Los Alamos Technical Reports This file lists the Los Alamos Technical Reports numbered LA-11000 through LA-11999 in the Los Alamos Library online catalog. The text of many of these reports are available online. Access the Los Alamos Library catalog by telnetting to "library.lanl.gov" without the quotes. Compiled by Gregory Walker, gwalker@netcom.com. For more information on nuclear weapons, visit Trinity Atomic Web Site at http://www.envirolink.org/issues/nuketesting/ LA-11000-MS Local thermodynamic equilibrium study of H[minus] abundance in negative-ion source discharges LA-11001-MS CAVEAT calculations of shock interactions LA-11002-MS Application of the hybrid X-ray instrument for measurement of thorium-plutonium mixed solutions LA-11004-T Pion nucleus single charge exchange reactions above the [delta](1232) resonance LA-11005 High explosive simulations of supernovae and the supernova shell fragmentation model of solar system formation LA-11006-MS Chemical analysis and sampling techniques for geothermal fluids and gases at the Fenton Hill laboratory LA-11007-T Using solvent extraction to process nitrate anion exchange column effluents LA-11008-MS Chemical analysis for excimer laser systems LA-11009-MS NASA-VOF3D, a three-dimensional computer program for incompressible flows with free surfaces LA-11010-MS Los Alamos National Laboratory explosives orientation course : sensitivity and sensitivity tests LA-11011-MS Acoustic data acquisition system (ADAS) for studying acoustic emissions and elastic wave velocities in rock LA-11013-MS Seismic Category I Structures Program final report, FY 1983-84 LA-11014-MS Improvement of a portable pressurized ionization chamber with the addition of a microprocessor datalogger LA-11016-MS The Abel integral equation LA-11017-M A CAMAC Knobs Controller for the VAX control computer at LAMPF LA-11019-MS Response of centrifugal and axi-vane blowers to large pressure transients LA-11020-MS Boundary integral technique for performing analysis of two-dimensional volumes of revolution LA-11021-MS A confirmatory measurement technique for highly enriched uranium LA-11023-MS Smectite dehydration and stability : applications to radioactive waste isolation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-11024-MS The Wilson-Fowler spline in a global I.G.E.S. coordinate frame LA-11025-M A reference guide for IGVIEW, an IGES-compatible geometry system LA-11026-MS Assessment report on the kinetics of radionuclide adsorption on Yucca Mountain tuff LA-11027-MS Design of the A.C. dipole and compensation of saturation effects for the LANL synchrotron LA-11028-MS A comparison of several designs of H type dipole for an advanced hadron facility LA-11029-MS New apparatus for direct counting of [beta] particles from two-dimensional gels and an application to changes in protein synthesis due to cell density LA-11030-PR Radiation transport : July 1, 1986 - September 30, 1986 LA-11034-PR Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report, FY 1986 : October 1985 - September 1986 LA-11035-MS Characterization of new F.P.S. vidicons for scientific imaging applications LA-11036-MS A new algorithm for image edge extraction using a statistical classifier approach LA-11038-MS Machining lead wafers LA-11039-MS A neutron detector based on microchannel plates LA-11042-MS A comparison of dissolved and leachable trace metals in Los Alamos drinking water supply and distribution system specimens LA-11043 A theory of sequential fragmentation and its astronomical applications LA-11044-T The mathematical modeling of time-dependent photoconductive phenomena in semiconductors LA-11045-MS KIVA COAL, a modified version of the KIVA program for calculating the combustion dynamics of a coal-water slurry in a diesel engine cylinder LA-11046-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1986 LA-11046-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1987 LA-11048-PR Progress at L.A.M.P.F. LA-11049-MS A review of experimental data for energy transfer processes involving CO2 in a D2-F2-CO2 laser LA-11050-MS Publications of Los Alamos research 1986 LA-11051-T Characterization of fuel swelling in helium-bonded carbide fuel pins LA-11052-OBES Downhole fluid sampling at the SSSDP California State 2-14 well, Salton Sea, California LA-11054-MS TRACE 3-D documentation LA-11056-T A search for the C-noninvariant decay [pi]0 --> 3[gamma] LA-11058-MS SESAME equation of state number 7411, Al2O3 LA-11059-MS The Cliper Data Acquisition System LA-11060-MS Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from surface bursts LA-11061-MS Optimal allocation of International Atomic Energy Agency inspection resources LA-11063-MS Theory of deformation LA-11065 High-strain-rate, high-temperature biaxial testing of DOP-26 iridium LA-11066-MS Review of international geothermal activities and assessment of U.S. industry opportunities LA-11068-M Configuration and operation of a P.C.-based waveform scroller/data acquisition system LA-11069-MS Wastes from plutonium conversion and scrap recovery operations LA-11070-MS Lateral continuity of sorptive mineral zones underlying Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-11071-MS Compatibility in space reactor fuel systems LA-11072-MS Seismic hazards investigations at Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1984 to 1985 LA-11073-MS Computer simulation of the L [sub three]-edge densitometer LA-11076-MS Quantification of americium by isotope dilution mass spectrometry LA-11077-MS Preliminary studies on denitrating evaporator salt waste LA-11078-MS Preliminary measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section up to 750 MeV LA-11080-MS Lofting of dust by very large explosions LA-11081-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Radionuclide Migration Project : October 1, 1985 - September 30, 1986 LA-11082-MS A curve-fitting package for personal computers LA-11082-MS-Rev.1 A curve-fitting package for personal computers LA-11083-MS Incommensurate/commensurate charge-density-wave states as a source for plutonium metal behavior LA-11084-MS An overview of metal plasticity LA-11085-MS Medium-Energy Nuclear Data Library (MENDLIB). Phase I LA-11086-M MP-Division health and safety reference handbook LA-11087-MS Thermal analysis of electromagnetic launcher rails LA-11088-T Statistical theory of turbulent incompressible multimaterial flow LA-11089-MS Computer code simulations of explosions in flow networks and comparison with experiments LA-11091-MS Establishing a level of confidence for the analytical values for the trace metals in the Los Alamos drinking water supply and distribution system LA-11092-MS A role for national laboratories in enhancing economic competitiveness : the example of high-temperature superconductors LA-11093-MS Simulated seismic tests on 1/42- and 1/14-scale category I, auxiliary building LA-11094 A TRAC-PF1/MOD1 analysis of the Ginna tube-rupture event on January 25, 1982 LA-11095-MS A comparison of trace level concentrations for silver, arsenic, barium, cadmium, and lead in drinking waters obtained by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and electrothermal-vapor- ization atomic absorption spectroscopy LA-11096-MS Safeguarding L.W.R. spent fuel with the fork detector LA-11097-MS Controlled blasting and its implications for the N.N.W.S.I. Project exploratory shaft LA-11098-MS Mixing Microsoft C and Microsoft FORTRAN program modules on the I.B.M. Personal Computer LA-11099-MS Fast movement of large data blocks within the 16-megabyte physical address space on the IBM Personal Computer - Model AT LA-11100-MS Industrial Hygiene Group 1986 annual report on research and special activities LA-11101-HDR Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy Development Program : annual report, fiscal year 1985 LA-11102-MS Active cooling for downhole instrumentation : preliminary analysis and system selection LA-11103-MS Preliminary evaluation of thermal and nonthermal waters at selected sites in Panama, Central America LA-11104-MS SESAME equation of state number 7100, dry sand LA-11105-PR Annual report of the Life Sciences Division 1986 LA-11106-MS Kinetics experiments and bench-scale system : background, design, and preliminary experiments LA-11108-MS Flat plate coldplate development, fabrication, and testing LA-11110 Analysis of tritium production in concentric spheres of oralloy and 6LiD irradiated by 14-MeV neutrons LA-11113-MS Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of field tensors and associated energy tensors LA-11114-MS Quality assurance for health and environmental chemistry, 1986 LA-11115-MS General purpose force doctrine LA-11116-MS Energy issues and policies in Eastern Europe LA-11117-MS The Seismic Category I Structures Program : results for FY 1985 LA-11120-PR Safeguards and security progress report : January-December 1986 LA-11122-MS Physics and chemistry of late time fireball simulations without the geomagnetic field LA-11124-PR Physics Division progress report : January 1, 1984 - September 30, 1986 LA-11126-MS Cesium-137, plutonium-239/240, total uranium, and scandium in trees and shrubs growing in transuranic waste at Area B LA-11127-MS High-temperature compatibility study of iridium (DOP-26 alloy) with graphite and plutonia LA-11128-SR Los Alamos Optical Materials Reliability, Maintainability, and Exposure Testing Program : 1985 data report LA-11130-C Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hadron Facility Technology, February 2-5, 1987 LA-11131 In-flight radiographic study of two nonaxisymmetr- ic, explosively formed penetrators LA-11132-MS Generalized equations for emittance and field energy of high-current beams in periodic focusing LA-11133-MS Comparison of calculated and measured response functions for germanium detectors LA-11134-MS Background concentrations of radionuclides in soils and river sediments in northern New Mexico, 1974-1986 LA-11135-MS Environmental status of Technical Area 49, Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-11139-C Proceedings of the International Workshop on Engineering Design of Next Step Reversed Field Pinch Devices : held at Los Alamos National Laboratory, July 13-17, 1987 LA-11140-MS A model of the neocortex LA-11141-MS H.I.F.S.A., Heavy-Ion Fusion Systems Assessment Project LA-11142-MS A procedure for estimating the crystal densities of organic explosives LA-11143-T An evaluation of four quantitative laboratory fume hood performance test methods LA-11144-MS Rock mass property characterization for underground basing of defense facilities LA-11145-MS TEX made easy LA-11146-M High resolution, in situ, gamma-ray spectrometry procedures manual LA-11148-MS The use of optical fibers for shock pressure and timing measurements at high pressures LA-11150-MS Measurement and modeling of external radiation during 1985 from LAMPF emissions LA-11151-MS Background radiation from fission pulses LA-11152-T Effects of electric fields on the photodetachment cross section of the H- ion near threshold LA-11153-MS Automated M.C.N.P. photon source generation for arbitrary configurations of radioactive materials and first-principles calculations of photon detector responses LA-11154-PR Radiation transport : October 1, 1986 - December 31, 1986 LA-11155-MS XDATAP LA-11156-MS Evidence of young fault movements on the Pajarito fault system in the area of Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-11157-MS The Crosswell acoustic surveying project LA-11158-M NF85 : a three-dimensional, air-dynamics computer code for analyzing explosions in structures LA-11160-HDR Water geochemistry and hydrogeology of the shallow aquifer at Roosevelt Hot Springs, southern Utah : a hot dry rock prospect LA-11161-MS SOLA-DM, a numerical solution algorithm for transient three-dimensional flows LA-11162-MS Methods for obtaining sorption data from uranium-series disequilibria LA-11164-MS C.W. R.F.Q. core-tank structure analyses LA-11165-OBES Lithologic descriptions and temperature profiles of five wells in the Southwestern Valles Caldera region, New Mexico LA-11166-MS Light weight radioisotopic heater unit (L.W.R.H.U- .) production for the Galileo Mission LA-11167 Determining zirconium in uranium by X-ray fluorescence LA-11168-MS A toxicological study of 5,6,7,8 tetrafluro- 1,4-benzodioxin LA-11169-T The effect of micro-structure on the macroscopic behavior of cemented granular material LA-11170-MS The effects of vibration and electromagnetic forces on casting : a literature review LA-11171-OBES Advances in preparation techniques for processing microtome sections of peat LA-11172-MS Where directed energy stands in strategic defense LA-11173-MS Directed energy concepts for strategic defense LA-11175-MS Passive equilibrium studies on ZT-P LA-11176-OBES Core log, Valles Caldera #2A, New Mexico LA-11177-C Proceedings of the LAMPF Workshop on Photon and Neutral Meson Physics at Intermediate Energies : Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, January 7-9, 1987 LA-11178-MS Introduction to laser plasma diagnostics LA-11179-MS Estimation techniques for common cause failure events LA-11180-PR Radiation transport : January 1, 1987 - March 31, 1987 LA-11181 United States space policy : review and assessment LA-11182-T Study of neutrino-electron scattering at LAMPF LA-11184-C Proceedings, physics with light mesons and the second International Workshop on [Pi]N Physics LA-11188-PR Radiation transport : April 1, 1987 - June 30, 1987 LA-11189-MS A ring model of the lasertron LA-11190-MS On precision and accuracy (bias) statements for measurement procedures LA-11191 Comparative evaluation of D.H.D.E.C.M.P. and C.M.P.O. as extractants for recovering actinides from nitric acid waste streams LA-11192-MS A numerical study of Rayleigh-Taylor instability in aluminum and steel plates LA-11196-MS Statistical near-real-time accountancy procedures applied to AGNS minirun data using PROSA LA-11198-MS Vector performance of register-to-register vector computers LA-11199-MS Improvements to SOIL (an Eulerian hydrodynamics code) LA-11200-MS The Solar flare of 18 August 1979 : incoherent scatter radar data and photochemical model comparisons LA-11202-T Strain hardening at large strains in aluminum alloys LA-11203-MS Poloidal field coil stress analysis for the ZTH machine LA-11204-MS Supercomputer performance : the theory, practice, and results LA-11205-MS Un Atlas energetico de cinco paises Centroamerica- nos = An Energy atlas of five Central American countries LA-11206-MS PERTV, a standard file version of the PERT-V code LA-11207-MS Gas shutter closure for sealing L.O.S. pipes LA-11208-MS TRAC-PF1/MOD1 : correlations and models LA-11209-MS Site geology and hydrology of Technical Area 16, Area P LA-11210-PR Water quality in the vicinity of Fenton Hill, 1985 and 1986 LA-11211 Changuinola peat deposit of northwest Panama = Deposito de turba de Changuinola en el noroeste de Panama LA-11212-MS A one-and-a-quarter-dimensional transport code for field-reversed configuration studies : a user's guide for CFRX LA-11213-T Pion scattering to 8- stretched states in 60Ni LA-11214-MS TRAC support sofware LA-11216-MS C-Division annual review and operating plan : January 1988 LA-11217-PR Milliwatt Generator Project, April 1982 - March 1983 LA-11218-MS Arms control and Soviet grand strategy LA-11219 International safeguards for an automated M.O.X. fuel fabrication facility LA-11220-PR Milliwatt Generator Project, April 1983 - March 1984 LA-11222-MS Preliminary survey of the stability of silica-rich cementitious mortars 82-22 and 84-12 with tuff LA-11223-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Radionuclide Migration Project : October 1, 1986 - September 30, 1987 LA-11224-MS F.E.H.M., finite element heat and mass transfer code LA-11225-MS Free electron lasers in strategic defense LA-11226-MS Roles for neutral particle beams in strategic defense LA-11228-MS Beam profile effects on N.P.B. performance LA-11229-MS A new method of calibration and normalization for neutron detector families LA-11232-MS Coulomb electrostatic contributions to the energy, pressure, bulk modulus, and stress-strain coefficients in the rock salt structure LA-11233-T Theoretical and experimental cross sections for neutron reactions on 64zinc LA-11234-MS The INF Treaty : past, present, and future LA-11235-PR Life Sciences Division, Annual report 1987 LA-11236 Effects of temperature and humidity on respirator fit under simulated work conditions LA-11237-MS Wire chamber assembly techniques LA-11238-MS Constellation sizing for modest directed energy platforms LA-11239-MS Numerical modeling of the effect of particle size of explosives on shock initiation properties LA-11243-MS Chip cooling concepts : combined groundplane and coldplate LA-11244-MS Defensive platform size and survivability LA-11246-MS Preliminary report on the statistical evaluation of sorption data : sorption as a function of mineralogy, temperature, time and particle size LA-11247-MS Human collective dynamics : two groups in adversarial encounter LA-11248-C Proceedings of the Twenty-First LAMPF Users Group Meeting, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, November 9-10, 1987 LA-11249-PR Radiation transport : July 1, 1987 - September 30, 1987 LA-11250-M Passive solar design procedures for naval installations LA-11251-MS A comparison between two epithermal neutron logging tools LA-11252-MS Analytical and experimental studies of ventilation systems subjected to simulated tornado conditions : verification of the TVENT computer code LA-11253-MS SESAME equation of state number 7530, basalt LA-11254-MS Multimegawatt space power systems : thermal management : annual report 1987 LA-11256 The chlorination of plutonium dioxide LA-11257-PR Health, Safety, and Environment Division, annual report 1987 LA-11261-MS A toxicological study of gadolium nitrate LA-11262-MS Los Alamos strategic defense research and the ABM Treaty LA-11263-MS Parameter scaling to produce different charged-pa- rticle beam-transport systems having identical equations of motion LA-11264-MS Laser countermeasure impacts and penalties LA-11265-MS Design of high-power radio-frequency drive loops for operation into 425 MHz linear accelerators LA-11267-MS A model for electron/ion recombination in ionization chambers LA-11271-MS Potential foams and metal foils for cosmic dust capture LA-11272-MS PHOTODIGITIZE, a software/hardware system LA-11273-T Measurement of the left-right asymmetry in pion-proton radiative exchange and charge exchange scattering from 301 to 625 MeV/c on a transversely polarized target LA-11274-PR Space Nuclear Safety Program, January-March 1987 LA-11275-MS Bibliography for Safeguards, 1980-1984 LA-11276-MS Theoretical basis for an experimental test with regard to the origin of VHF radiation from natural lightning LA-11277-MS Accurate, wide-range uranium enrichment measurements by gamma-ray spectroscopy. I, Characterization of enrichment standards. II, Demonstration of enrichment measurement capability LA-11278 Monitoring space weaponry : detection and verification issues LA-11279-MS The nuclear future : political and social considerations LA-11280-MS The U.S.-Soviet START negotiations : status and implications LA-11281-MS Field evaluation of two shallow land burial trench cap designs for long-term stabilization and closure of waste repositories at Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-11282-MS Development of a prototype plan for the effective closure of a waste disposal site in Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-11283-MS Development of technology for the long-term stabilization and closure of shallow land burial sites in semiarid environments LA-11284-MS Final report : Thermionic Integrated Circuit Program LA-11285-MS Directed energy architectures LA-11286-MS Neutron yields from stopping-length and near-stopping-length targets for 256-MeV protons LA-11288-MS Total and differential electron collision cross sections for O2 and N2 LA-11289-MS A preliminary comparison of mineral deposits in faults near Yucca Mountain, Nevada, with possible analogs LA-11291-PR Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report, FY 1987 : October 1986 - September 1987 LA-11292-MS Mineralogy of drill hole UE-25p#1 at Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-11293-MS Statistical guidelines for planning a limited drilling program LA-11294-MS Numerical simulation of the simultaneous detonation of two identical, fully contained explosions LA-11295-SR Accelerator Technology Program, October 1985 - March 1986 LA-11296-MS Current new applications of laser plasmas LA-11297-MS Use of multivariate calibration for plutonium quantitation by the Pu(III) spectrophotometric method LA-11298 Determining cerium in plutonium by anion exchange and X-ray fluorescence LA-11300-P A proposal for a precision test of the standard model by neutrino-electron scattering : (Large Cerenkov Detector Project) LA-11301-C A neutron reflectometer for LANSCE? : report of a workshop held at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, November 2-3, 1987 LA-11304-C Proceedings of the JOWOG-28A : organic coatings, October 6-8, 1987 LA-11306-ENV Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1987 LA-11308-PR Space Nuclear Safety Program, April - June 1987 LA-11309-MS Development and characterization of an HPLC system for the fractionation of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid LA-11312-MS Tracking a monochromatic light source LA-11313-MS Dampening turmoil in the oil market LA-11314-MS Emerging nuclear suppliers LA-11315-MS Lessons of Chernobyl LA-11316-MS Analysis of N.D.A. instrument calibration data LA-11318-MS The role of the DOE weapons laboratories in a changing national security environment LA-11319-MS DOE weapons laboratories' contributions to the nation's defense technology base LA-11320-MS Transportation loads with air versus leaf spring suspensions LA-11321-MS Beginner's guide to SPICE LA-11322-MS S.D.I., myth or reality? LA-11323-MS A review of historic and instrumental earthquake activity and studies of seismic hazards near Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-11324-M HTPIPE, a steady-state heat pipe analysis program : a user's manual LA-11326-MS A survey of geothermal process heat applications in Guatemala : an engineering survey LA-11327-MS Initial borehole acoustic televiewer data processing algorithms LA-11329-MS Development and testing of KITES LA-11330-T Small angle elastic scattering of protons off of spinless nuclei LA-11332-MS Water supply at Los Alamos : current status of wells and future water supply LA-11333-MS Quality of surface and ground water at and adjacent to the Los Alamos National Laboratory : reference organic compounds LA-11334-MS Point-defined geometry for solid modeling LA-11338-MS Sesame equation of state number 2293, Li LA-11339-PR Progress at L.A.M.P.F., January-December 1987 LA-11340-MS Neutron multiplicity measurements during LINAC interrogation of safeguards accountable material LA-11341 Computerized classified document accountability LA-11342-C Proceedings of the Conference on Numerical Methods in High Temperature Physics LA-11344-MS Military uses of space LA-11345-MS Survivability and effectiveness of near-term strategic defense LA-11346-PR Milliwatt Generator Project, April 1984 - March 1986 LA-11348-MS TRACE, a Monte Carlo code for the efficiency and differential efficiency of multi-element neutron scintillator detectors LA-11349-MS Exploration geothermal gradient drilling, Plantanares, Honduras, Central America LA-11352-MS Initiation and detonation of heterogeneous high explosives : a unified model LA-11353-SOP Standard operating procedure : gas atmosphere MELCO brazing furnace LA-11354-MS A review of research conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory for the NRC with emphasis on the Maxey Flats, KY, shallow land burial site LA-11356-PR Safeguards and security progress report : January-December 1987 LA-11358-PR Radiation transport : October 1, 1987 - December 31, 1987 LA-11360-MS Feasibility study on verification methods for bulk quantities of low-enrichment UO3 powder LA-11361-MS Advanced defense technologies in transition LA-11363-MS An infinite element for the ABAQUS finite element code LA-11364-MS Neutral particle beams in strategic defense LA-11366-T The effect of pressure on the heavy-electron superconductors UBe13 and URu2Si2 LA-11367-MS Cross sections for neutron-producing reactions induced by 14.1 MeV neutrons incident on 6Li, 7Li, 10B, 11B, and carbon LA-11368-MS The Canadian experimental HT release of June 10, 1987, U.S. measurements LA-11369-MS Final report on ILS for beam sensing (experiment) LA-11371-MS Generalized finite strains, generalized stresses, and a principle of virtual work for finite-element computer programs LA-11372-MS Generalized finite strains, generalized stresses, and a hybrid variational principle for finite-ele- ment computer programs LA-11373-MS Instrumentation of the Santa Clara and Nambe bridges during the Confined Physics Research Facility generator transportation LA-11374-MS Role of advanced technologies in strategic defense LA-11375-MS Strategic defense in transition LA-11376-MS Adaptive preferential defense and discrimination LA-11377-MS The Seismic Category I Structures Program : results for FY 1986 LA-11379-HDR Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy Development Program : annual report, fiscal year 1986 LA-11381-MS Ventilation system history of a plutonium analytical chemistry laboratory LA-11382-MS Impact of target altitude restrictions on laser performance LA-11383-M Receipts Assay Facility instrument control function users manual LA-11384-MS Small A.S.M. probes LA-11387-T The measurement of the spin correlation parameters C[sub SL] and C[sub LL] in np --> np scattering at energies 484, 634, and 788 MeV LA-11389-T The recoil proton polarization in [pion proton] elastic scattering LA-11390-PR Radiation transport : January 1, 1988 - March 31, 1988 LA-11391-MS Advancements in thermal spallation drilling technology LA-11392-MS Supercomputing, an indispensable component of applied research LA-11393-C Neutron resonance radiography : report of a workshop held at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, July 27-29, 1987 LA-11393-C-Suppl. Supplement to the Neutron resonance radiography workshop proceedings : Los Alamos National Laboratory, July 27-29, 1987 LA-11394-MS Monthly auxiliary cooling estimation for residential buildings LA-11395-MS Survivability of space assets in the long term LA-11396-MS Methane to methanol : reactor design and process evaluation LA-11398-MS Nevada nuclear waste storage investigations Exploratory Shaft Facility fluids and materials evaluation LA-11399-MS The future of nuclear weapons : the next three decades : conference summary LA-11400-MS Publications of Los Alamos research 1987 LA-11405 Achieving mutual deterrence with active defenses LA-11406-MS Impact of carrier vehicle mass and cost on boost interceptors LA-11407-MS A precision half-wave rectifier LA-11408-MS The Design and characterization of a prototype optical heat-flux gauge LA-11409-T Algorithms and architectures for adaptive least squares signal processing, with applications in magnetoencephalography LA-11410-MS Recommendations report for the Plantanares Geothermal Site, Department of Copan, Honduras LA-11411-T SiC whisker-reinforced MoSi2 LA-11413-MS P.O.P.A., a personality and object profiling assistant LA-11414-MS Measurements of detonation-wave spreading and local particle velocity at the surface of 17-mm LX-07 hemispherical boosters LA-11415-MS SIMMER-II : a computer program for LMFBR disrupted core analysis LA-11416-MS Center of buoyancy definition LA-11417-T Inclusive pion double charge exchange in 4He at intermediate energies LA-11418-MS Artificial asteroid impact on defensive satellites LA-11419-MS Goals for limited strategic defenses LA-11420-MS Advanced mass launchers for low Earth orbit LA-11422-MS Static load cycle testing of a low-aspect-ratio six-inch wall TRG-type structure, TRG-4-6(1.0, 0.25) LA-11423-MS Three-dimensional imaging using tagged 14.7-MeV neutrons LA-11424-MS The JNC-16 : a 16-channel data acquisition and analysis module LA-11425-T Assignment of points to three-dimensional trajectories LA-11426-T Dynamic properties of reinforced concrete shear wall structures LA-11428-MS Particle-macrophage relationships during the clearance of particles from the alveolar macrophage compartment LA-11431-T Study of ultra-high energy emission from Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1 LA-11432-C Proceedings of the Advanced Hadron Facility Accelerator Design Workshop, February 22-27, 1988 LA-11434-MS Equilibrium and fluctuation analysis for ZTH electrical diagnostics LA-11435 Determining gallium from plutonium using anion exchange and X-ray fluorescence LA-11436-M Theoretical atomic physics code development LA-11437-MS Preliminary toxicological study of yttrium barium copper oxide LA-11439-MS Kinetics and mechanism of methane oxidation in supercritical water LA-11440-PR Space Nuclear Safety Program, July - September 1987 LA-11441-T Field and theoretical aspects of explosive volcanic transport processes LA-11443-PR Research and development related to the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations : October 1-December 31, 1984 LA-11444-MS Use of linear reduced-stiffness analytical models to predict seismic response of damaged concrete structures LA-11445-MS DANIEL, a computer code for high-speed dusty gas flows with multiple particle sizes LA-11447 A preliminary report on zinc-induced resistance to nitrogen mustard toxicity in mice LA-11448-MS Learning to use the finite-element mesh generator, ESCHER 3.2 LA-11449-M Software design for the instrument control computer at new special recovery LA-11450-PR Structured plasmoids for exoatmospheric propagation LA-11451 Chemical warfare arms control : issues and challenges LA-11452-MS Statistical test of reproducibility and operator variance in thin-section modal analysis of textures and phenocrysts in the Topopah Spring Member, drill hole USW VH-2, Crater Flat, Nye County, Nevada LA-11453-OBES Field procedures manual : Shady Rest, California, and Sulphur Springs, New Mexico LA-11454-MS Quality assurance for health and environmental chemistry, 1987 LA-11455-MS Long rod impacts on oblique plates : three-dimens- ional calculations with HULL LA-11456-MS Equilibrium pressure measurements in the beta region of palladium protide and palladium deuteride LA-11457-MS Water-in-oil emulsions and toroidal microstructur- es LA-11459-MS An analysis of precipitation occurrences in Los Alamos, New Mexico, for long-term predictions of waste repository behavior LA-11460-MS The measurement of soil water tension in a hydrologic study of waste disposal site design LA-11461-MS A toxicological study of 1,2,4-Triazole-5-one LA-11465-MS Los Alamos National Laboratory computer benchmarking 1988 LA-11470-MS Geothermal power generation options for Fenton Hill Reservoir testing LA-11473-MS Use of superconducting imaging surfaces to enhance detection of weak magnetic sources by SQUID systems LA-11474 Attempted use of zinc in vivo to protect against nitrogen mustard toxicity in tumor-free and in L1210 leukemia-bearing B6D2F[sub 1] mice LA-11475-MS Interpretations : understanding Soviet arms control motivations and verification attitudes LA-11477-OBES Field procedures manual : INYO-4, Long Valley Caldera, California LA-11478-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1987 LA-11479 Separation of thorium impurity from plutonium in the nitrate anion exchange process LA-11480 A visible/near-IR spectral database for plutonium solutions of known nitric acid, fluoride, and oxalate composition LA-11483-MS Carbon monoxide removal by preferential oxidation from hydrogen-rich gas streams LA-11484-MS Heat and mass transport in fuel cell electrodes LA-11487-T The comparative uptake and interaction of several radionuclides in the trophic levels surrounding the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) waste water ponds LA-11488-MS Sesame equation of state number 7386, fused quartz LA-11490 Evaluation of a new, macroporous polyvinylpyridine resin for processing plutonium using nitrate anion exchange LA-11491-T Measurement of np elastic scattering spin-spin correlation parameters at 484, 634, and 788 MeV LA-11492-OBES Field procedures manual : sample handling, Salton Sea Scientific Drilling Project LA-11494-MS Axially accelerated saboted rods subjected to lateral forces LA-11495-MS Measurements and calculations of the response of large single-element scintillators to neutrons at energies between 25 and 200 MeV LA-11496-OBES Selected data from continental scientific drilling core holes VC-1 and VC-2a, Valles Caldera, New Mexico LA-11497-MS Revised mineralogic summary of Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-11498-HDR ICFT : an initial closed-loop flow test of the Fenton Hill Phase II HDR Reservoir LA-11499-MS Ion beam analysis and modification of thin-film, high-temperature superconductors LA-11501-PR Radiation transport : April 1, 1988 - June 30 1988 LA-11502-MS Parameterization of pion production and reaction cross sections at LAMPF energies LA-11503-MS Petrography and phenocryst chemistry of volcanic units at Yucca Mountain, Nevada : a comparison of outcrop and drill hole samples LA-11504-MS Fracture-coating minerals in the Topopah Spring Member and upper tuff of Calico Hills from drill hole J-13 LA-11505-MS Analysis of soil contaminated with explosives LA-11506-PR Physics Division progress report : October 1, 1986 - September 30, 1987 LA-11507-MS The HIT method : a hazard identification technique LA-11509-OBES Hydrothermal systems in two areas of the Jemez volcanic field : Sulphur Springs and the Cochiti mining district LA-11510-MS Results of investigation at the Miravalles geothermal field, Costa Rica ... [et al.] = Resultados de las investigaciones en el campo geotermico de Miravalles, Costa Rica LA-11511-PR Hydrologic characteristics of the Bandelier tuff as determined through an injection well system LA-11512-MS SESAME equation of state for a polymer composite : phenolic refrasil LA-11513-MS Results for the COVE2a benchmarking calculations run with TRACR3D LA-11514-MS Hot dry rock geothermal energy : a new energy agenda for the 21st century LA-11517-M H.E.U. drum monitor manual (for confirmatory measurements) LA-11518-MS Differential neutron production cross sections and neutron yields from stopping-length targets for 113-MeV protons LA-11519-MS Design and performance of the 10-kV, 5-MA pulsed-power system for the FRX-C compression experiment LA-11521-MS A hydrologic modeling study of water balance relationships at the Area P landfill in Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-11522-MS Elastic moduli of copper : electronic structure contributions from pseudopotentials and full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital band structure calculations LA-11523-T TRU-ART, a cost-effective prototypical neutron imaging technique for transuranic waste certification systems LA-11524-MS Transitional strategic defense architectures LA-11525-MS Significant improvement in IR surface-temperature measurements LA-11526-T The use of fractal dimension for texture classification LA-11527-MS Studies of ancient concrete as analogs of cementitious sealing materials for a repository in tuff LA-11532-MS Reactivity of a tuff-bearing concrete : CL-40 CON-14 LA-11533-MS Hydrologic modeling to predict performance of shallow land burial cover designs at the Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-11534-T Evaluation and application of delayed neutron precursor data LA-11536-MS Nuclear Weapons Complex Network management overview LA-11538-MS Issues in the sequential deployment of strategic defenses LA-11539-T Results of a neutrino oscillation experiment performed at a meson factory beam-stop LA-11540 Microstructural study of mandrel-bent 1/16-inch stainless steel tubing LA-11541-MS Surfactant flooding technology for in situ cleanup of contaminated soils and aquifers : a feasibility study LA-11542-MS MK 82 bomb characterization donor study LA-11543-C Minutes of the meeting, Metal Forming Modeling Subgroup of IMOG, February 1988 LA-11544-MS Modeling of radionuclide transport at inactive material disposal area T, TA-21 /M. Devaurs LA-11546-MS Generalized finite strains, generalized stresses, and a hybrid variational principle for finite-ele- ment computer programs using curvilinear coordinates LA-11547-MS Finite strain example problems for rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical geometries LA-11550-MS An economic prefeasibility study of geothermal energy development at Platanares, Honduras = Estudio economico de prefactibilidad del desarrolloe de energia geotermica en Platanares, Honduras LA-11552-MS Possible roles of tactical nuclear weapons in maritime conflict LA-11553-MS Offensive versus defensive tradeoffs in the European Theater LA-11554-T Effects of main-sequence mass loss on stellar and galactic chemical evolution LA-11555-MS ATAC instrumentation system LA-11556-C Proceedings of the Twenty-Second LAMPF Users Group Meeting, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, October 17-18, 1988 LA-11557-MS Directed energy weapons - lasers : ground- and space-based systems LA-11558-T Strengthening mechanisms of tungsten powder reinforced uranium LA-11559-PR Life Sciences Division, Annual report 1988 LA-11560-MS KIVA-II, a computer program for chemically reactive flows with sprays LA-11561-MS The future of Chinese science LA-11562-MS C-Division annual review and operating plan : February 1989 LA-11564-MS Challenges to the nonproliferation regime into the 21st Century : conference summary LA-11565-MS Use of three computer codes in the analysis of tunnel intersection stability under quasi-static loading LA-11566-MS Corrosion study of simulated evaporator components LA-11567-MS Mixing of gases in large volumes by forced injection LA-11569-M Fundamentals of materials accounting for nuclear safeguards LA-11570-MS Indexes for the proceedings of the Symposia (International) on Detonation : 1951 through 1985 LA-11572-MS Comparison of laser and neutral particle beam discrimination LA-11573-MS Constellation sizing for modest directed energy platforms LA-11574 General-Purpose Heat Source development : extended series test program SRB fragment/fuselage tests LA-11575-T Observation of the negative muonium ion in vacuum LA-11576-MS A portable 10-MeV electron linear accelerator as a neutron camera LA-11577-MS SiC-MoSi2 composites LA-11579-C Proceedings of the DOE Workshop on the Role of a High-Current Accelerator in the Future of Nuclear Medicine LA-11580-MS Nuclear-pumped lasers for large-scale applications LA-11582-T Coincidence measurements of the ([positive pion, neutral pion, proton]) reaction in the [delta]-re- sonance region LA-11584-MS Bibliography for safeguards, 1985-1989 LA-11586-MS High-temperature materials compatiblity testing of refractory crucible materials : TaC, Y2O3, Y2O3-coated MgO and BN LA-11587 Strategic defenses and international stability LA-11588-MS Comparison between the rate and temperature dependent plasticity models of Bammann and of Kocks and Mecking LA-11589-PR Radiation transport : July 1, 1988 - September 30, 1988 LA-11590-MS Simulations of isotopic analysis of plutonium by gamma-ray spectroscopy near 640 keV : some scaling rules for experiment design LA-11591-MS History and geophysical description of Hazardous Waste Disposal Area A, Technical Area 21 LA-11592-T Synthesis and characterization of VLS silicon carbide whisker reinforced reaction bonded silicon nitride LA-11594-MS Evaluation of dust-related health hazards associated with air coring at G-Tunnel, Nevada Test Site LA-11595-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Hydrology/Radionuclide Migration Project : October 1, 1987 - September 30, 1988 LA-11596-MS Wire chamber assembly techniques : more methods LA-11597-MS General-Purpose Heat Source development : extended series test program large fragment tests LA-11598-MS Postwar U.S. conventional military policy : lessons and implications for the seventh era and beyond LA-11600-PR Chemical and Laser Sciences Division annual report 1988 LA-11601-MS Proton linear accelerators : a theoretical and historical introduction LA-11602-C Proceedings of the Tritium Measurement Workshop held in Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 8-9, 1988 LA-11605-MS Study plan for water movement test : site characterization plan study LA-11606-MS FRAC-IN-THE-BOX utilization LA-11606-MS-Rev.1 FRAC-IN-THE-BOX utilization. Revision 1 LA-11609-MS International safeguards for a MOX facility : verfication to detect protracted falsification LA-11612-MS An Imaging detector for neutron or gamma sources LA-11613-MS High-temperature superconductor materials processing : development of environmentally acceptable processing technologies LA-11614-MS Lessons learned in the DOE Computer Security Enhancement Review Program LA-11615-MS Near-real-time verification approaches for the process area of reprocessing plants LA-11619 X-ray diffraction data for plutonium compounds LA-11620-PR Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report, FY 1988 : October 1987 - September 1988 LA-11622-MS Electron temperature measurements of field-revers- ed configuration plasmas on the FRX-C/LSM experiment LA-11623-MS Actively-stabilized photomultiplier tube base for vacuum operation LA-11624-MS Preliminary toxicological study of methyl 2-[hydroxymethyl] acrylate LA-11625-MS Electron stopping powers of some elements and compounds from 0 to 10,000 eV, a compilation LA-11627-MS Glossary of nuclear criticality terms LA-11628-ENV Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1988 LA-11629-T Gas production and behavior in the coolant of the SP-100 space nuclear power system LA-11632-MS Detecting change with digital imaging : an application in nuclear safeguards LA-11633-MS RF transistor thermal/electrical characterization LA-11634-MS Analysis of physical training of security inspectors at Los Alamos National Laboratory : a preliminary report LA-11635-M Flat-squared counter design and operation manual LA-11637-MS Quality assurance for health and environmental chemistry, 1988 LA-11638-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center LANSCE experiment reports, 1988 run cycle LA-11638-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center LANSCE experiment reports, 1989 run cycle LA-11639-MS The analyses of neutron coincidence data to verify both spontaneous-fission and fissionable isotopes LA-11640-MS Some comments and cost estimate on the CEBAF high-resolution spectrometer facility LA-11641-MS State of an adiabatic expanding and condensing vapor, or Slow, medium, and fast explosions into a vacuum LA-11643-M Calibrating the Jomar JPM-22 pedestrian SNM monitor LA-11646-MS Mathematical determination of [alpha] and [beta] for the rotating-slit enrichment monitor LA-11647-MS Repair, sidetrack, drilling, and completion of EE-2A for phase II reservoir production service LA-11649-MS SHALE analysis of decoupling underground nuclear events LA-11650-MS Publications of Los Alamos research 1988 LA-11651-MS The degradation of natural resources in the Soviet Union LA-11652-MS Quality-assurance plan for the Basic Environmental Compliance and Monitoring Program (BECAMP) LA-11652-MS-Rev.1 Quality-assurance plan for the Basic Environmental Compliance and Monitoring Program (BECAMP) LA-11656-MS Differential neutron production cross sections and neutron yields from stopping-length targets for 256-MeV protons LA-11659-M Maintenance neutron coincidence counter manual LA-11660-MS MISTY ECHO proof test of the GRMPY system LA-11661-MS Guidance for the preparation of safety analysis reports LA-11662-MS Report from the Workshop on Computing Directions and Options for Data Acquisition and Analysis at LAMPF LA-11663-MS The occurrence and distribution of erionite at Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-11665-SR 1989 status report : the Yucca Mountain Project Prototype Testing Program LA-11667-MS Eliciting and analyzing expert judgment : a practical guide LA-11668-MS Plutonium release from radioisotope heat sources into aqueous systems LA-11669-MS Quantitative X-ray diffraction analyses of samples used for sorption studies by the Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-11670-PR Progress at LAMPF, January-December 1988 LA-11671-MS The Yucca Mountain Project far-field sorption studies and data needs LA-11672-PR Health, Safety, and Environment Division, annual report 1988 LA-11673-MS The user's view for the future of LAMPF, 1989 : reports from the Pion Physics Working Group LA-11674-M An In-line thermal-neutron coincidence counter for WIPP certification measurements LA-11676-MS Analog electronics for the MWPC-based neutron detector LA-11677-MS Core-level binding energy shifts of the light actinide tetrafluorides and dioxides LA-11678-MS Measuring performance of the file transport network LA-11679-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1988 LA-11680-MS Quick, reliable estimates of high-power microwave fluences : the SNEAKY-II program LA-11681-MS Uniform versus random sampling in physical calculations : Monte Carlo LA-11684-C Proceedings of the Advanced Hadron Facility Accelerator Design Workshop, February 20-25, 1989 LA-11685-T Cross sections and analyzing powers of 15N(p,n)15O at 200 MeV and 494 MeV LA-11686-C Highlights of papers presented at the Workshop on Cold Fusion Phenomena, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 23-25, 1989 LA-11691-MS Characterization of reactive tracers for C-wells field experiments. I, Electrostatic sorption mechanism, lithium LA-11692-MS AFDM, an advanced fluid-dynamics model LA-11694-MS Status of image analysis methods to delineate stratigraphic position in the Topopah Spring Member of the Paintbrush Tuff, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada LA-11695 Cobalt(III) dicarbollide : a potential 137Cs and 90Sr waste extraction agent LA-11697-T Pion inelastic scattering from 20Ne LA-11698-MS The propagation distance of the by-product ion beams emitted from neutral particle beam accelerators LA-11699-PR Physics Division progress report : October 1, 1987 - December 31, 1988 LA-11700-MS Phase II final report : oxidation of hydrocarbons and oxygenates in supercritical water LA-11701-MS A new system for analyzing neutron multiplicities : characterization and some specific applications LA-11702-MS A computer study of source-detector geometries proposed for the induced-emission tomography of transuranic elements LA-11703-MS Recovery of plutonium from plutonium-beryllium neutron sources LA-11706-MS Radiation-induced noise in CCD and CID imagers LA-11709-PR Safeguards and security progress report : January-December 1988 LA-11711-M A nuclear cross section data handbook LA-11715-MS Chemical sensors LA-11716-MS Scaling of nonnuclear kinetic-energy antisatellit- es LA-11717-HDR Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy Development Program : annual report, fiscal year 1987 LA-11720-MS FRAM : a versatile code for analyzing the isotopic composition of plutonium from gamma-ray pulse height spectra LA-11721-T Search for (bar nu) (sub e) appearance from stopped pi (sup +) and mu (sup +) decay at LAMPF LA-11722-T Chemical protective clothing : permeation behavior of chemical binary mixtures LA-11723-MS Manufacturing with advanced materials : a Los Alamos partnership with U.S. industry and universities LA-11725-MS The electron momentum-transfer cross sections of tungsten, silicon, and silicon dioxide at energies from 0.1 to 10,000 eV LA-11726-MS Method of obtaining SESAME equations of state for porous materials : application to garnet sand LA-11727-MS The Use of the Monte-Carlo method to simulate high-energy radiography of dense objects LA-11728-C Proceedings of the Conference on Technology-Based Confidence Building : Energy and Environment : July 9-14, 1989, St. John's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico LA-11729-MS Evaluation of high-resolution gamma-ray methods for determination of solid plutonium holdup in high-throughput bulk-processing equipment LA-11730-MS A gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry method for determining isotopic distributions in organic compounds used in the chemical approach to stable isotope separation LA-11732-M A manual for microcomputer image analysis LA-11733-M A manual for analysis of hemispherical canopy photography LA-11735-MS Los Alamos climatology LA-11736-MS INFORM two-year plan : fiscal year 1990 and 1991 LA-11737-MS-v.1 Beam Experiments Aboard a Rocket (BEAR) Project : final report. Volume 1, Project summary LA-11738-M Handbook for sample collection, preservation, and instrumental techniques LA-11739-MS Static load cycle testing of a low-aspect-ratio six-inch wall TRG-type structure, TRG-5-4(1.0, 0.56) LA-11740-MS High-energy neutron dosimetry at the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility LA-11742-MS Predicted Bremsstrahlung generation by energetic electron beams LA-11743-MS Exchange ratios for singlet boost-phase defenders LA-11744-M Using the FRAM plutonium isotopic system for 242Pu isotopic verification LA-11746-MS Mechanical behavior of aged uranium 3/4 weight percent titanium alloy LA-11747 A Small-scale study on the dissolution and anion-exchange recovery of plutonium from Rocky Flats Plant incinerator ash LA-11750-MS The Soviet Union : political and military trends LA-11751 The future of nuclear weapons : final study report LA-11752-MS Target returns for neutral-particle-beam discrimination LA-11756-PR Space Nuclear Safety Program, October-December 1987 LA-11757-MS Fusion burn dynamics in dense Z-pinch (DZP) LA-11759-OBES Environmental sampling and mud sampling program of CSDP core hole VC-2B, Valles Caldera, New Mexico LA-11762-MS Encoding of the Burgess metal electrical resistivity model into SESAME format and its adaptation to the metal nickel LA-11763-MS Calibration curves for four standard gap tests LA-11765-MS Economics of nonrenewable energy resources LA-11767-T (Pion, pion, N) reactions on 12C and 208Pb near the giant resonance region LA-11768-MS SESAME equation of state number 7611, beryllium oxide LA-11769-MS Performance characterization of the Convex C-240 computer system LA-11772-MS Experiments in finding neural network weights LA-11773-MS Neutral particle beam discrimination and lethality LA-11774-MS Role of free-electron lasers in strategic defense LA-11775-C Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Energy Complex : October 17-19, 1989, Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-11776-MS Onboard detection of intrinsic Ly[alpha] radiation from a neutral particle beam LA-11777-MS Accident Response Group vans : elastic-plastic analysis of floor plate under acceleration loads LA-11778-MS The RAP unit : a remote autoranging picoammeter LA-11779-MS Results of investigations at the Ahuachapan geothermal field, El Salvador. Part 1, Well logging and brine geochemistry LA-11781-MS Requirements for progressive strategic defenses LA-11782-MS S.D.I., is its future past? LA-11785-MS Neutral particle beam popup applications LA-11787-MS Manganese-oxide minerals in fractures of the Crater Flat Tuff in drill core USW G-4, Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-11789-MS High explosives skid impact initiation study LA-11790-MS Long-term fate of depleted uranium at Aberdeen and Yuma proving grounds. Final report, phase I, Geochemical transport and modeling LA-11794-MS Plutonium deposition and distribution from worldwide fallout in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado LA-11795-MS Transport of plutonium in snowmelt run-off LA-11796-MS Static load cycle testing of a low-aspect-ratio six-inch wall TRG-type structure, TRG-6-6(0.27, 0.50) LA-11798-M TRACR3D : a model of flow and transport in porous media : model description and user's manual LA-11799-MS Transionospheric Propagation Code (TIPC) LA-11801 The GRMPY Ground-Motion System Control Center LA-11803-PR Life Sciences Division and Center for Human Genome Studies, annual report 1989 LA-11804-MS Collaborative, remote, in-depth inspection and verification of satellites with neutral particle beams LA-11805-MS Rehosting LASOIL on parallel processing machines LA-11806-MS Elastic shear modulus : fits to data and extrapolation to large compressions and negative pressure LA-11807 Gamma-ray and neutron leakage spectra calculated for unshielded reactors LA-11808-C US-Japan Workshop on Field-Reversed Configurations with Steady-State High-Temperature Fusion Plasmas and the 11th US-Japan Workshop on Compact Toroids LA-11809-MS Los Alamos Critical Experiments Facility : 1989 program review LA-11810-MS National security uses of space : status, prospects, and issues LA-11811-MS Treaty verification inspection using low-technolo- gy systems LA-11812-MS CAVEAT-GT : a general topology version of the CAVEAT code LA-11813-MS Trainsient natural convection in heated inclined tubes LA-11815-MS Characterization of solid state bonding between Coors AD-999 alumina and niobium LA-11816-MS Bidirectional slapper detonators in spherical explosion systems LA-11817-MS High-explosives press safety shield testing LA-11820-PR Progress report, 1989 : October 1, 1988-September 30, 1989 LA-11821-MS Spectral transport model for turbulence LA-11822-MS Defending the defenders : brilliant pebble defense against pop-up neutral particle beam suppression attacks LA-11823-M EXPAC user's manual : a computer code for analyzing explosion-induced flow and material transport in nuclear facilities LA-11825-MS Threat modernization in the near term LA-11826-MS Target physics results at 248 nm wavelength from the Aurora laser system high-intensity campaign LA-11827-MS Determination of plutonium concentration and isotopic compositions by isotope dilution gamma-ray spectroscopy on resin beads LA-11829-MS Discrimination options in the near term LA-11830-MS Strategic defense requirements for progressive applications LA-11831-MS Los Alamos experiences with the IBM RISC SYSTEM/6000 workstations LA-11832-MS Analysis of the LLNL "Athena" laser microfusion facility concept LA-11833-PR Chemical and Laser Sciences Division annual report 1989 LA-11834-MS Arms control and the 1990 NPT Review Conference : workshop summary LA-11835-MS Two-dimensional multiburst calculations with the SHALE code LA-11837-MS Chemistry of detonation soot II : more diamonds and volatiles LA-11838-PR Accelerator Technology Division annual report FY 1989 LA-11839-MS Measurement uncertainty estimates for reprocessing facilities LA-11841-MS Conventional forces and arms control : technology and strategy in a changing world : conference summary LA-11842-P A proposal to search for neutrino oscillations with high sensitivity in the appearance channels nu (sub mu) yields nu (sub e) and (bar nu) (sub mu) yields (bar nu) (sub e) LA-11843-T Observation of high-lying resonances in the H ion LA-11844-MS The Yucca Mountain Project Prototype Air-Coring Test, U12g Tunnel, Nevada Test Site LA-11846 A systems approach to chemical weapons verificati- on LA-11847-MS Notes on space, satellites, and survivability LA-11849-MS Isotope geochemistry, a critical component of energy research LA-11850-MS Underwater measurement of a 15 x 15 MOX PWR-type fuel assembly LA-11851-MS Runoff and sediment yield model for predicting nuclide transport in watersheds using BIOTRAN LA-11855-MS Suppression of space-based interceptors by neutral particle beams LA-11856-MS Average deployments versus missile and defender parameters LA-11857-C Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Codes and the Linear Accelerator Community, Los Alamos National Laboratory, January 22-25, 1990 LA-11858-MS Boost-phase kill versus midcourse discrimination : the grand inquisitor's solution LA-11859-MS Near-term boost-phase defense sensitivities LA-11861-MS Two sensors for distributed satellite platforms LA-11864-MS An H.E.U. confirmatory measurement instrument LA-11865-PR Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report, FY 1989 : October 1988 - September 1989 LA-11867-MS Comparison of the fork and PYTHON spent-fuel detectors LA-11868-MS Impulse response function for a transionospheric signal in a Gaussian filter LA-11869-MS A farewell to MX : missile without a home LA-11870-MS Interaction of strategic defenses with crisis stability. Part I, Framework and analysis LA-11871-M Calibrating the TSA Systems VM-250 SNM portal monitor LA-11873-MS The Forster, Dexter, and Inokuti-Hirayama models of the time dependence of fluorescence amplitude : an annotated bibliography LA-11875-PR Physics Division progress report : January 1, 1989 - December 31, 1989 LA-11876-MS An application of the associated-particle technique to treaty verifiction LA-11877-C Lectures from the Workshop on Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung, January 25-26, 1990 LA-11879-MS Distributed space platforms for remote sensing LA-11880-MS Approximate average deployments versus defense parameters LA-11882-MS Discussion paper on environmental hazards on the Moon, in low Earth orbit, and in low Mars orbit LA-11883-C Distance Learning Conference proceedings LA-11884-MS An apparatus for studies of hydrogen isotope exchange over metals using laser-Raman spectrosco- py LA-11887-MS Implicit 1-D Lagrangian radiation MHD LA-11888-MS SBI allocation between heavy and singlet missiles LA-11889-MS The Peats of Costa Rica = La turba de Costa Rica LA-11890 Preparation of pure neptunium oxide for nondestructive assay standards LA-11892-M Drum counter design and operation manual LA-11893-T Measurement of the 2 (sup 2)S(sub 1/2)-2(sup 2)P(sub 3/2) fine structure interval in muonium LA-11895-MS Implementation and assessment of the mechanical-t- hreshold-stress model using the EPIC2 and PINON computer codes LA-11896-MS A literature review on the chemical and physical properties of uranyl fluoride (U02F2) LA-11898-MS Distributed radar sensors for aircraft detection LA-11900-MS Transionospheric propagation calculations for the output of two EMP simulators LA-11901 The tandem betatron concept LA-11902-MS LINTERP : a numerical algorithm for interpolating quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes LA-11903-MS Transition state theory applying to the study of reaction processes in detonation LA-11904-MS Radiation exposure and protection for moon and Mars missions LA-11905-T A measurement of Delta sigma (sub L) (np), the difference between neutron-proton total cross sections in pure longitudinal spin states LA-11906-MS An Evaluation of the geothermal potential of the Tecuamburro Volcano area of Guatemala LA-11907-MS Preparation and properties of 3-amino-5-nitro-1,2- ,4-triazole LA-11908-MS GSHELL : multichannel analyzer/multichannel scaler emulation software for IBM-PC-compatible computers LA-11909-MS Test of pre-ENDF/B-VI decay data and fission yields LA-11911-MS A conceptual framework for verifying the multinational chemical weapons convention LA-11912 The effects of ionizing radiation of Reillex HPQ, a new macroporous polyvinylpyridine resin, and on four conventional polystyrene anion exchange resins LA-11913-T Collision biasing schemes for Monte Carlo transport codes LA-11914-PR Safeguards and security progress report : January-December 1989 LA-11915-MS Secondary-electron yield measurements from metals impacted by high-velocity ions, electrons, and molecules LA-11916-MS Mesh considerations for finite element structural dynamic applications LA-11917-MS Discrimination : who needs it? LA-11918-MS New multiphase equation of state for polycrystall- ine quartz LA-11919-MS Interaction of strategic defenses with crisis stability. Part II, Applications LA-11920-MS Interaction of strategic defenses with crisis stability. Part III, Summary and conclusions LA-11921-MS Impact of force withdrawal on options for conventional defense LA-11925-T Interaction of relativistic H ions with thin foils LA-11926 Theoretical atomic physics code development V : rate equations for plasmas in non local thermodynamic equilibrium LA-11928-MS Preliminary evaluation of the electrapette for possible use in the glovebox for pipetting plutonium solutions LA-11930-MS Short-term effects of intratracheal installations of yttrium barium copper oxide LA-11931 Weathering of explosives for twenty years LA-11933-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center LANSCE experiment reports, 1989 run cycle LA-11933-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center LANSCE experiment reports, 1990 run cycle LA-11934 The macroeconomic module of the energy policy evaluation model of Guatemala : final report LA-11934-MS The macroeconomic module of the energy policy evaluation model of Guatemala : final report LA-11938-MS Report on security issues in database systems LA-11939-MS PF-4 simulated fire accident analysis filter-spray cool-down system reevaluation implications LA-11940-MS Scientific core hole VC-2A, Valles Caldera, New Mexico : report of remedial action activities and results LA-11941-MS Sigma Mesa, background elemental concentrations in soil and vegetation, 1979 LA-11943-MS Vibration and shock response of the BEAR payload during launch LA-11945-MS C-Division annual review and operating plan : August 1990 LA-11947-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Hydrology/Radionuclide Migration Project : October 1, 1988 - September 30, 1989 LA-11948-MS Health-related effects of different ventilation rates in plutonium laboratories LA-11952 MCNP S([alpha],[beta]) detector scheme LA-11954-T Experimental investigation of uranium dicarbide densification and the influence of free carbon diffusion LA-11956-MS A simple plane-wave explosive lens LA-11957-MS Update report on fracture flow in saturated tuff : dynamic transport task for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Investigations LA-11958-MS Central American Information System for Energy Planning = Sistema de informacion Centroamericano para planificacion energetica LA-11958-MS Sistema de informacion Centroamericano para planificacion energetica LA-11958-MS-Trans. Central American Information System for Energy Planning = Sistema de informacion Centroamericano para planificacion energetica LA-11958-MS-Trans. Sistema de informacion Centroamericano para planificacion energetica LA-11959-MS Analytic optimizations in crisis stability LA-11960-T Solubility studies of the Ca-CAO-CaCl2 system LA-11964-C Proceedings of the Workshop on the Science of Intense Radioactive Ion Beams, April 10-12, 1990 LA-11965-MS Neutron collar calibration and evaluation for assay of LWR fuel assemblies containing burnable neutron absorbers LA-11966-M STRAPP user's manual LA-11968-MS Approximation of the decay of fission and activation product mixtures LA-11970-PR Progress at LAMPF : January-December 1989 LA-11971-MS 1990 update for the applications guide to pedestrian SNM monitors LA-11971-MS. An applications guide to pedestrian S.N.M. monitors LA-11972-PR Nuclear theory and applications progress report : January 1, 1989-April 1, 1990 LA-11973-MS MEDISE, a macroeconomic model for energy planning in Costa Rica LA-11974-MS Crisis stability indices for adaptive two-layer defenses LA-11974-MS-Rev.1 Crisis stability indices for adaptive two-layer defenses LA-11977-MS Economics of renewable and nonrenewable energy sources LA-11978 Evaluation of extractants and chelating resins in polishing actinide-contaminated waste streams LA-11980-MS Prompt air fluorescence induced by a high-altitude nuclear explosion LA-11981-MS THIEF : version 1.0, an interactive simulation of nuclear materials safeguards and security LA-11982 Evaluation of the NDP system : final report, October 1990 LA-11990-C Workshop on Online Documentation in the Supercomputing Environment : working paper : hosted by Los Alamos National Laboratory and National Center for Atmospheric Research, April 3-6, 1990 Colorado Springs, Colorado LA-11993-MS CHARADE : a characteristic code for calculating rate-dependent shock-wave response LA-11995-MS Quality assurance for health and environmental chemistry, 1989 LA-11997-MS Mortality among workers at the Mound Facility : a preliminary report LA-11998 Reexamining nuclear policy in a changing world