From: Jim Subject: Re: T-90 verus M1A2 Date: 1997/06/23 Message-ID: #1/1 Sender: (Sci.military Login) References: Organization: Australian Business Access Pty Ltd Newsgroups: sci.military.moderated From Jim Niel Smith wrote: > > From (Niel Smith) > > On Tue, 17 Jun 1997 20:19:53 GMT, Yevgeniy Chizhikov > wrote: > > > Snipped part about tank stats and crew training etc etc. Neil I feel that one item here is being overlooked and that you are probably the first to begin to shed light on it. That is IMHO that the deadliest weapon on the face of the Earth will be a soldier with a brain and the ability to use it. Others comment RPG's and tanks being killed by them in Chechnya. 1. Tanks were designed to fight in open plains over rough unpassable terrain utilising mobility Firepower and armour to maximum shock effect in order to win. A tank loses quite alot in urban fighting, so it should not be used in the Manner in Chech" The correct manner (Note that its not pollictically viable everywhere) is to do what the Serbians did in Former Yugo. Blast building by building house by house and slowly take each objective methodically. Anti aircraft guns are also very effective in urban fighting. > -------- > Niel Smith > >