LAMPF LA-5267-M Biohazards manual LA-5269-MS Energy loss of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma LA-5270 Multifrequency phase-coherent pulse NMR spectrometer : description and operation LA-5271-PR USAEC-DAT DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report, November 1, 1972 to March 1, 1973 LA-5273 Iterative procedure for alignment in underground nuclear testing LA-5274-T Exact analytical solution to the two-body problem with a separable (nonlocal) central and tensor interaction LA-5275-PR Physics for safety analysis program : quarterly report for the period January 1 through March 31, 1973 LA-5277-MS Specification of a generally useful multigroup structure for neutron transport LA-5278-MS Decay of overdriven detonations in nitromethane LA-5280 Polynomial solutions of the Schroedinger equation applied to photon cross sections in atoms LA-5281-MS Transuranic waste research and development program LA-5282-MS Ecological investigation of radioactive materials in waste discharge areas at Los Alamos for the period July 1, 1972 - March 31, 1973 LA-5284-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly report, January 1 - March 31, 1973 LA-5285-MS Recommended use of SI units in the nuclear rocket engine program LA-5286-MS Underground movement of tritium from solid-waste storage shafts LA-5287-PR Research on carbon and graphite quarterly progress report from January 1 through March 31, 1973 LA-5289-MS Geothermal energy LA-5291-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, January - April 1973 LA-5292-MS Energy loss in spuerconducting magnetic energy storage coils LA-5293-PR Theoretical reactor physics program : quarterly report January 1 through March 31, 1973 LA-5295-MS Preliminary study of open-cycles space power systems LA-5296-MS Water supply at Los Alamos during 1972 LA-5297-MS Comparative evaluation of serveral glass-fiber filter media LA-5298-MS Superconductive magnetic energy storage for peakshaving in the power industry LA-5300-MS Physics input to negative pion therapy LA-5301-MS Silica in water in relation to cooling tower operation LA-5302-MS Programming the MBD model I LA-5303-MS Apparatus for the reduction of tritium emissions into the atmosphere LA-5304-MS Cylindrical point coils for magnetic field mapping LA-5305-MS Safety manual : L-Division : laser research & technology LA-5305-MS-Rev.1 Safety manual : L-Division : laser research & technology LA-5305-MS-Rev.2 Safety manual : L-Division : laser research & technology LA-5305-MS-Suppl.1 Safety manual : L-Division : laser research & technology. Supplement 1, Hazardous chemicals - Fluorine (F[sub 2]) LA-5306-MS Radiation-hardened magnets using mineral-insulated conductors LA-5307-MS LAMPF data handling workshop : introduction to CAMAC LA-5308-PR Development of air sampling techniques : LASL project R-059 : quarterly report, January 1-March 31, 1973 LA-5310-MS EPICS bifilar helical chamber interface electronics and data acquisition system LA-5313 Study to determine the phase diagram of the BDNPA/F system LA-5314-MS Design options and trade-offs in superconducting magnetic energy storage with irreversible switching LA-5317 Error analysis of a [sup 252]Cf fuel-rod-assay system LA-5318 Efficient illumination of a sphere LA-5319 Lattice parameters of the ternary delta phases Pu-Ga-Al and Pu-Ga-Zr LA-5320-MS Hydrogen absorption by AB[sub]5 compounds LA-5323-MS Laser pulse shaping with nonlinear materials LA-5324-MS Report of the Subcommittee on Standard Interface Files LA-5325 Experimental technique for determining four elastic properties of anisotropic, hemispherical shells LA-5326-MS Uniform dose distribution with moving negative pion beams LA-5328-MS Heat transfer and chemical stability calculations for controlled thermonuclear reactors (CTR) LA-5329 Measurement of oxygen-to-metal atom ratios in uranium and plutonium oxides LA-5331-T Total energy as a function of lattice parameter for copper using the self-consistent APW method LA-5332 Trace : an interactive beam-transport program LA-5334-MS Theory of IMPAC1 analysis of impact loaded radioactive material shipping containers LA-5336 Engineering design study of a reference theta-pinch reactor (RTPR) LA-5336-v.2 An engineering design study of a reference Theta-pinch reactor (RTPR) : environmental impact study LA-5340-PR Development of a multistage tandem air sampler for mercury : LASL project R-060 : quarterly report, January 1-March 31, 1973 LA-5343-MS LAMPF data handling workshop : introduction to PDP-11 DOS-8 LA-5344-MS Users manual for IMPAC1, a lumped mass nonlinear spring computer program to analyze shipping containers subjected to impact LA-5345-PR Accelerator-produced radioisotope program : quarterly report April 1 through June 30, 1973 LA-5347-SR Analytical methods for fissionable materials in the nuclear fuel cycle : program status report, June 1972-June 1973 LA-5348-MS Heating of target cell components by secondary particles produced by the LAMPF proton beam LA-5349-PR Performance of multiple HEPA filter against plutonium aerosols, January 1-June 30, 1973 LA-5351-MS Monitor for radioactive gas in the LAMPF accelerator beam channel LA-5352-MS HEPA filter effectiveness during tornado conditions LA-5353-T Theoretical calculations of conformations of the adenosine mono-, di-, and triphosphate molecules LA-5354-MS Systems and cost analysis for a nuclear subterrene tunneling machine a preliminary study LA-5356-T Method of moments applied to an invariant-imbeddi- ng solution of a certain class of Fredholm integral equations LA-5357-M CMB-11 health and safety booklet LA-5358-PR Quarterly report on the medium-energy physics program for the period ending April 30, 1973 LA-5359-PR Aerosol research and development related to health hazard analysis, January 1 through June 30, 1973 LA-5360-MS Field and current distribution in coaxial superconductors LA-5361-PR USAEC-DAT DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report, March 1-June 30, 1973 LA-5362-MS Regional geology and geophysics of the Jemez Mountains LA-5364 A unified model of solar system and galaxy formation based on explosive fragmentation LA-5366-PR Laser program at LASL : progress report January 1 through June 30, 1973 LA-5367-MS Service modules for version II standard interface data files LA-5368-C Notes and comments on the Round Table Conference on Detonations, Colorado Springs, June 20-21, 1972 LA-5369-PR Quarterly report, physics for safety analysis program : April 1 through June 30, 1973, and annualr report, FY 1973 LA-5370-MS Use of the rock-melting subterrene for formation of drainage holes in archaeological sites LA-5372 Weapons neutron research facility (WNRF) storage ring system : technical study LA-5373-MS Improvements in hot-wire electroexplosive devices LA-5374-PR Quarterly report on the theoretical reactor physics program : April 1 - June 30, 1973, and annual report, FY 1973 LA-5375-PR Annual progress report of the Defense Nuclear Agency sponsored cross-section evaluation group : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory : July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973 LA-5376-MS Reflections concerning criteria for design of a high-gradient accelerating tube LA-5377-MS Economics of superconducting magnetic energy storage systems for load leveling : a comparison with other systems LA-5378 Initial value problems of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability type LA-5379-MS Computer-oriented gamma scan system LA-5380-MS Relativistic electron pinch thermonuclear device LA-5382-PR Progress report, short-pulsed propagation and imaging, November 1972 - July 1973 LA-5383-MS Bend ductility of rolled W-25% Re and W-35% Re-18% Mo alloys LA-5386-MS Seismic program of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory LA-5389-PR Development of air sampling techniques : quarterly report, April 1-June 30, 1973 LA-5390-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly report, April 1-June 30, 1973 and seventh annual report, FY 1973 LA-5391-MS Diffraction from circular and irregular apertures LA-5392-MS Summary of radiation transport and radiation hydrodynamics LA-5393-T Analyzing power, polarization, and polarization transfer measurements in the reaction T(p,n)[sup 3]He LA-5394-MS Arithmetic box for enrichment meter and neutron assay instruments LA-5396-MS A multiwire proportional chamber spectrometer for nucleon-nucleon experiments LA-5398-MS Performance of (U, Zr)C-graphite (composite) and of (U, Zr)C (carbide) fuel in the nuclear furnace 1 test reactor LA-5399-P Long confinement experiment (LCE) proposal LA-5400-MS Publications of LASL research, 1967-1971 LA-5402-PR Joint services explosive program : quarterly progress report June 15 through August 15, 1973 LA-5403-MS Thermonuclear burn characteristics of compressed deuterium-tritium microspheres LA-5404-MS Programming the MBD model II LA-5405-MS The standard instrument calibration aerosol test system LA-5406-MS Sodium : clean energy storage medium for vehicular power LA-5407-MS The method of sampling certain probability densities without inversion of their distribution functions LA-5408-MS HIT : a Monte Carlo target-coverage routine LA-5409 The kinetics of an H[sub]2-F[sub]2 explosion as initiated by a pulse of fluorine atoms LA-5410-MS ANSIFT : an ANSI Standard FORTRAN sifting program LA-5411-MS Sensitivity of fusion reactor average cross sections to thermal broadening of the 14-MeV neutron peak LA-5412-T Polarization transfer in proton-deuteron elastic scattering LA-5413-PR Research on carbon and graphite quarterly progress report from April 1 through June 30, 1973 LA-5414-MS A back diode oscillator for operation below one degree Kelvin LA-5415-PR Progress report on the USAEC division of applied technology superconducting magnetic energy storage project at LASL : March 1 through June 30, 1973 LA-5418-PR Identification and purification of the Hog Cholera Virus antigens : semiannual report, January 1-June 30, 1973 LA-5419-PR Hog Cholera conjugate evaluation : annual report, July 1, 1972-June 30, 1973 LA-5420-PR Soluble antigen fluorescent antibody test for detection of antibodies to trichinella spiralis and hog cholera virus in hog sera : semiannual report, January 1-June 30, 1973 LA-5421-PR Rapid differential diagnosis of newcastle disease virus annual report, July 1, 1972-June 30, 1973 LA-5422-MS Versatile rock-melting system for the formation of small-diameter horizontal glass-lined holes LA-5423-MS Carbon receptor reactions in subterrene penetrators LA-5424-MS [Muon]-capture and the n-n scattering length LA-5425-MS In situ permeability measurements for the event in U1-C LA-5426-MS Method for increased accuracy in eulerian fluid dynamics calculations LA-5427-MS PACER program : a strong explosion in a spherical cavity : two-dimensional evolution LA-5428-MS Triplet : a two-dimensional, multigroup, triangular mesh, planar geometry, explicit transport code LA-5429 Determination of uranium and thorium in carbon and silicon carbide-coated uranium-thorium carbide fuel beads LA-5430-MS Nova branch-driver operation LA-5431-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, May-August 1973 LA-5433-MS Piplan, a treatment-planning code for pions LA-5434-MS Scaling laws for the linear theta pinch : a comparison of magnetic and laser heating LA-5435-MS Rock heat-loss shape factors for subterrene penetrators LA-5436-MS Conversion of para to orthohydrogen in a gamma-ray and radiation field LA-5439-PR Medium-energy physics program : quarterly report for the period ending July 31, 1973 LA-5440-MS He sensitivity study LA-5442-MS U-0.83 wt% Ti alloy : cooling rates of gamma-quen- ched alloy, resulting microstructure and response to aging LA-5443-C Lectures from the LAMPF Summer School on the Theory of Pion-Nucleus Scattering, July 23-26, 1973 LA-5444-MS Symmetry of laser-driven implosions LA-5445-C Plutonium and environmental metals in man : Inter-laboratory Meeting, May 9, 1973 LA-5447-MS Energy and environment : systems and perspectives LA-5448-MS Note on the calculation of energy deposition of alpha particles in a DT plasma by Rutherford scattering LA-5449-MS Simulation of turbulence in fireballs LA-5451-PR Transuranic waste research and development program quarterly report, March-June 1973 and transuranic contaminated solid waste treatment program annual report, FY 1973 LA-5452 Metal atom oxidation lasers LA-5453-PR Accelerator-produced radioisotope program : quarterly report, July 1 through September 30, 1973 LA-5454 The effect of particle size on the carrier-distil- lation analysis of PuO[sub]2 LA-5455-MS Use of multiple 4[pi] radiation sources for quasi-uniform irradation of square surfaces LA-5456-MS Nuclear heat and hydrogen in future energy utilization LA-5457-MS SD-4 quality assurance calibration system LA-5458-MS Relationship of self-focusing to spatial instability modes LA-5459-SR Rapid excavation by rock melting : LASL Subterrene Program, December 31, 1972-September 1, 1973 LA-5460-PR High-speed physical methods for detecting Trichinellae in meat : annual report, July 1, 1972-June 30, 1973 LA-5461-PR Enzyme-labeled antibody activities : annual report, July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973 LA-5462-PR Transport code development and code-coordination program : quarterly report : July 1 - September 30, 1973 LA-5463-MS Tables of solutions of the diophantine equation x[sup 3] + y[sup 3] = z[sup 3] - d LA-5464-MS Degeneracies of vibration-rotation levels in certain octahedral molecules LA-5465-MS Symmetry properties of the lattice dynamics of twenty-three crystals LA-5466-MS Vacuum ultraviolet emission from a neon-seeded theta pinch LA-5467-PR Development of a multistage tandem air sampler for mercury : LASL project R-060 : quarterly report, April 1 through September 30, 1973 LA-5468-PR USAEC-DAT DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report, July 1 - September 30, 1973 LA-5470-PR Respirator studies for the AEC Division of Operational Safety : progress report, January 1 - June 30, 1973 LA-5472-PR USAEC Division of Applied Technology Superconduct- ing Magnetic Energy Storage Project at LASL : progress report : July 1 through September 30, 1973 LA-5473-MS MULTI : a FORTRAN code for least-squares shape fitting of neutron cross-section data using the Reich-Moore multilevel formalism LA-5474-P Proposal for the contruction of a Scylla IV-P confinement studies theta pinch LA-5474-P-Suppl.1 Supplement to proposal for the construction of a Scylla IV-P confinement studies theta pinch LA-5475-MS Twin-tube conduction radionuclide calorimeter LA-5476 High-beta tokamak LA-5477-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly report, July 1-September 30, 1973 LA-5479 Test problems for hydrocodes LA-5479-Rev. Test problems for hydrocodes LA-5480-MS FUELPIN : a data retrieval system for nuclear fuel pin information LA-5481-MS The calculation of ionization in hyrodrodynamics codes. I, Theory LA-5482-PR Contamination limits for real and personal property : progress report for the period January to June 1973 LA-5483-MS Proposed interim standard for plutonium in soils LA-5484-PR Quarterly report : development of air sampling techniques : LASL Project R-059, July 1 through September 30, 1973 LA-5485-M UF[sub]6 enrichment monitor : operating procedures manual LA-5486-MS Standard interface files and procedures for reactor physics codes, version III LA-5487-T Development of the OSO-6 high-energy neutron detector and correlation of measured solar neutron fluxes to solar flares LA-5488 Selection of respirator test panels representative of U.S. adult facial sizes LA-5489 Mass spectrometric determination of [sup 18]O/[sup 16]O ratios to locate the source of oxygen in snap fuel capsule components LA-5490 Spectrophotometric measurement of uranium in plutonium dioxide LA-5491-MS Development of a LASL whole-air sampler for WB-57F aircraft LA-5496-MS Soft apertures for reducing damage in high-power laser-amplifier systems LA-5497 Determination of carbon, hydrogen, and tritium in irradiated reactor fuels and cladding materials LA-5498-MS Analysis of pellet-to-pellet data from nuclear reactor fuel rod scanning systems LA-5499-MS Scaling laws for the linear theta pinch. II, Circulating power in a high-field reactor LA-5502-MS Heat transfer and thermal treatment processes in subterrene-produced glass hole linings LA-5503 Theory of pion scattering by nuclei II LA-5504-MS Multiple scattering enhancement of X rays LA-5505-C Proceedings of conference on transient cosmic gamma- and x-ray sources, September 20-21, 1973 LA-5506-PR Preparation and evaluation of medical-grade plutonium-238 fuels, July 1, 1971-June 30, 1973 LA-5508-MS Failure of cooling tower LOB-CT-1 LA-5511-MS An MBD primer LA-5512-PR Transuranic solid waste management research program : quarterly report, July-September 1973 LA-5514-PR Quarterly report : physics for safety analysis program : July 1 through September 30, 1973 LA-5515-MS Reaction between plutonium and deuterium. Part I, Rate measurements by pressure changes LA-5516-MS Properties of Amatex/20 LA-5517-MS Conceptual design of a coring subterrene geoprospector LA-5518-PR Quarterly report on the medium-energy physics program for the period ending October 31, 1973 LA-5519-MS Functionals additive on a symmetric set LA-5520-MS Relationship between air sampling data from glove box work areas and inhalation risk to the worker LA-5521-PR Joint Services Explosive Program : quarterly report, August 16 through November 30, 1973 LA-5523-MS Low deadtime delay line readout for position-sens- itive proportional counters LA-5524 Helium release and microstructural changes in [sup 238]PuO[sub 2] LA-5525-M-v.1 General guide to the central computing facility LA-5525-M-v.1-Rev. General guide to the central computing facility LA-5525-M-v.2 Guide to the program library and abstracts LA-5525-M-v.3-Rev. The LASL Fortran extended reference manual LA-5525-M-v.4 Reference manual for the CDC 6600 SCOPE system LA-5525-M-v.5-Rev. Common file system reference manual LA-5525-M-v.5A Reference manual for the CDC 7600 CROS system LA-5525-M-v.5B Advanced topics for the CDC 7600 CROS system LA-5525-M-v.6 LTSS user's guide LA-5525-M-v.7 CTSS overview LA-5525-M-v.7-Rev. DEMOS user's guide LA-5525-M-v.8 Los Alamos integrated graphics system : user's guide LA-5525-M-v.9 An XNET user's guide for VMS LA-5526-MS Shipping cask for fast reactor fuel elements LA-5527-MS Plutonia Aerodynamic Disk (PAD) summary report LA-5528 Directional response and energy dependence of four neutron remmeters LA-5529-MS Time-of-flight measurements at the LAMPF low-energy pion channel LA-5530-SR Present status and future program of the ZT-1 experiment LA-5531 Direct use of young tableau algebra to generate the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of SU(2) LA-5532-MS Plasma chemistry and the dynamics of carbon foils irradiated by high intensity laser pulses LA-5534-MS Alternating-direction galerkin methods for parabolic hyperbolic problems on rectangular polygons LA-5535-C Proceedings of the symposium on practical applications of accelerators, Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility, August 27-31, 1973 LA-5538 FITWEIB : a program to fit failure data to Weibull probability parameters LA-5539 Determination of selected rare earths in uranium alloys by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry LA-5540-MS Selected physiochemical properties of basaltic rock, liquids, and glasses LA-5542-PR Laser program at LASL : progress report, July 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5544-PR Performance of multiple HEPA filters against plutonium aerosols : July 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5546-PR Applied nuclear data research and development : quarterly progress report for the period July 1 through September 30, 1973 LA-5547-MS The invariant decomposition of the equations governing hydrodynamic flow and thermal conductivity LA-5548-MS Experimental observations of underwater detonations near the water surface LA-5552 Neutron scattering cross section of [sup 197]Au LA-5553-MS Estimated values of fractional yields from low energy fission and a compilation of measured fractional yields LA-5555-PR Aerosol research and development related to health hazard analysis : July 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5556-PR Serologic test systems development : semiannual report, July-December 1973 LA-5557-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, September-December 1973 LA-5558 Application of technology from the Rover program and related developments LA-5559 Ecological considerations of depleted uranium munitions LA-5560 An exact solution to pure binary reaction problems LA-5562-MS Electron transport coefficients and vibrational excitation rates for electrically excited CO[sub]2 gas lasers LA-5563 Measurements of neutron and gamma-ray spectra from iron and tungsten spheres bombarded with neutrons from the [sup 2]H(t,n)[sup 4]He reaction LA-5564 X-ray spectrographic determination of iridium in LiH or LiD LA-5565-MS Application of cell analysis and sorting techniques to disease detection (rapid differenti- al diagnosis of Newcastle disease virus) LA-5566-MS An irradiation test of some magnet components of the LAMPF linear accelerator LA-5567-PR Research on carbon-aluminum composites : progress report : September 1, 1973 - January 31, 1974 LA-5568 Improved two-column ion exchange separation of plutonium, uranium, and neodymium in mixed uranium-plutonium fuels for burnup measurement LA-5570-PR Applied nuclear data research and development : quarterly progress report : October 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5571-MS The antimony-beryllium neutron source for the LASL water boiler reactor LA-5572-MS Design and development of a combination impulse transducer LA-5573-MS Development of a mobile rock-melting subterrene field unit for univerisal extruding penetrators LA-5574-PR Respirator studies for the AEC Division of Operational Safety : progress report, July 1-December 31, 1973 LA-5575-MS Two-frequency nonlinear Taylor instability LA-5576-PR Physics for safety analysis program : quarterly report : October 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5577-PR Transport code development and code-coordination program : quarterly report : October 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5579-PR Contamination limits for real and personal property : progress report, July-December 1973 LA-5580-PR Quarterly report on the medium-energy physics program for the period ending January 31, 1974 LA-5581-PR USAEC-DAT DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report, October 1-December 31, 1973 LA-5582-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly report : October 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5583-PR Short-pulse propagation and imaging : final progress report : November 1972 through October 1973 LA-5584 Stochastic/analog simulator for viscous, incompressible fluid flow LA-5586 Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1973 LA-5587-MS A Method to estimate the specific fussions in [sup 235]U using a NaI crystal LA-5588-PR Progress report : USAEC division of applied technology superconducting magnetic energy storage project at LASL, October 1 through December 31, 1973 LA-5589-MS Shipping container for plutonium-238 as fissile material class 1 LA-5590-MS Near infrared photography of the outer corona during the 30 June 1973 solar eclipse LA-5593 Compatibility of Hafnalloys 105 and 150 with [sup 238]PuO[sub 2] LA-5594-MS Relativistic Schroedinger equation LA-5595-MS Preliminary study of the quality of water in the drainage area of the Jemez River and Rio Guadalupe LA-5596 Conceptual design of a heat pipe methanator LA-5598-MS Uniform depth-dose distributions from monoenerget- ic negative pion beams LA-5599-MS TSAAS : finite element thermal and stress analysis of axisymmetric solids with orthotropic temperature-dependent material properties LA-5599-MS-Rev. TSAAS : finite element thermal and stress analysis of plane and axisymmetric solids with orthotropic temperature-dependent material properties LA-5600-MS Publications of LASL research, 1972 LA-5602-MS Calculation of steam flow and hydraulic fracturing in a porous medium with the KRAK code LA-5603-MS Burn characteristics of marginal deuterium-tritium microspheres LA-5604-MS Ablation stability of laser-driven implosions LA-5605-MS Experimental measurement of in situ stress in granite by hydraulic fracturing LA-5606-PR Quarterly report : thermochemical production of hydrogen from water, January 1 through March 31, 1974 LA-5607-MS Laser pulse propagation code LA-5608-MS Numerical solution of melt flow and thermal energy transfer for the lithothermodynamics of a rock-melting penetrator LA-5609-MS Data acquisition software for a MWPC spectrometer LA-5610-MS XSMOD : a code for the modification of the Los Alamos master data file LA-5611-MS Evidence of anomalously reduced electron thermal conduction in laser-produced plasmas LA-5612-PR Respirator studies related to the AEC directorate of regulatory standards January 1-December 31, 1973 LA-5613-MS Ayer heat conduction computer program LA-5614-PR Quarterly report : transuranic solid waste management research programs, October-December 1973 LA-5615-MS Design considerations for a high-pressure, equation-of-state experiment LA-5616-PR Quarterly report LA-5617-MS Delay line readout of anode planes in proportional chambers LA-5618-MS Slit scattering in the epics beam line LA-5619-MS Calculations of laser induced spall in aluminum targets LA-5619-MS-Rev. Calculations of laser induced spall in aluminum targets LA-5620-PR Respiratory studies for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, July 1, 1972 through June 3, 1973 LA-5621-MS PLACID : a general finite element computer program for stress analysis of plane and axisymmetric solids LA-5622-MS Relationship of fabrication parameters to selected properties of [sup 238]PuO[sub 2] radioisotopic fuels I : dimensional changes, stoichiometries, and microstructural features LA-5623-PR Quarterly report : transport code development and code-coordination program, January 1 - March 31, 1974 LA-5624 The Dissolution of [sup 238]Pu in environmental and bilogical systems LA-5625-PR Physics for safety analysis program : January 1 through March 31, 1974 : quarterly report LA-5626-MS Instrumentation for granite test no. 1 LA-5627 Preparation of working calibration and test materials for intra- and interlaboratory surveillance of nuclear materials measurement methods : plutonium nitrate solution LA-5629-MS LINX : library interpretation of neutron x-sections LA-5630-MS Laser-enhanced chemical reactions and the liquid state : an introduction LA-5630-MS-v.2 Laser-enhanced chemical reactions and the liquid state. II, Possible applications to nuclear fuel reprocessing LA-5631-MS Methods of energy transfer from a magnetic energy storage system using a transfer capacitor and a superconducting switch LA-5632-MS An approach to energy systems analysis and conservation LA-5633-PR Annual report of the Biomedical and Environmental Research Program of the LASL Health Division, January-December 1973 LA-5634-PR Development of air-sampling techniques : LASL project R-059 : progress report, October 1, 1973-March 31, 1974 LA-5635-MS A survey of a 210-kJ dense plasma focus (DPF-6) LA-5636-MS Water supply at Los Alamos during 1973 LA-5637-T The Electronic structure and optical properties of some first row transition metal oxyhalides LA-5638-MS Process-development studies on 1,5-diacetyl-3,7-d- initro-1,3,5,7-tetra-azacyclooctane (DADN), an intermediate in a new synthesis of HMX LA-5639-MS New technique for nonlinear optical problems LA-5640-MS On CTR breakeven including energy transfer and recovery efficiencies LA-5641-MS Approximate spherical blast theory and laser-init- iated pellet microexplosions LA-5644-MS BINX : BCD interpretation of neutron x-sections LA-5645 Guidelines for the interim storage of AEC-generat- ed solid transuranic wastes LA-5647-MS Short account of Los Alamos theoretical work on thermonuclear weapons, 1946-1950 LA-5648-MS An identifying, momentum-sensitive detector system for negative pions LA-5649 Performance of pulsed 805-MHz, 1.25-MW klystrons into mismatched loads LA-5651-M Fundamentals of passive nondestructive assay of fissionable material LA-5651-M-Suppl. Fundamentals of passive nondestructive assay of fissionable material : laboratory workbook LA-5652-M Passive segmented gamma scan operation manual LA-5653-MS Free energy in concentration space LA-5654 Particle size distribution of fragments from depleted uranium penetrators fired against armor plate targets LA-5655-PR Applied nuclear data research and development : quarterly progress report : January 1 through March 31, 1974 LA-5656-PR LASL controlled thermonuclear research program : progress report for a 12-month period ending December 1973 LA-5658 PHERMEX evaluation of Air Force tungsten and U-0.75 wt[per cent] Ti penetrators LA-5659 Stability and nonexplosive hydrogen flouride production in atmospheric-pressure hydrogen-oxyge- n-flouride mixtures LA-5660-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly report, January 1-March 31, 1974 LA-5661 Studies of plutonium, americium, and uranium in environmental matrices LA-5662-MS Fourteen-MeV, neutron-induced gamma-ray production cross sections LA-5664-MS Potential fatigue problems in first-wall laser-controlled fusion reactors LA-5665-MS Liquid phase sintering of W-Ni-Fe in a temperature gradient LA-5666-PR Transuranic solid waste management research programs : quarterly report, January-March 1974 LA-5667-MS U.S. energy and priorities LA-5672 Sealed-tube dissolution method for determination of nitride nitrogen in boron carbide LA-5673-MS Transformer for injection experiments LA-5675-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, January-April 1974 LA-5676-MS Optimum vibrational excitation of CO molecules in CO-N[sub]2 mixtures LA-5679 Preliminary study of plasma nuclear reactor feasibility LA-5680 KACHINA : an eulerian computer program for multifield fluid flows LA-5681 Portal monitor for diversion safeguards LA-5683-MS Model for the CW power output of the HF chemical laser LA-5684-PR USAEC-DAT DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report, January 1-March 31, 1974 LA-5686-PR Physics for safety analysis program : April 1 through June 30, 1974 and annual report, FY 1974, quarterly report LA-5687 PENDF : a library of nuclear data for Monte Carlo calculations derived from data in the ENDF/B format LA-5689-MS Geothermal well technology and potential applications of subterrene devices : a status review LA-5691 Semiempirical cable design LA-5692-MS Assay of the uranium content of Rover scrap with the random source interrogation system LA-5693-MS Theory of drift-cone modes of collisionless plasma in cylindrical geometry LA-5694-MS Thomas-Fermi calculation of potential between atoms LA-5696-SR Analytical methods for fissionable materials in the nuclear fuel cycle : program status report, June 1973 - June 1974 LA-5697-MS LASL advanced plutonium LMFBR fuel program publications LA-5698-MS Measurements of x-ray scattering at 90[degrees] in selected beryllium foils at fluorescent energies from 3.312 to 10.532 keV LA-5699-MS Magnetically protected first wall for a laser-induced thermonuclear reaction LA-5703-SR-Rev. Status report : laser fusion target fabrication : 30 April 1974 LA-5704-MS Yokifer : a two-dimensional hydrodynamics and radiation transport program LA-5705-MS Safety test no. S-6 launch pad abort sequential test : phase I : low-velocity HSA impact LA-5706-MS Laser fusion for laymen LA-5707-MS Management information for LAMPF LA-5708-PR Medium-energy physics program : quarterly report for the period ending April 30, 1974 LA-5711-PR Quarterly report : Joint services explosives program : March 16 through June 30, 1974 LA-5712-MS Tactical nuclear weapons : objectives and contraints LA-5713-MS Numerical solution of the flow structure in tornado-like vortices LA-5714-PR Transport code development and code-coordination program : quarterly report : April 1--June 30, 1974 LA-5716-MS Dispersion and movement of tritium in a shallow aquifer in Mortandad canyon at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory LA-5717-MS Multiple time scale perturbation for two frequency nonlinear taylor instability LA-5718-MS Laser controlled thermonuclear reactor system studies LA-5719-PR Application of cell analysis and sorting techniques to disease detection : progress report, July, 1973-June 30, 1974 LA-5720-MS Sensor and simulation notes LA-5721-MS Impurity effects on low-temperature physical properties of uranium LA-5722-MS Dose-rate effect on life shortening in mice LA-5723-MS Second Monte Carlo sampler LA-5724-MS Recovery and residual injury in monkeys exposed to large doses of radiation by fractionation LA-5725-MS Air volume and energy transfer through test holes and atmospheric pressure effects on the main aquifer LA-5726-PR Contamination limits for real and personal property : progress report, January-June 1974 LA-5727-PR Applied nuclear data research and development quarterly progress report : April 1 through June 30, 1974 LA-5728 Cation exchange behavior of lanthanides and trivalent actinides in ethanol-hydrochloric acid LA-5729-MS Scattering phase shifts for the coulomb plus separable potential problem LA-5730-MS Anomalous sintering behavior in the 95%W - 3.5%Ni - 1.5% Fe composite LA-5731-PR Thermochemical production of hydrogen from water : quarterly report : April 1 through June 30, 1974 LA-5732-MS Absolute differential cross sections for neutron production by the H-2(d,n)He-3 reaction with E/sub d/ from 6 to 17 MeV LA-5734-SR Scrapie histology image enhancement LA-5735-MS C division software branch project handbook LA-5739-PR Laser program at LASL : progress report, January 1-June 30, 1974 LA-5741-PR Research on carbon-aluminum composites : progress report, February 1-July 31, 1974 LA-5742-MS Surfaces of revolution with various normal intersection properties LA-5743-MS Hydrodynamics and burn of optimally imploded DT spheres LA-5744 Storm runoff and transport of radionuclides in DP Canyon Los Alamos County, New Mexico LA-5745-MS FCFTR : a computer code to convert standard CCCC interface files to FTR files LA-5746-MS Neutron energy flux and dosage in the LAMPF [pi sup minus] biomedical channel LA-5747-MS Calculations of equilibrium compositions in exchange reactions LA-5748-MS Magnetic energy transfer and storage (METS) program schedules for a fusion test reactor (FTR) LA-5749-MS Fast versatile preamplifier for use in particle physics LA-5750 Table of calculated nuclear properties LA-5751-PR Probe activities : annual report, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974 LA-5752 Central Computing Facility planning study : technical overview LA-5754-MS PACER program : FY-1974 LASL activity LA-5755 Demolition of building 12, an old plutonium filter facility LA-5756-MS Portable flash X-ray systems : techniques and applications LA-5758-PR Respirator studies for the AEC division of operational safety : progress report, January 1- June 30, 1974 LA-5759-PR Annual progress report of the Defense Nuclear Agency sponsored cross-section evaluation group : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory : July 1, 1973 through June 30, 1974 LA-5760 Modified difference schemes for the transport equation solution LA-5761-SR Status of laser separation of borbon isotopes, June 1974 LA-5762-PR Transuranic solid waste management research programs : quarterly report, April-June 1974 LA-5764-MS PACER program : FY-1974 LASL activity : references LA-5766-MS Braze weld joints for vacuum system assemblies LA-5768-MS Integral experiment data for HTGR safety studies LA-5769 Cavity stability : finite element analysis for steady and transient creep LA-5770-PR Medium-energy physics program : quarterly report for the period ending July 31, 1974 LA-5771-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : program status report, May-August 1974 LA-5772-MS Subroutines callable from PDP-11 basic for control of a multichannel pulse-height analyzer LA-5773-MS Electronic modules developed for a gamma-ray barrel-scanning system LA-5774-MS Fermat functions and the general wallis product LA-5775-T Directional correlation tests for violation of time-reversal invariance in gamma rays of Hf-180/sup/m/, Tm-169, Lu-175, and W-184 LA-5776 Sealed-reflux dissolution system LA-5777-MS Publications of LASL research, 1973 LA-5778-PR Transport theory, reactor theory, and reactor safety : quarterly report : July 1 through September 30, 1974 LA-5779-MS Calculation of magnetic fields with given, nearly cylindrical, conducting walls LA-5780-MS Geology of geothermal test hole GT-2 Fenton Hill Site, July 1974 LA-5781-PR Advanced plutonium fuels program : quarterly report, April 1 through June 30, 1974 and eighth annual report, FY 1974 LA-5782-MS Snap 19/Viking RTG solid propellant fire test LA-5783-MS Implosion stability, and burn of multishell fusion targets LA-5784-PR Performance of multiple HEPA filters against plutonium aerosols, January 1-June 30, 1974 LA-5785-MS United States National Security policy and nuclear weapons LA-5786-PR USAEC division of applied technology superconduct- ing magnetic energy storage project at LASL : progress report : January 1 through March 31, 1974 LA-5787-PR USAEC-DAT DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report, April 1 through June 30, 1974 LA-5788-MS Preliminary I/sub 1.0/ feedback force experiments on scylla IV-3 LA-5789-MS Tampered thermonuclear burn of DT microspheres LA-5790-PR Electronic identification and temperature monitoring : annual report, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974 LA-5791 Flameless atomic absorption apparatus for analyzing alpha-radioactive materials LA-5793 Evaluation of gamma-ray production cross sections from neutron-induced reactions on Tungsten LA-5794-M Guide to gamma-ray assay for nuclear material accountability LA-5794-MS Guide to gamma-ray assay for nuclear material accountability LA-5795-C Proceedings of the first national topical meeting on nuclear process heat applications, Los Alamos, New Mexico, October 1-3, 1974 LA-5796-PR Automated cancer-cell sorting and analysis : progress report, April 1-September 30, 1974 LA-5797-PR Aerosol research and development related to health hazard analysis, January 1-June 30, 1974 LA-5798-PR Examination of fast reactor fuels and FBR analytical quality assurance standards and methods : quarterly report, July 1-October 31, 1974 LA-5799-MS Techniques for visualizing pion treatment LAMPF LA-5802-MS Explosive logic circuits LA-5803 Gaussian elimination for dense systems on star and new parellel algorithm for diagonally dominant tridiagonal systems LA-5804-PR Applied nuclear data research and development quarterly progress report : July 1 through September 30, 1974 LA-5805-PR Respirator studies for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health : progress report, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974 LA-5806-MS Computer simulation of tactical nuclear warfare LA-5808-MS Investigation of dot specification 2R containers to meet special form certification LA-5810-MS Review of the Natural Resources Defense Council petition concerning limits for insoluble alpha emitters LA-5812 Rice : a computer program for multicomponent chemically reactive flows at all speeds LA-5813-MS Investigation of the two-component radiation injury concept using equivalent residual dose factors LA-5815-MS Electrical requirements of xenon lasers LA-5816-MS Determination of ellipses satisfying various point-slope conditions LA-5818-C Proceedings of the NATO-CCMS Information Meeting on Dry Hot Rock Geothermal Energy, September 17-19, 1974, Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-5819-PR Planning, drilling, and logging of geothermal test hole GE-2 : phase I LA-5820 Helium release of [sup]238Plutonia : molybdenum cermet fuel LA-5821-MS Proposal for analysis of HTGR core response to seismic input LA-5822-PR Environmental and radiological safety studies : July 1 through September 30, 1974 : interaction of [sup 238]PuO[sub 2] heat sources with terrestrial and aquatic environments LA-5824-PR Serologic test development : annual report, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974 LA-5826-MS Characterization of rock melts and glasses formed by earth-melting subterrenes LA-5828-MS T(d,n)He-4 and T(t,2n) cross sections at low energies LA-5829-MS High-temperature vacuum thermal stability tests of explosives LA-5830-T Radiochemical studies of some low- and medium-ene- rgy nuclear reactions produced by accelerated tritions, deuterons, and protons LA-5831 One-dimensional elastic-plastic calculations involving strain-hardening and strain-rate effects for aluminum LA-5832-MS Heat transfer model for composite first wall materials in a pulsed high-beta controlled thermonuclear reactor (CTR) LA-5833-MS Thin windows for gaseous and liquid targets : an optimization procedure LA-5834-MS Rover shipping cask LA-5836-MS Neutron energy and velocity distributions from thermal D-T reactions LA-5837-MS Analysis of homopolar generators and superconduct- ing inductive energy storage systems as power supplies for high-energy, space-based lasers LA-5838 Petrography and chemistry of minerals and glass in rocks partially fused by rock-melting drills LA-5839-MS Modelocked, multiline pulsed CO[sub]2 oscillator LA-5840 ASM80 : a CDC 7600 macro cross-assembler for III-15 and D.E.C. PDP-9 and PDP-15 computers LA-5842-MS Theory of the scattering of pions by nuclear matter LA-5844 Projectile-velocity measurements and quarts and manganin-gauge determinations in gas-gun experiments LA-5845-PR Medium-energy physics program : quarterly report for the period ending October 31, 1974 LA-5849-MS Deterium flow loop for a supersonic gas-target intense neutron source LA-5850-MS Chemical equilibria in hot air with moisture, salt, and vaporized metal contaminants LA-5851-PR USERDA-DAT DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report July 1 through September 30, 1974 LA-5852 SOLA : a numerical solution algorithm for transient fluid flows LA-5852-Add. SOLA : a numerical solution algorithm for transient fluid flows, addendum LA-5853-MS Toroidal mode structure in the scyllac full torus LA-5854-T Pi-meson absorption on the deuteron LA-5855-MS Safety test no. S-6, launch pad abort sequential test phase III : FSA impacts LA-5856 Design studies of heavy ion linear accelerators constructed of independently phazed spiral resonators LA-5857-MS Chemical corrosion of molybdenum and tungsten in liquid basalt, tuff, and granite with application to subterrene penetrators LA-5858-PR Transport theory, reactor theory, and reactor safety : quarterly report : October 1 through December 31, 1974 LA-5859-PR Research on integrated solar collector roof structures : progress report for the period April 1 to June 30, 1974 LA-5860-MS Phonex, a computer program to calculate photoneutron spectra LA-5861-MS Computing at LASL : perspectives, policies, and plans LA-5863-MS Sensitivity of X-0219 to bullet impact LA-5864 Equation of state for nonideal explosives LA-5865 Nonsteady-state detonations in one-dimensional plane, diverging, and converging geometries LA-5866-MS Some observations on the comparative effects of inbreeding and whole-body x-ray exposure to seventy generations of mice LA-5867-MS In vivo tissue analysis using MU-mesic x rays LA-5868-MS Pintemp : a computer program for fuel element design calculations LA-5869-MS Imbalances in federal funding of energy research and development LA-5870-PR HTGR Safety research program : quarterly report, October-December 1974 LA-5871-MS Isotope effects in the schumann-runge bands of molecular oxygen LA-5873-PR Respirator studies for the AEC directorate of regulatory standards : progress report, January 1-June 30, 1974 LA-5874-PR Research on integrated solar collector roof structures : progress report for the period July 1 to September 30, 1974 LA-5876-MS Coprecipitation of uranium and plutonium oxaiates using sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate reduction and diethyl oxalate hydrolysis precipitation LA-5879-MS Monte Carlo method for problems of hierarchical inference LA-5881-PR Examination of fast reactor fuels, FBR analytical quality assurance standards and methods, and analytical methods development-irradiation tests : quarterly report, Oct. 1-Dec.31, 1974 LA-5882-MS 100-MJ superconducting magnetic energy storage system LA-5883-PR Biomedical and environmental research program of the LASL health division : annual report, January-December 1974 LA-5884 Determination of combined sulfur in nuclear reactor fuel materials LA-5885-MS CINDER-7 : an interim report for users LA-5889-PR Nuclear analysis research and development : progress status report, September-December 1974 LA-5890-MS Introduction to explosive magnetic flux compression generators LA-5892-MS On the (v[sub]1-2v[sub]2) FERMI resonance levels in CO[sub]2 LA-5893-MS I-131 release from a HTGR during the LOFC accident LA-5894-PR Ventilation systems analysis during tornado conditions July through December 1974 LA-5895-MS Ion temperature measurement by laser scattering at 2.8[muon] LA-5896 Noise immunity in digital communication by use of orthogonal signal correlation and walsh functions LA-5897-PR Testing, drilling, and logging of geothermal test hole GT-2, phase II LA-5898-MS Performance of structured laser fusion pellets LA-5899-PR Development of a cell-analysis and sorting system applicable to tumor cell characterization and kinetic studies : progress report, September 1, 1974-March 1, 1975 LA-5900-MS Publications of LASL research, 1974 LA-5901-PR Environmental and radiological safety studies : October 1-December 31, 1974 : interaction of [sup238]PuO[sub 2] heat sources with terrestrial and aquatic environments LA-5902-MS Prestressed concrete reactor vessels' review of design and failure criteria LA-5903-MS Monte carlo code development in Los Alamos LA-5904-MS Measurement of transuranic solid wastes at the 10-nCi/g activity level LA-5906 Numerical calculation of the cylinder test LA-5908-PR Research on carbon-aluminum composites : progress report : August 1 - December 31, 1974 LA-5909-MS Magnification ratios for explosive-driven shocks LA-5910-MS PAD, a one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrocode LA-5911-MS Fault activity and seismicity near the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory geothermal test site, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico LA-5914-MS National energy needs, coal, and the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory : an overview LA-5915-MS Plane shock initiation of detonation : computer simulation of a gas-gun experiment LA-5916 Performance of multihundred-watt fueled-sphere assemblies in the safety sequential test program LA-5917-MS Ion tail filling in laser-fusion targets LA-5918-P Proposed METS-FTR coupled superconducting prototype system LA-5919-PR Laser program at LASL : July 1 - December 31, 1974 LA-5920-MS Cooling tower modification for intermittent operation LA-5921-PR Automated cancer-cell sorting and analysis, April 1, 1974-March 31, 1975 LA-5922-H Partial chronology of z-pinch studies at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1952-1975 LA-5923-MS Los Alamos presentation on laser fusion to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Washington, DC, March 13, 1975 LA-5924-MS Los Alamos building cost index LA-5925-MS Design of controls for a solar-heated building LA-5926-MS Time-dependent detonations LA-5927-MS Evaluation of lithium borate as a 7000-R dosimeter LA-5929-MS FITPI : modifications to the optical model program pirk for parameter searches and total cross sections LA-5930-MS Capsule storage and density-analog techniques LA-5931 Review of fuel element development for nuclear rocket engines LA-5932 Degradation of pioneer-type tantalum alloy-PuO[su- b]2 heat sources LA-5933-MS FTRCOL : a computer code to group collapse FTR files and output standard CCCC interface files LA-5935-PR Superconducting magnetic energy storage project at LASL : April 1 through September 30, 1974 LA-5936-MS Heavy methanes as atomospheric tracers LA-5937-MS Thermal and other properties of refractories LA-5940-MS Synthesis of holograms from computer-generated output LA-5941-MS Interaction notes / compiled by R. E. Partridge LA-5942-MS Numerical calculation of two-phase flows LA-5943-MS One-dimensional calculations of shock-loaded polycrystalline beryllium LA-5944-PR Applied nuclear data research and development : quarterly progress report : October 1 through December 31, 1974 LA-5945-MS Review of available technology for narrow-band transmission of visual material LA-5946-MS Tungsten-carbide critical assembly LA-5947-MS Geothermal reservoir models : crack plane model LA-5948-MS Survey of pion charge-exchange reactions with nuclei LA-5949-MS Neutron spectrum from an oralloy sphere LA-5952 Methods of characteristics for the transport equation solution LA-5953-MS Design of a force-free inductive storage coil LA-5954 100-MHz power amplifier design and control for a heavy-ion accelerator LA-5955-MS Investigation of performance of US Army filter canisters and respirators equipped with prototype facepieces LA-5956-PR Solid earth geosciences research activities at LASL July 1-December 31, 1974 LA-5957-MS Laser-plasma interactions in the scylla I-C experiment : preliminary analysis LA-5958-MS Specifications and test procedures for airline-ty- pe supplied-air suits LA-5959-PR Quarterly report on the Medium-Energy Physics Program for the period ending January 31, 1975 LA-5961 Electron elastic scattering cross sections from 1 keV to 100 MeV for elements Z = 1 to 100 LA-5962-MS Process for improving the low temperature ductility of tungsten-base composites LA-5963 Reflector-moderated critical assemblies LA-5964-PR Transport theory, reactor theory, and reactor safety : Janurary 1 - March 31, 1975 LA-5965-PR Testing, drilling, and logging of geothermal test hole GT-2, phase III LA-5966-P Proposal for the construction of the staged scyllac prototype LA-5967 Solar heating handbook for Los Alamos LA-5967-MS Study of fast reactor safety test facilities : preliminary report LA-5968-PR Examination of fast reactor fuels, FBR analytical quality assurance standards and methods, and analytical methods development irradiation tests : quarterly report, January 1-March 31, 1975 LA-5969-PR Contamination limits for real and personal property : progress report, July-December 1974 LA-5970-MS Electron-beam welding of 21-6-9 (Cr-Ni-Mn) stainless steel : effect of machine parameters on weldability LA-5971-MS Research program on plasma core assembly LA-5972-PR USERDA Division of electric power transmission and distribution DC superconducting power transmission line project at LASL : progress report, October 1-December 31, 1974 LA-5973-PR Development of air-sampling techniques : progress report, 1 April-30 September 1974 LA-5975-PR HTGR safety research program, January-March 1975 LA-5977-PR Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1974 LA-5979-SR Rapid excavation by rock melting (LASL Subterrene Program) : status report, September 1973-June 1976 LA-5980 XPECT : a Monte Carlo program to predict the expected-time-to-next-failure in controlled thermonuclear research systems LA-5981-MS Properties of X-0280 and X-0281 LA-5983-MS More 14-MeV, neutron-induced gamma-ray production cross sections LA-5984 NAP : a computer program for the computation of two-dimensional, time-dependent, inviscid nozzle flow LA-5986-MS-v.1 Optical design of a reaction chamber for weakly absorbed light, I : canted and parallel mirrors (with an appendix for strongly absorbed light waves) LA-5986-MS-v.2 Optical design of a reaction chamber for weakly absorbed light, II : parallel mirrors, multitravel LA-5986-MS-v.3 Optical design of a reaction chamber for weakly absorbed light, III : asymmetric confocal resonator LA-5987 Consistency among differential nuclear data and integral observations : the alvin code for data adjustment, for sensitivity calculations, and for identification LA-5988 Slowing-in distribution of fast particles released in maxwellian plasma LA-5989-MS Gravity-assist heat pipes for thermal control systems LA-5990-MS Onetran : a discrete ordinates finite element code for the solution of the one-dimensional multigroup transport equation LA-5991-MS A Defense force for NATO's central region LA-5992-PR The Feasibility of using Amatex in Air Force submunitions : February 15 --November 30, 1974 LA-5993-MS Characterization of transuranic solid wastes from a plutonium processing facility LA-5994-MS Hadronic atoms and ticklish nuclei : the E2 nuclear resonance effect LA-5997-MS Radiochemical analytical results of NAEG samples by LASL-H7 LA-5998-MS Water supply at Los Alamos during 1974