Los Alamos Technical Reports This file lists the Los Alamos Technical Reports numbered LA-12000 through LA-12999 in the Los Alamos Library online catalog. The text of many of these reports are available online. Access the Los Alamos Library catalog by telnetting to "library.lanl.gov" without the quotes. Compiled by Gregory Walker, gwalker@netcom.com. For more information on nuclear weapons, visit Trinity Atomic Web Site at http://www.envirolink.org/issues/nuketesting/ LA-12000-ENV Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1989 LA-12003-MS A generic model for the ionic contribution to the equation of state LA-12004-C Proceedings of the 1990 Linear Accelerator Conference : September 10-14, 1990, Albuquerque Hilton, Albuquerque, New Mexico LA-12006-MS Field trial results for pre-flight non-nuclear verification in Air Force NELA flight tests LA-12007-MS RIPPLE : a computer program for incompressible flows with free surfaces LA-12008-MS Comparison of noise reduction systems LA-12012 Post-remedial action report for the Water Boiler Reactor Site LA-12013-MS Background issues for defensive interceptors LA-12014-MS Survey of hazardous materials used in nuclear testing LA-12015-T Pion elastic scattering and the (pi,pi'p) reaction on 4He in the delta 3,3 region LA-12017-MS Origin of regularities in the redshift distributi- ons of distant galaxies and quasars LA-12018-MS Kinetics of dark reactions in chemical laser gases LA-12020 Structure of shocks in solids and liquids : six reprints with an introduction LA-12022-PR Accelerator Technology Division annual report FY 1990 LA-12024-MS Sphere lapping LA-12026-MS Extraction chromatography of neodymium by an organophosphorous extractant supported on various polymeric resins LA-12027-MS The effect of porous support composition and operating parameters on the performance of supported liquid membranes LA-12029 Superconducting Super Collider silicon tracking subsystem research and development LA-12030-PR Water quality in the vicinity of Fenton Hill, 1987 and 1988 LA-12031-M-v.2 TRAC-PF1/MOD2 code manual. [Vol. 2], User's guide LA-12031-M-v.3 TRAC-PF1/MOD2 code manual. [Vol. 3], Programmer's guide LA-12033-MS Evaluation of storage phosphor technology LA-12040-MS Preparation of mass spectrometer test filaments LA-12042-MS Interim report of the drilling history and analysis for Nevada Test Site Hole UE3e#4 LA-12043-MS Behavior of ZrC (sub 1-x) and U(sub y)Zr(sub 1-y)C(sub 1-x) in flowing hydrogen at very high temperatures LA-12045 Atomic physics in particle-in-cell simulation codes LA-12047-MS Rocky Flats Plutonium Recovery Modification Project Incinerator Project : Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Group INC-4 tasks FY 1990, final report LA-12048-MS Ten thousand years of solitude? : on inadvertent intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Project Repository LA-12049 Final project report TA-2 Water Boiler Reactor decommissioning project LA-12052-MS Initial experiments for remote sensing of temperature in shaped charge jets and explosively formed projectiles LA-12054-MS Migration to a distributed system architecture at the National Test Bed LA-12055 The effects of in situ alpha-particle irradiations on six strong-base anion exchange resins LA-12056-T Inclusive pion single charge exchange to the nuclear continuum LA-12057-MS UPD : a portable version-control program LA-12058-MS Stability indices for limited strikes LA-12059-MS On satellite constellation selection LA-12060-T Measurement of intensity-dependent rates of above-threshold ionization (ATI) of atomic hydrogen at 248 nm LA-12061-T The energy dependence of the T[sup >] Gamow-Teller strength in p-shell nuclei observed in the (n,p) reaction LA-12062-MS FEHMN 1.0 : finite element heat and mass transfer code LA-12062-MS-Rev.1 FEHMM 1.0 : finite element heat and mass transfer code LA-12064-MS Role of terminal defenses in strategic defense LA-12065-MS Evaluation of the Guided Wave Model 200 Scanning Spectrophotometer for plutonium(VI) determination LA-12066-MS Incoherent scattering of high-power electromagnet- ic pulses LA-12067-MS The Status of nuclear power plants in the People's Republic of China LA-12068-MS The DataShoP : a database of weak-shock constitutive data LA-12069-MS Interceptor combinations for theater defense LA-12070 Spectrophotometric investigation of the Pu(IV) nitrate complex sorbed by ion exchange resins LA-12071-MS Field spot-test kit for explosives LA-12073-MS Long-range alpha detectors LA-12074-MS Miser's Gold LA-12075-MS Evaluation of NASHUA/NASTRAN performance at Los Alamos LA-12076-MS Practical noise control in electronic systems LA-12077-MS Inverse ultravelocity slings for boost-phase defense LA-12078-MS Survivability of large directed-energy platforms LA-12088-PR Life Sciences Division and Center for Human Genome Studies, annual report 1990 LA-12089-MS Energy supplies, options, and strategies LA-12091-MS Recovery of saturated video signals from vidicons by dynamic cathode biasing LA-12093-T Analyzing power measurements for the ([pi (sup +), pi sup naut]) reaction on a polarized [sup 13]C target LA-12094-MS Directed energy concepts for theater defense LA-12095-PR Safeguards and Security progress report : January-September 1990 LA-12098-MS Results of investigations at the Zunil geothermal field, Guatemala : well logging and brine geochemistry LA-12100-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Hydrology/Radionuclide Migration Project : October 1, 1989-September 30, 1990 LA-12101-MS Preliminary geologic map of the Sleeping Butte volcanic centers LA-12102 An Investigation of dual-mode operation of a nuclear-thermal rocket engine LA-12105 Shuffler instruments for the nondestructive assay of fissile materials LA-12120-MS SESAME equation of state number 7740 : polycarbon- ate LA-12121-MS Microwave fluidized-bed detoxification of hazardous waste LA-12123-MS Mechanical construction techniques for assembling wire chambers LA-12124-MS Experimental assessment of air permeability in a concrete shear wall subjected to simulated seismic loading LA-12125-MS Augmentation of ENDF/B fission product gamma-ray spectra by calculated spectra LA-12126-MS Whole-rock and mineral chemical data for lamprophyric dikes of the Navajo volcanic field LA-12127-MS Calibration correction factors for the Los Alamos Neutron Well LA-12128-C Abstracts of papers presented at the First Los Alamos Symposium on Ultra-Wideband Radar LA-12129-MS A 2-D imaging heat-flux gauge LA-12132-MS A guide to the applicablity of DOE atmospheric modeling resources to plutonium emergency-managem- ent studies LA-12133 On the motility of military microrobots LA-12135-MS The X6XS.0 cross section library for MCNP-4 LA-12136-MS REMAP3D, a conservative three-dimensional remapping code LA-12137-MS The status of energy planning in five Central American countries LA-12140-PR Physics Division progress report : January 1, 1990 - December 31, 1990 LA-12143-PR Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report, FY 1990 : October 1, 1989 - September 30, 1990 LA-12146-C International Workshop on Cold Neutron Sources : March 5-8, 1990, Los Alamos, New Mexico USA LA-12149-MS Use of process monitoring for verifying facility design for large-scale reprocessing plants LA-12150-MS Geomagnetic trapping and prompt detection of protons from an orbital neutral particle beam LA-12151-MS Finite element modeling of orthogonal machining using an elastic-viscoplastic material model LA-12152-MS A Weibull brittle material failure model for the ABAQUS computer program LA-12153-MS Environmental issues in China LA-12161-MS Bias in segmented gamma scans arising from size differences between calibration standards and assay samples LA-12168-MS Theator SBI cost-effectiveness ratios LA-12169-MS Scaling of interceptors for theater defense LA-12173-MS Vacuum thermal stability of explosives monitored electronically LA-12175-MS The prioritization of environment, safety, and health activities LA-12178-MS AUTOBUS, system for analysis and administration of deficits in public transportation buses : system manual = AUTOBUS, sistema de analisis y administracion de deficits en autobuses de transporte publico : manual del sistema LA-12180-MS Geothermal demonstration : Zunil food dehydration facility LA-12181-MS Stiffness of low-aspect-ration, reinforced concrete shear walls LA-12182-M INTEGRA manual : routines for electronic spreadsheet integration (under FRAMEWORK III) = Manual de INTEGRA : rutinas para integrar hojas electronicas (bajo FRAMEWORK III) LA-12183-T Pion elastic and inelastic scattering from 15N LA-12184-MS Biological effects of minerals LA-12185-MS Results of geothermal gradient core hole TCB-1 Tecuamburro Volcano Geothermal Site Guatemala, Central America LA-12188-MS High Explosive Material Testing Laboratory scale model test LA-12189-MS Some new ideas for nuclear explosive spacecraft propulsion LA-12191-M CANDU MOX (CMOX) : counter design and operation manual LA-12194-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center LANSCE experiment reports, 1990 run cycle LA-12195-MS Determination of 100-year floodplain elevations at Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-12196 MCNP : photon benchmark problems LA-12196 MCNP : neutron benchmark problems LA-12197-MS Burros : simple, affordable, effective space transportation LA-12198-MS The leadership of philosopher kings LA-12199-MS Small long-range alpha detector (LRAD) with computer readout LA-12200-MS Los Alamos National Laboratory ES&H self-assessme- nt report LA-12201-MS Damping in low-aspect-ratio, reinforced concrete shear walls LA-12202-T A new search for conversion of muonium to antimuonium LA-12203-MS THERM : a three-dimensional transient heat conduction computer program LA-12204-MS The corporation and the community : credibility, legitimacy, and imposed risk : a presentation at Los Alamos National Laboratory, April 19, 1991 LA-12205-C Specialist Meeting on Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology for Radwaste and Other Applications : 24-28 June 1991, Saltsjobaden, Stockholm, Sweden LA-12206 Atlas of the breeding birds of Los Alamos County, New Mexico : Pajarito ornithological survey LA-12208-MS Quality assurance for health and environmental chemistry, 1990 LA-12209-T Pion double charge exchange above the [delta]3/2, 3/2 resonance LA-12210-T Neutron induced pion production on C, Al, Cu, and W at neutron energies of 200-600 MevV LA-12212 MCNP : neutron benchmark problems LA-12213-MS Advanced instrumentation and control techniques in support of the Los Alamos Underground Nuclear Test Program LA-12214-M THIEF : an interactive simulation of nuclear materials safeguards and security LA-12215-MS Some physical phenomena and a proposed EOS for composite materials LA-12216-MS Design and operational parameters of transportable supercritical water oxidation waste destruction unit LA-12217-M The Pajarito Site operating procedures for the Los Alamos Critical Experiments Facility LA-12220-T Ductile phase toughening of molybdenum disilicide using low pressure plasma spraying LA-12221-MS Preliminary cost comparison of advanced oxidation processes LA-12222-PR Health, Safety, and Environment Division, annual report 1989 LA-12223-PR Health, Safety, and Environment Division, annual report 1990 LA-12224-MS Active well coincidence counter measurements of enriched uranium fuel assemblies in scanning and stationary modes LA-12225-MS Long-range alpha detector (LRAD) advanced concepts LA-12226-T The spin response of 40Ca at 500 and 580 MeV LA-12228-MS Computational fluid dynamics and aerosol modeling of Room 3305, Building 371, of the Rocky Flats Plant LA-12229-MS Wind tunnel experiments on plume dispersion in clusters of buildings LA-12231-MS SNM holdup measurements for Los Alamos exhaust ducts. Phase I report LA-12232-MS Los Alamos climatology summary : including latest normals from 1961-1990 LA-12233-MS Measurement control : principles and practice as applied to nondestructive assay LA-12235-MS DSD technology : a detonation reactive Huygens code LA-12236-PR Milliwatt Generator Project, April 1986 - March 1988 LA-12237-MS Capability and limitation study of the DDT passive-active neutron waste assay instrument LA-12238-C The Future of nuclear weapons in Europe : workshop summary LA-12240 MELCOR peer review LA-12241-MS A survey of infrared technology for special nuclear materials control and accounting LA-12242 Criteria for monitoring a chemical arms treaty : implications for the verification regime LA-12243-MS A method for the quantitative separation of dodecane, 1-decanol, and tributyl phosphate LA-12244-M Resource-allocation optimization program for safeguards : version 2.0 LA-12246 Evaluation of chloride-ion-specific electrodes as in situ chemical sensors for monitoring total chloride concentration in aqueous solutions generated during the recovery of plutonium from molten salts used in plutonium electrorefining operations LA-12247-MS LRAD literature search LA-12248-MS Structure and initial characterization of 4,6-Bis-(5-amino-3-nitro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-yl)-5-n- itropyrimidine LA-12249-MS A digital controller for the Omega West Reactor LA-12250-MS Application of high precision band structure calculations to the equation of state for beryllium oxide : SESAME equation of state number 7612 LA-12252 Space systems and the military geography of future regional conflicts LA-12253-MS Theoretical framework for sequential D/MUF-D analysis LA-12254-T Multiquanta photodetachment from the H ion LA-12255-MS Alternative solvents for cleaning plutonium : thermodynamic and kinetic considerations LA-12256-PR Progress at LAMPF : January-December 1990 LA-12257-MS Turbulence in MESA-2D LA-12258 Analytic score comparison of geometry splitting and exponential transform for a simple Monte Carlo problem LA-12260-MS National environmental compliance strategy LA-12261-MS China and nuclear arms control LA-12262-T Measurement of neutrino electron scattering and inverse beta-decay of carbon using neutrinos from stopped muon decay LA-12266-MS A failure-to-restore unavailablity model for periodically performed maintenance LA-12267 Evaluation of two ceramics models in the MESA codes LA-12268-MS Quality assurance issues in verifying the Chemical Weapons Convention : a survey of relevant concepts and practices derived form the verification experience of the International Atomic Energy Agency LA-12271-MS Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1990 LA-12272-MS Materials compatiblity and corrosion issues for accelerator transmutation of waste LA-12273-PR Life Sciences Division and Center for Human Genome Studies, annual report 1991 LA-12274 Calculation of a shaped charge jet using MESA-2D and MESA-3D hydrodynamic computer codes LA-12275 BDD-I : an electron and proton dosimeter on the global positioning system : final report LA-12276-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1989 LA-12277-MS Simulation of backscatter imaging LA-12278-MS Information display for nuclear materials safeguards LA-12281-PR Accelerator Technology division annual report FY 1991 LA-12283-SR Oil recovery technology partnership--the first two years : biennial report for fiscal years 1989-1990 LA-12284-T Spectral self-similarity of homogeneous anisotropic turbulence LA-12285-MS On the crisis stability of a submarine deterrent LA-12287-T A study of the normal injection of hydrogen into a heated supersonic flow using planar laser-induced fluorescence LA-12288-MS Proof-of-principle investigations on the application of infrared technology to safeguards LA-12291-MS Laser-ablated copper condensation in helium LA-12292-M WDAS operation manual including the add-a-source function LA-12293-MS Errata to crisis stability indices for adaptive two-layer defenses LA-12294-MS Stability of large offensive force reductions LA-12295-MS Evolution in strategic forces and doctrine LA-12296-MS Miss distances in tactical missile intercepts LA-12297-MS An entry-level conventional radar-driven rocket anti-satellite LA-12298-MS Phase-space estimate of satellite coverage time LA-12299-MS Technical issues in theater missile defense LA-12300-MS High-velocity interceptors for boost-phase intercepts LA-12301-MS Colloid research for the Nevada Test Site LA-12302-MS Joint stabilizing projects in defense LA-12303-MS Turbulence transport equations for variable-densi- ty turbulence and their relationship to two-field models LA-12309-MS Plutonium isotopic abundance measurements on CBNM NRM 271 analyzed with the FRAM and MGA codes LA-12310-MS Crisis stability of space-based defenses LA-12311-C Workshop on Noninvasive Geophysical Site Characterization LA-12312-MS TRANSX 2 : a code for interfacing MATXS cross-section libraries to nuclear transport codes LA-12314-MS Polymeric materials for use in wet hydrochloric acid environments LA-12315-MS Evaluation of source-term data for plutonium aerosolization LA-12316-MS Flood risk model for probabilistic safety assessment LA-12317-MS C-Division annual review and operating plan : May 1992 LA-12319-PR Laboratory-directed research and development : FY 1991 progress report LA-12320-MS Material science experience gained from the space nuclear rocket program : insulators LA-12322-MS Investigation of silicon nitride performance in plutonium systems for application in pyrochemistry LA-12323-MS An analysis of human intelligence losses from a secure information system LA-12324-T Test results from the MEGA experiment : a search for the rare decay of the muon to an electron and a gamma ray LA-12325-C Proceedings of the DOE/Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Radionuclide Adsorption Workshop at Los Alamos National Laboratory, September 11-12, 1990 LA-12326-MS The State of computing at Los Alamos National Laboratory FY 1991 LA-12327-T The design of high-resolution upwind shock-captur- ing methods LA-12328-MS Precision of gamma-ray measurements of the effective specific power and effective 240Pu fraction of plutonium LA-12329-MS Safeguards issues of long-term waste management at DOE sites LA-12331-PR Chemical and Laser Sciences Division annual report 1990 LA-12332-MS Nuclear borehole logging applied to environmental restoration LA-12334-PR Safeguards and security research and development progress report : October 1990-September 1991 LA-12335-MS The Cambric migration experiment : a summary report LA-12336-PR Physics Division progress report : January 1, 1991 - December 31, 1991 LA-12338-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Hydrology/Radionuclide Migration Project : October 1, 1990-September 30, 1991 LA-12340-MS Measurements and calculations of the characterist- ics for a space-based neutron sensor LA-12341-M GNETS, graphical network security system user guide LA-12343-MS Comprehensive nuclear model calculations : introduction to the theory and use of the GNASH code LA-12344-MS Los Alamos National Laboratory Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project 1991 quality program status report LA-12345-MS Primary skin irritation studies of methyl 2-[hydroxymethyl] acrylate LA-12346-MS Preliminary toxicology study of 3,6-diamino-1,2,4- ,5-tetrazine LA-12356 Decommissioning the UHTREX Reactor Facility at Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-12359-MS Seismic buckling capacity of unstiffened, free-standing steel containments LA-12360-T Quasielastic scattering using the (p,n) reaction at 795 MeV LA-12361-MS Non-damaging, portable radiography : applications in arms control verification LA-12364 The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and its verification LA-12368-MS The potential of die casting for the production of near net shape uranium parts LA-12369-MS The potential of investment casting for the production of near net shape uranium parts LA-12370-MS The potential of centrifugal casting for the production of near net shape uranium parts LA-12371-MS The potential of squeeze casting for the production of near net shape uranium parts LA-12373-T Pion elastic scattering from polarized 13C in the energy region of the P33 resonance LA-12374-MS SNM holdup measurements for Los Alamos exhaust ducts. Interim Phase II report LA-12376-MS A summary and discussion of hydrologic data from the Calico Hills Nonwelded Hydrogeologic Unit at Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-12377-MS Bibliography, Group T-3, 1955-1991 LA-12378 Anion chromatography : comparison of eluant pH, concentration, and flow rate LA-12379-MS Directional fast-neutron detectors LA-12380-T Part I, Angular distribution measurement of beam-foil muonium. Part II, Muon injection simulation for a new muon g-2 experiment LA-12382-MS Closed-loop flow test Miravalles geothermal field well-log results LA-12383-MS Crisis stability in the new world order LA-12384-MS Steps towards a global system of defense LA-12386-M Nuclear criticality safety : 2-day training course LA-12387-M Nuclear criticality safety : 3-day training course LA-12387-M-Rev. Nuclear criticality safety : 3-day training course LA-12388-M Nuclear criticality safety : 5-day training course LA-12389-MS A continuum code investigation of stress integration using exact and approximate material rotation LA-12390-MS Experimental evaluation of software-driven digital gain-drift compensation in scintillator gamma-ray spectroscopy LA-12391 Comparison of first-principles of MCNP calculatio- ns of NaI and BGO detector response functions to measurements LA-12392-MS Comparative cost analysis of ceramic processing techniques LA-12394-MS EXCPACK : a package of codes for electron impact excitation of ions by a distorted wave method LA-12397-T A contact area evolution model for friction in metal forming LA-12398-MS Electrical conductivity as a test for the integrity of latex gloves LA-12405-MS Copper condensation calculations LA-12407-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center LANSCE experiment reports, 1991 run cycle LA-12409-M Low-level RF LabVIEW control software user's manual LA-12411-SR Status report on ESF-related prototype testing LA-12412-MS Liquid-scintillator stabilization with an internal 137Cs source LA-12413 Superlattice electroabsorption radiation detector LA-12414-MS Shift-register neutron-coincidence counting and the gray barrel problem LA-12415 MCNP : criticality safety benchmark problems LA-12416-MS Elemental composition of background soils from Arches National Park, Utah LA-12417-MS An Investigation of sulfur concentrations in soils and pine needles in Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico LA-12418-MS An Investigation of sulfur concentrations in soils and pine needles in Canyonlands National Park, Utah LA-12419-MS An Investigation of sulfur concentrations in soils and pine needles in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico LA-12420-MS An Investigation of sulfur concentrations in soils and pine needles in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado LA-12421-MS An Investigation of sulfur concentrations in soils and pine needles on Chinde Mesa, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona LA-12426-MS A study of intrinsic densitometry using the Monte Carlo method LA-12427-T A search for 100 TeV gamma-ray emission from the X-ray binary pulsar 4U 0115+63 using the CYGNUS Extensive Air-Shower Array LA-12429-PR Health physics : 1991 progress report LA-12430-MS Nuclear weapon proliferation indicators and observables LA-12433 Monte Carlo variance reduction approaches for non-Boltzmann tallies LA-12434-MS Static-stress analysis of dual-axis confinement vessel LA-12435-MS Static-stress analysis of dual-axis safety vessel LA-12436-MS Quality assurance for health and environmental chemistry, 1991 LA-12437-PR Progress at LAMPF : January-December 1991 LA-12441-MS Ice targets for use at NTOF LA-12442-MS Active defenses : status and issues LA-12443-T Spin flip effects in pion nucleus interactions LA-12445-T Asymptotic diffusion accelerated discontinuous finite element methods for transport problems LA-12446-MS The Nondestructive assay of 55-gallon drums containing uranium and transuranic waste using passive-active shufflers LA-12448-MS Applied research in America LA-12449-MS Former Soviet Republic capabilities in space and science LA-12450-MS Comments on 'Global Defense and Strategic Stability' LA-12451-MS Statistical data filtration in neutron coincidence counting LA-12452-MS New approach to the interaction of cosmic rays with nuclei in spacecraft shielding and the human body LA-12455-MS Synthesis and characterizaiton of 1,4-dinitroglyc- oluril (DINGU) LA-12456 Final report on the first step in distributed remote sensing LA-12457-T Quasi-free pion single charge exchange LA-12459-MS Hydrogen mixing studies (HMS): theory and computational model LA-12460-MS Geology, drilling, and some hydrologic aspects of seismic hazards program core holes, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico LA-12464 Final project report TA-35 Los Alamos Power Reactor Experiment No. II (LAPRE II) decomissioni- ng project LA-12468-MS Comparison of shuffler data analysis techniques LA-12469-MS Cosmic-ray-veto detector system LA-12470-MS Multi-phase equation of state for Westerly granite LA-12471-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1990 LA-12476-C Proceedings of the Near-Earth-Object Interception Workshop LA-12479-M Plutonium scrap multiplicity counter operation manual LA-12480-T The theory for, and demonstration of, information theory applied to radar target identification LA-12481 SCDAP/RELAP5 : independent peer review LA-12482-MS Advanced magnetic flux compression generator development issues : a comparison of coaxial and disk generators LA-12483-MS A PC-PCL-based control system for the high-voltage pulsed-power operation of the intense diagnostic neutral beam (IDNB) Experiment LA-12485-M PFPF canister counter for foreign plutonium (PCAS-3) hardware operations and procedures manual LA-12486-T Measurement of effective analyzing powers for the NTOF polarimeter at LAMPF and D[sub LL] (0 [degree]) for Gamow-Teller transitions in p-shell nuclei LA-12487-T A study of isospin symmetry breaking in carbon 12 with 50 MeV pions LA-12488-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, October 1992 LA-12489-MS Fast interceptors for theater boost-phase intercepts LA-12490-MS Simulation, computing, information, and future warfare LA-12492-T Search for ultrahigh energy emission from the Crab pulsar/nebula LA-12493-MS On the coupling of electromagnetic radiation into cavities LA-12495-T A research study to predict cost estimates for the LANL Test Program LA-12496-MS An Evaluation of the INVS Model IV neutron counter LA-12497-MS TGS_FIT : image reconstruction software for quantitative, low-resolution tomographic assays LA-12498-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Hydrology/Radionuclide Migration Project : October 1, 1991 - September 30, 1992 LA-12499-PR Laboratory-directed research and development : FY 1992 progress report LA-12500-PR Laboratory-directed research and development : FY1992 completed projects LA-12501-PR Physics Division progress report : special 50th anniversary issue, January 1, 1992 - December 31, 1992 LA-12502-MS Dual use of distributed remote sensing satellites LA-12503-MS KIVA-III : a KIVA program with block-structured mesh for complex geometries LA-12504-MS Geometry-based multiplication correction for passive neutron coincidence assay of materials with variable and unknown ([alpha], n) neutron rates LA-12505-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, November 1992 LA-12507-MS Two tests for explosive countermine studies LA-12508-T Search for an eta-nuclear bound state in the double charge exchange reaction [sup 18]O([pi sup +, pi sup -])[sup 18]Ne (DIAS) LA-12510-HDR Geochemistry of thermal/mineral waters in the Clear Lake region, California, and implications for hot dry rock geothermal development LA-12511-MS CRRES dosimeter simulations LA-12514 The search for environmental solutions : a look at INC Division capabilities LA-12516-MS Automated software analysis of nuclear core discharge data LA-12517-T Nuclear isovector giant resonances excited by pion single charge exchange LA-12520 Prediction of alumina penetration LA-12521-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, December 1992 LA-12522-C Proceedings of the Alfred O. Nier Symposium on Inorganic Mass Spectrometry, Durango, Colorado, May 7-9, 1991 LA-12523-PR New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge : 1992 evaluation report LA-12524-MS LRAD surface monitors LA-12526-MS THIEF/VA : a requirements analysis LA-12528 Partitioning high-level waste from alkaline solution : a literature survey LA-12531-MS Selection and testing of a rigid, aromatic ligand for binding gadolinium (III) LA-12532-MS Metal-ion recycle technology for metal electropla- ting waste waters LA-12533-T Partial cross sections in H- photodetachment LA-12534-C Proceedings of the First Geological Materials Constitutive Modeling Workshop, Los Alamos National Laboratory, December 9-10, 1992 LA-12535-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, January 1993 LA-12536-MS Implementation of the Turn Function Method in KIVA-F90 LA-12538-MS Multisphere neutron spectroscopy measurements at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility LA-12539-MS Kinetics programs for simulation of tropospheric photochemistry on the global scale LA-12541-MS SESAME equation of state number 8010 : boron loaded silicone potting material LA-12542-MS Geologic evaluation of six nonwelded tuff sites in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada for a surface-based test facility for the Yucca Mountain Project LA-12544-PR Safeguards and security research and development progress report : October 1991-September 1992 LA-12545-MS Beryllium processing technology review for applications in plasma-facing components LA-12546-MS Instrumentation and procedures for moisture corrections to passive neutron coincidence counting assays of bulk PuO2 and MOX powders LA-12552-MS Modeling turbulence in flows with a strong rotational component LA-12554 Reduction of Pu(VI) with hydrogen peroxide : effects of plutonium, peroxide, and iron concentrations and of reaction time LA-12556-C Proceedings of the First Annual Nuclear Criticality Safety Technology Project : Gaithersburg, Maryland, May 12-14, 1992 LA-12559-T Inclusive measurements of pion double charge exchange and inelastic scattering on 3He LA-12560-T Reaction mechanism and nuclear correlations study by low energy pion double charge exchange LA-12561-MS A test method for evaluating the air cleaning performance of a high-efficiency particulate-air filter system LA-12562-MS Measured solubilities and speciations of neptunium, plutonium, and americium in a typical groundwater (J-13) from the Yucca Mountain Region, Milestone Report 3010-WBS LA-12563-MS Measured solubilities and speciations from oversaturation experiments of neptunium, plutonium, and americium in UE-25p #1 well water from the Yucca Mountain Region, Milestone Report 3329-WBS1. LA-12564-MS Kinetics of silica-phase transitions LA-12565-MS Computing and communications : 1992-1993 [annual report] LA-12566-MS Atmospheric acoustic modeling LA-12567-MS Scaling of sustained ZT-40 M reversed-field pinches LA-12569 Calculation of the LiF-CeF3-BeF2 and LiF-PuF3-BeF2 ternary phase diagrams LA-12570 Analytic score distributions and moments for a spatially continuous tridirectional Monte Carlo transport problem LA-12571-C Proceedings for Air Quality Management Programs: a Workshop on Lessons Learned, October 16-19, 1991 LA-12572-ENV Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1991 LA-12573-MS Distribution of potentially hazardous phases in the subsurface at Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-12575-MS An Investigation of the impact of inorganic air pollutants on soils in Saguaro National Monument, Tucson, Arizona LA-12576-MS The future of conventional defense research at Los Alamos LA-12577-T High precision absolute differential cross-section measurements for proton-proton elastic scattering at 491.9, 575.5, 641.6, 728.2, and 793.0 MeV LA-12580-MS Fiber-optic ground-truth thermometer LA-12582-MS NTO- and ANTA-based insensitive high explosives LA-12583-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, March 1993 LA-12585 The use of a new potentiostat/coulometer in the controlled-potential coulometric determination of plutonium LA-12586-PR Radioactive air emissions : 1992 summary LA-12587-MS A more efficient method of preparing 3,3-dinitroa- zetidine LA-12588-PR Quarterly report, Heat Source Technology Program : October-December 1992 LA-12589-MS Evaluation of ferrocyanide/nitrate explosive hazard LA-12592 Why the Gulf War still matters : foreign perspectives on the war and the future of international security LA-12595-PR Accelerator Technology division progress report FY 1992 LA-12596-MS Measurement of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and chemical transport in Yucca Mountain tuff milestone report 3044-WBS1. LA-12597-MS A comparison of film and phosphor scanners LA-12601-MS Kinetic theory of runaway air breakdown and the implications for lightning initiation LA-12602-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, April 1993 LA-12604-MS Relativistic collision rate calculations for electron-air interactions LA-12605-MS Chemical analysis of selected pothole water sources in southwestern national parks, monuments, and recreation areas LA-12606-MS The xerolithic geothermal ("hot dry rock") energy resource of the United States : an update LA-12608-M NNS computing facility manual, P-17 neutron and nuclear science LA-12612-MS Single-point representative sampling with shrouded probes LA-12614-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, May 1993 LA-12615-MS Acute and chronic sulfur dioxide fumigation of pi~non pine seeds and seedlings : data compilation LA-12617-MS Software Toolkit for Analysis Research (STAR) LA-12618-PR Quarterly report, Heat Source Technology Program : January-March 1993 LA-12619-MS COSL dosimetry for application to on-site inspections : a technical review LA-12620 New Mexico supercomputing challenge 1993 evaluation report LA-12622 Localization from near-source quasi-static electromagnetic fields LA-12623-MS BOMAB phantom manufacturing quality assurance study using Monte Carlo computations LA-12625-M MCNP -- a general Monte Carlo code for neutron and photon transport LA-12626-MS A portable, automatic SNM monitor for nuclear safeguards : development, evaluation, and applications LA-12627-MS Measurement and analysis of neutron energy spectra from fission sources LA-12628-MS Particle-in-cell (PIC) code simulation results and comparison with theory scaling laws for photoelectron-generated radiation LA-12629-MS Analysis of Dietz's single, rectangular pulse theory for the generation of radiation via photoelectrons LA-12631-MS The synthesis of plutonium trichloride by chlorination of plutonium dioxide with phosgene LA-12632-C Workshop proceedings : Dynamic response of materials to pulsed heating LA-12633-MS Directional measurements for sources of fission neutrons LA-12635-T A photon detector system for the search for the rare muon decay [mu--> electron and gamma] LA-12636 Evaluation of no-clean solder process designed to eliminate the use of ozone-depleting chemicals LA-12637-T Metastable phases in the aluminum-germanium alloy system : synthesis by mechanical alloying and pressure induced transformations LA-12638-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, June 1993 LA-12639-MS New thermal neutron scattering files for ENDF/B-VI release 2 LA-12641 Deviatoric stresses and plastic strain rates in strong shock waves for six metals LA-12643-H Total Quality Management and nuclear weapons : a historian's perspective LA-12644-M TIPC user manual LA-12646-C Proceedings of the IMOG (Interagency Manufacturing Operations Group) Numerical Systems Group : 62nd Meeting, February 9-10, 1993, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee LA-12647-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center (LANSCE) experiment reports, 1992 run cycle LA-12649-MS Shear wall ultimate drift limits LA-12650-MS Data analysis of the 1984 and 1986 soil sampling programs at Materials Disposal Area T in the Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-12651-T Elastic scattering of pions from tritium and [sup 3]He in the backward hemisphere in the region of the [delta sub 33] (1232) resonance LA-12652-MS Mineralogy and clinoptilolite K/Ar results from Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA : a potential high-level radioactive waste repository site LA-12653-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, July 1993 LA-12654 Distributions of 14 elements on 60 selected absorbers from two simulant solutions (acid-disso- lved sludge and alkaline supernate) for Hanford HLW Tank 102-SY LA-12654-Rev. Distributions of 14 elements on 63 absorbers from three simulant solutions (acid-dissolved sludge, acidified supernate, and alkaline supernate) for Hanford HLW Tank 102-SY LA-12655-MS Effects of ionizing radiation on modern ion exchange materials LA-12657-PR Quarterly report, Heat Source Technology Program : April-June, 1993 LA-12658 Estimation and interpretation of k[sub eff] confidence intervals in MCNP LA-12659-MS Minimum critical mass analytical studies LA-12662-MS Dosimetry at the Los Alamos Critical Experiments Facility : past, present, and future LA-12663-T Reaction [pi N]--> [pi pi N] near threshold LA-12664-MS Microcomputer glove box feedthrough and installation LA-12666-M Research reactor fork : users manual LA-12667-MS Future radioactive liquid waste streams study LA-12669-MS Constitutive equations for annealed metals under compression at high strain rates and high temperatures LA-12671-MS Two-point correlation equations for variable density turbulence LA-12672-C Proceedings of the Nuclear Criticality Technology and Safety Project workshop : Monterey, California, April 16-20, 1993 LA-12673-C JOWOG 28 : Main Meeting, September 27-30, 1993 LA-12674 A simple model for determining photoelectron-gene- rated radiation scaling laws LA-12675-MS Depleted uranium investigation at missile impact sites in White Sands Missile Range LA-12676-MS Chemical composition of Hanford tank SY-102 LA-12677-MS B-jet tagging using the GEM central tracker LA-12678-MS Pattern recognition in the GEM central tracker at luminosity of 10[sup 33] cm[sup minus 2]s[sup minus 1] LA-12679-MS Simulation of the GEM silicon central tracker using GEANT LA-12680-PR Laboratory-directed research and development : FY1993 progress report LA-12681-PR Laboratory-directed research and development : FY1993 completed projects LA-12682-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, August 1993 LA-12683 Forecast of criticality experiments and experimental programs needed to support nuclear operations in the United States of America : 1994-1999 LA-12684-MS SESAME equation of state number 8020: polyetheret- herketone (PEEK) LA-12685-MS New equation of state for stainless steel 347 LA-12687-MS High-power microwave-tube transmitters LA-12689-MS MAWST file generator (MFG) LA-12691-T Pion single charge exchange in three body nuclei at intermediate energies LA-12696-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, September 1993 LA-12698-C Proceedings of the International Workshop on Low Energy Muon Science : LEMS '93, Santa Fe, NM, April 4-8, 1993 LA-12699-v.1 MARI, Mexico City air quality research initiative : final report. Volume I, an executive summary = EGCA, Estudio global de la calidad del aire en la Ciudad de Mexico : informe final. Volumen I, Resumen ejecutivo LA-12699-v.2 Mexico City air quality research initiative : Volume II, Problem definition, background, and summary of prior research LA-12699-v.3 Mexico City air quality research initiative : Volume III, Modeling and simulation LA-12699-v.4 Mexico City air quality research initiative : Volume IV, Characterization and measurement LA-12699-v.5 Mexico City air quality research initiative. Volume V, Strategic evaluation LA-12700 SNM holdup assessment of Los Alamos exhaust ducts : final report LA-12701-MS Tank SY-102 Remediation Project : flowsheet and conceptual design report LA-12703-SR Los Alamos National Laboratory Yucca Mountain site characterization project : 1992 quality program status report LA-12704 MCNP : multigroup/adjoint capabilities LA-12705-MS A Comparison of the dynamic stiffness of the Goldcrown GC-500 grinding machine for three slide designs LA-12707-MS Transport of synthetic colliods through single saturated fractures : A literature review LA-12708-MS Preliminary conceptual model for mineral evolution in Yucca Mountain LA-12712-MS Variational elliptic solver for atmospheric applications LA-12713-MS Pattern recognition and tracker resolutions for the GEM central tracker at luminosity of 10[sup 34] cm[sup minus 2]s[sup minus 1] LA-12714-MS Simulation of the GEM central tracker performance using GEANT LA-12715-MS Survey and evaluation of aging risk assessment methods and applications LA-12716-T Reactivity effects of void formations in a solution critical assembly LA-12718-HDR Surface water supply for the Clearlake, California Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Project LA-12720-MS Calcite deposits in drill cores USW G-2 and USW GU-3/G-3 at Yucca Mountain, Nevada : preliminary report LA-12721-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Hydrologic Resources Management Program : October 1, 1992-September 30, 1993 LA-12722-T Instability heating of solid-fiber Z pinches LA-12724-T Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of solid-deuterium- -initiated Z-pinch experiments LA-12725-MS Comparison of small mammal species diversity near wastewater outfalls, natural streams, and dry canyons LA-12727-MS A preliminary design study for improving performance in tomographic assays LA-12728-MS Acoustic emission sensing of tool-bit contact with plutonium during machining composite structures LA-12729-MS Thermodynamic analysis of spent pyrochemical salts in the stored condition and in viable accident scenarios LA-12732-SR Status and test report on the LANL-Boeing APLE/HPO flying-wire beam-profile monitor LA-12733-MS Source document compilation : Los Alamos investigations related to the environment, engineering, geology, and hydrology : 1961-1990 LA-12734-SR Aquatic macroinvertebrates and water quality of Sandia Canyon, Los Alamos National Laboratory : December 1992-October 1993 LA-12735-T Time reversal invariance in polarized neutron decay LA-12736-MS Megapixel imaging camera for expanded H[sub -] beam measurements LA-12737-M NBC operation manual including the multi-position add-a-source function LA-12738-MS Aquatic macroinvertebrates and water quality in Sandia Canyon LA-12739-PR Health physics : 1992 progress report LA-12740-M The NJOY nuclear data processing system. Version 91 LA-12742-MS LRAD-based airflow monitors LA-12743-T Models to evaluate magnicon architectures and designs suitable for high-perveance beams LA-12746-M Interchangeable spline reference guide LA-12747-MS A comparison of radiological risk assessment models : Risk assessment models used by the BEIR V Committee, UNSCEAR, ICRP, AND EPA (for NESHAP) LA-12748-MS Explosive performance on the Non-Proliferation Experiment LA-12749-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, October 1993 LA-12751-MS Waste minimization and the goal of an environment- ally benign plutonium processing facility : a strategic plan LA-12752-MS An Assessment of high-energy explosives and metal contamination in soil at TA-67 (12), L-Site, and TA-14, Q-Site LA-12753-MS High explosive spot test analyses of samples from Operable Unit (OU) 1111 LA-12754-PR Life Sciences Division and Center for Human Genome Studies, 1992-1993 LA-12755-MS SESAME equation of state for epoxy LA-12757-M Los Alamos Waste Management Cost Estimation model : final report : documentation of waste management process, development of cost estimation model, and model reference manual LA-12758-T Conceptual design of a digital control system for nuclear criticality experiments LA-12759-MS Generalized design formulas for low energy electromagnetic quads LA-12761-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, November 1993 LA-12762-MS Engineering photochemical smog through convection towers LA-12763-SR High efficiency filter systems : general observations, 1992-1993 LA-12764-ENV Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1992 LA-12765 Spetrophotometric determination of plutonium-239 based on the spectrum of plutonium(III) chloride LA-12766-MS Predicting linear and nonlinear time series with applications in Nuclear Safeguards and Nonprolife- ration LA-12767-MS Dynamic characterization and damage detection in the I-40 bridge over the Rio Grande LA-12769-MS The design and calibration of the spent-fuel neutron coincidence counter for underwater applications LA-12770-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1991 LA-12773 Generation of ultra-high magnetic fields for AGEX LA-12773 The Los Alamos Arzamas-16 high magnetic field shot series, Ancho Canyon site, December, 1993 LA-12774-MS The use of curium neutrons to verify plutonium in spent fuel and reprocessing wastes LA-12775-MS Some NUDET effects due to water containment LA-12776-MS Prototype explosives-detection system based on nuclear-resonance absorption in nitrogen LA-12777-MS The Effects of proton-beam quality on the production of gamma rays for nuclear resonance absorption in nitrogen LA-12779-MS Colloid-facilitated radionuclide transport at Yucca Mountain LA-12780-MS Molecular models for actinide speciation LA-12781-MS Simulations of in situ air stripping demonstration at Savannah River LA-12782-MS Summary performance assessment of in situ remediation technologies demonstrated at Savannah River LA-12783-MS Performance of horizontal versus vertical vapor extraction wells LA-12784-MS Nuclear rockets : high-performance propulsion for Mars LA-12786-MS The Los Alamos Super Scrub[sup TM] : supercritical carbon dioxide system utilities and consumables study LA-12787-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, December 1993 LA-12788-MS Staurosporine analysis and its pharmocokinetics in the blood of rats LA-12789-MS Numerical simulations in support of the in situ bioremediation demonstration at Savannah River LA-12790-MS Quality assurance for environmental chemistry, 1992 LA-12791-T Lie group invariant finite difference schemes for the neutron diffusion equation LA-12792-PR In-place testing summary (1992) LA-12793-MS Scale-up of the SY-102 remediation flowsheet LA-12794-MS Engineering models of deflagration-to-detonation transition LA-12795-MS Radionuclide concentrations in elk that winter on Los Alamos National Laboratory Lands LA-12795-MS-Rev. Radionuclide concentrations in elk that winter on Los Alamos National Laboratory Lands LA-12796-MS The Stockpile Monitor Program LA-12797-T Leaks in nuclear grade high efficiency aerosol filters LA-12799-PR Determining uranium speciation in Fernald soils by molecular spectroscopic methods : FY 1993 progress report LA-12800-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, January 1994 LA-12803-MS Field guide to fracture-lining minerals at Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-12804-PR Physics Division progress report : January 1, 1993 - December 31, 1993 . LA-12809-pt.1 The furnace in the basement. Part I, The early days of the Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy Program, 1970-1973 LA-12810-MS Mineralogic variation in drill core UE-25 UZ#16, Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-12811-MS Mechanical behavior of [sup 238]UO[sub 2], [sup 238]PuO[sub 2], and [sup 239]PuO[sub 2] as a function of strain rate and temperature LA-12812-MS In vivo and in vitro effects of staurosporine on the DNA distributions in and proliferation of various rodent cell populations . LA-12813-MS A Feasibility study for the application of radiation monitoring for international safeguards at an Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS) Facility LA-12814-MS Parallel processing of atmospheric chemistry calculations : preliminary considerations LA-12815-MS Evaluation of the total-evaporation method for mass spectrometric analysis of uranium and plutonium safeguards samples : report of phase I LA-12816-PR Safeguards and security research and development progress report : October 1992-September 1993 LA-12817-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, February 1994 LA-12818-MS Radionuclide concentrations in game and nongame fish upstream and downstream of Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1981-1993 LA-12820-MS Actinide (IV) and actinide (VI) carbonate speciation studies by PAS and NMR spectroscopies : Yucca Mountain Project Milestone report 3031-WBS LA-12821-MS High performance ground penetrating radar survey of TA-49/Area 2 final report LA-12824-MS Selection of a preferred initial access for the exploratory studies facility LA-12825-T Solution based preparation of perovskite-type oxide films and powders LA-12826 Computer-based supervisory control and data acquisition system for the radioactive waste evaporator LA-12827-M Criticality calculations with MCNP[sup TM] : a primer LA-12828-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Program, March 1994 LA-12830 Prediction of material strength and fracture of glass using the SPHINX smooth particle hydrodynam- ics code LA-12831-MS Calibration of neutron moisture gauges and their ability to spatially determine soil water content in environmental studies LA-12832-MS Dynamic-range tests for a gamma-ray sensor LA-12833-MS Calculations of the neutron response of boron-loaded scintillators LA-12834-MS Network alarm assessment LA-12835-C Proceedings of the Workshop on Simulating Accelerator Radiation Environments : January 11-15, 1993, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA LA-12836-MS On the Taylor Test. Part III, A continuum mechanics code analysis of steady plastic wave propagation LA-12837-MS Criticality study of various highly enriched uranium samples measured in an active well coincidence counter LA-12839 A new MCNP[sup TM] test set LA-12840-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, April 1994 LA-12841-MS Global equation of state for a glassy material : fused silica LA-12843-MS Plutonium solution analyzer LA-12843-MS-Rev. Plutonium solution analyzer LA-12844 Monte Carlo investigation of through-casing [gamma-gamma] density logging LA-12845-MS On the Taylor Test. Part II, An engineering analysis of plastic wave propagation LA-12846-MS Specific activities and DOE-STD-1027-92 hazard category 2 thresholds LA-12847-MS Design and development of the associated-particle three-dimensional imaging technique LA-12848-MS Electrical-conductivity testing of latex gloves LA-12849-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, May 1994 LA-12850-MS Monte Carlo calculations of the effective area and directional response of a polyethylene-moderated neutron counter LA-12854-MS Fiber-optic displacement sensors on the hunters trophy UGT impulse gauge experiments LA-12855-MS A survey of artificial neural network applications in flow analysis of energy networks LA-12856-MS Utilizing artificial neural networks in network flow analysis : an annotated bibliography LA-12857-ENV Environmental analysis of lower Pueblo/Lower Los Alamos Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-12858-MS Evolution of plastic anisotropy for high-strain-r- ate computations LA-12859-PR Radioactive air emissions : 1993 summary LA-12860-MS AFC generator development LA-12861-MS A Compendium of results from long-range alpha detector soil surface monitoring : June 1992 - May 1994 LA-12862 Effects of aqueous-soluble organic compounds on the removal of selected radionuclides from high-level waste. Part I, Distribution of Sr, Cs, and Tc onto 18 absorbers from an irradiated, organic-containing leachate simulant for Hanford Tank 101-SY LA-12863 Distributions of 15 elements on 58 absorbers from simulated Hanford double-shell slurry feed (DSSF) LA-12865 Visible fluorescence of weathered lead LA-12866 CONTAIN independent peer review LA-12869-MS Influence of the hysteretic phase change in granite on seismic and hydrodynamic coupling of nuclear explosions . LA-12870-MS Far-field fast-neutron energy spectra from an unshielded fission reactor LA-12872-MS Tritium concentrations in bees and honey at Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-12873-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, June 1994 LA-12874-MS Simulation of absorption edge densitometry LA-12875-MS An overview of the development, testing, and application of composite absorbers LA-12876-T Engineered materials for application in severe metallurgical environments : tantalum-carbon alloy development LA-12878-MS Intrinsic densitometry--in-plant evaluation LA-12880-PR Laboratory-directed research and development : FY1994 progress report LA-12883-MS Geologic and hydrologic records of observation wells, test holes, test wells, supply wells, springs, and surface water stations in the Los Alamos area LA-12884 Benchmark analysis of MCNP [sup TM] ENDF/B-VI iron LA-12885 Lawrence Livermore pulsed sphere benchmark analysis of MCNP [sup TM] ENDF/B-VI LA-12886-MS Plutonium carbonate speciation changes as measured in dilute solutions with photoaccoustic spectroscopy : Yucca Mountain site characterizati- on program milestone report 3350 LA-12887 MCNP [sup TM] ENDF/B-VI validation : infinite media comparisons of ENDF/B-VI and ENDF/B-V LA-12888-T A transport based one-dimensional perturbation code for reactivity calculations in metal systems LA-12889 Distributions of 12 elements on 64 absorbers from simulated Hanford neutralized current acid waste (NCAW) LA-12891 ENDF/B-VI data for MCNP [sup TM] LA-12892-MS Design of a new portable fork detector for research reactor spent fuel . LA-12893-C Stable isotope applications in biomolecular structure and mechanisms : a meeting to bring together producers and users of stable-isotope-la- beled compounds to assess current and future needs LA-12894-MS Ion exchange and dehydration experimental studies of clinoptilolite : implications to zeolite dating LA-12895-MS Chemical and isotopic variations of precipitation in the Los Alamos Region, New Mexico LA-12896 Computational and experimental studies of hydrodynamic instabilities and turbulent mixing LA-12897-MS [Sup 13]C and [sup 17]O NMR binding constant studies of uranyl carbonate complexes in near-neutral aqueous solution : Yucca Mountain Project Milestone Report 3351 LA-12898-MS Hydrolysis of plutonium : corrosion kinetics in DMSO solutions containing simulated high explosive and water LA-12899-MS Radionuclide concentrations in fish collected from Jemez, Nambe, and San Ildefonso Tribal Lakes LA-12901-PR AGEX II technical quarterly. Vol. II, March 1, 1995 LA-12902-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, September 1994 LA-12903-PR Hot dry rock energy : Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Development Program : progress report, fiscal year 1993 LA-12904-MS A cell model for homogenization of fiber-reinforc- ed composites : general theory and nonlinear elasticity effects LA-12905-SR Los Alamos National Laboratory Yucca Mountain site characterization project : 1993 quality program status report LA-12906-PR The Manuel Lujan, Jr. Neutron Scattering Center (LANSCE) experiment reports, 1993 run cycle LA-12907 Pit-storage monitoring LA-12908-MS Status of volcanism studies for the Yucca Mountain site characterization project LA-12909-MS Thermodynamic modeling of hydrogen fluoride production relevant to actinide residue treatment LA-12910-MS Evaluation of ANSI N42.17A by investigating the effects of temperature and humidity on the response of radiological instruments LA-12910-MS-Rev. Evaluation of ANSI N42-17A by investigating the effects of temperature and humidity on the response of radiological instruments LA-12912-MS Environmental geochemistry for surface and subsurface waters in the Pajarito Plateau and outlying areas, New Mexico LA-12913-MS Natural background geochemistry, geomorphology, and pedogenesis of selected soil profiles and Bandelier Tuff Los Alamos, New Mexico LA-12915-MS Evaluating prediction uncertainty LA-12916-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, July 1994 LA-12917-PR Laboratory and field studies related to the Hydrologic Resources Management Program : October 1, 1993-September 30, 1994 LA-12918-MS The Safeguards Options Study LA-12919 Waste monitoring system for effluents LA-12920-MS Application of electrodialysis to the recovery of spent electrorefining salts : plutonium recovery and waste minimization LA-12922-MS Initial summary of triggers, triggering, and time-correlated data LA-12923-MS Authentication of reprocessing plant safeguards data through correlation analysis LA-12925-MS The NMT-5 criticality database LA-12926-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1992 LA-12927-MS Technology transfer : Half-way houses LA-12928-MS In-place HEPA filter testing summary (1993) LA-12929-MS IAEA safeguards for the Fissile Materials Disposition Project LA-12930-C High performance systems : proceedings from the Conference on High Speed Computing, April 18-21, 1994 LA-12932-MS Radionuclide concentrations in soils and produce from Cochiti, Jemez, Taos, and San Ildefonso Pueblo gardens LA-12933 Neotectonics and seismicity of the Clearlake region in northern California LA-12934-MS Earth science investigations for environmental restoration : Los Alamos National Laboratory technical area 21 LA-12935-MS Proliferation resistance criteria for fissile material disposition LA-12936-MS Tank SY-102 remediation project summary report : Aspen modeling LA-12937-PR Life Sciences Division and Center for Human Genome Studies, 1994 LA-12938 Reliability analysis for the facility data acquistion interface system upgrade at TA-55 LA-12939-MS Formulation of non-lacquer (Latex) PBX-9502 LA-12941-T A research study to determine the perception of security awareness within Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-12942-MS Comparison of chemical and nuclear explosions: numerical simulations of the Non-Proliferation Experiment LA-12943 Effects of soluble organic complexants and their degradation products on the removal of selected radionuclides from high-level waste. Part II, Distributions of Sr, Cs, Tc, and Am onto 32 absorbers from four variations of Hanford Tank 101-SY simulant solution LA-12944-MS Use of the Los Alamos Hot-Cell Facility for target fabrication and separation of molybdenum-99 LA-12945-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, January 1995 LA-12949-MS Discriminators for the accelerator-based conversion (ABC) concept using a subcritical, molten salt system LA-12951-PR Water supply at Los Alamos during 1993 LA-12952-MS Determination of plutonium activity levels and [sup 240]Pu/[sup 239]Pu isotope ratios in bone collected from nonoccupationally-exposed individuals living in Colorado LA-12953-PR Safeguards and security research and development progress report : October 1993-September 1994 LA-12954-MS Radionuclide concentrations in vegetation at radioactive-waste disposal area G during the 1994 growing season LA-12955-MS Landslides and other mass movements near technical area 33, Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-12956-MS Radionuclide sorption in Yucca Mountain tuffs with J-13 well water : neptunium, uranium and plutonium LA-12957-MS Validity of batch sorption data to describe selenium transport through unsaturated tuff : Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Program Milestone 3415 LA-12958-MS Comparison of neptunium sorption results using batch and column techniques LA-12959-MS Progress report on colloid-facilitated transport at Yucca Mountain : Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Program Milestone 3383 LA-12961-MS Batch sorption results for neptunium transport through Yucca Mountain tuffs : Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Program Milestone 3349 LA-12962-MS Atmosphereic transport of neutrons and gamma rays from a high-altitude nuclear detonation LA-12964-MS Measuring the fill height of sealed cans with a compound pendulum LA-12965-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, October 1994 LA-12966-MS Hantavirus testing in small mammal populations of Northcentral New Mexico LA-12967-MS Ecological surveys of the proposed high explosives wastewater treatment facility region LA-12968-MS The unsaturated hydraulic characteristics of the Bandelier Tuff LA-12969-M DANTSYS : A diffusion accelerated neutral particle transport code system LA-12971-SR Aquatic macroinvertebrates and water quality of Sandia Canyon, Los Alamos National Laboratory, November 1993 to October 1994 LA-12972-MS Microbial effects on colloidal agglomeration LA-12973-ENV Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1993 LA-12975-MS Magnesium hydroxide as the neutralizing agent for radioactive hydrochloric acid solutions LA-12976-MS Los Alamos National Laboratory Yucca Mountan Project publications (1979-1994) LA-12977-MS Distribution and chemistry of fracture-lining minerals at Yucca Mountain, Nevada LA-12978-MS Cesium sorption and desorption on selected Los Alamos Soils LA-12979-MS Finite element analysis of the I-40 bridge over the Rio Grande LA-12980-C 25th PolyMAC conference : June 13-15, 1995 LA-12981-MS Table of DOE-STD-1027-92 hazard category 3 threshold quantities for the ICRP-30 list of 757 radionuclides LA-12982-PR Monthly progress report : Heat Source Technology Programs, February 1995 LA-12984 Introduction to finite-difference methods for numerical fluid dynamics LA-12985 Remote video viewing in a supercritical fluid environment LA-12986 Area G perimeter surface-soil and single-stage water sampling : Environmental surveillance for fiscal year 1993 LA-12988-MS RADFLO physics and algorithms LA-12989-M Modeling topographic influences on solar radiation : a manual for the SOLARFLUX model LA-12990 Final Report : Scoping study of SNM detection and identification for adjunct on-site treaty monitoring LA-12991-MS SP-100 uranium mononitride fuel road map report LA-12992 Design and calibration of the AWCC for measuring uranium hexafluoride LA-12993-PR Monthly progress report : heat source technology programs, August 1994 LA-12995-C Defense, basic, and industrial research at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center : proceedings of the workshop held at J. Robert Oppenheimer Study Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory, February 12-15, 1995 LA-12996-MS Synthesis of uranium metal using laser-initiated reduction of uranium tetrafluoride by calcium metal LA-12998-MS Guidelines for the implementation of an open source information system LA-12999-MS Plutonium dioxide storage : conditions for preparation and handling