Marcel Jussen wrote:
> Out of curiousity: what the hell do you need a notebook for in a tank ?
Because carrying a laptop computer and a handfull of CD-ROMs
is much easier than carting around the -10's, SOPs, 17-12s,
etc. A platoon sergeant or a master gunner can fill a
bankers box with the 'required' TMs and FMs.
Marcel Jussen wrote:
> > g) cupholders
> Christ almighty !! What army are, or have, you been in ? What do you
> think what happens to your drink whilst riding thru the bush ?
> Apart from getting shot at, you would like me to drown inside ?
> Greetings from an old tanker,
> Marcel
Hey, the cupholders could be gimble-mounted and have
pneumatic dash-pots to dampen the swing, then you
won't get hot coffee in your crotch !! :-)
and the pentagon, after bids, evaluation,
and deployment will have them for a price
tag of $900.00 each with CARC paint on them.
Oh, and they need tritium inlays in order to find it in the
Patricia E. Gibbons
City of San Jose - ITD/communications
Mobile Radio shop supervisor
My Public Key is available at:
Key ID: 0xEDECB44F
This key is RSA, NOT Diffie-Hellman !!
Beer can holders are essensal on any modern tank. Including fridge,
telly and cooker. Also needed is a card table. Shells and the casings
from 76mm and above should be screwed together so that you have a
container for tined food. Proper stowage for clothes would be nice,
and also washing fasilatys.
If the above where to be fitted in modern tanks now, then in 30
years time when I bye to restore I won't have to fit it out as Ive
done with my Salladin AC. and Saracen APC. :-)
Beer fridge would be nice, as would a mini-tele, and a sat dish in place
of loader's GPMG. More stowage is definitely a must-have, even if you
have to off-load some MG ammo...
In article <>,
"D.C.KOH" <> wrote:
> Beer fridge would be nice, as would a mini-tele, and a sat dish in place
> of loader's GPMG. More stowage is definitely a must-have, even if you
> have to off-load some MG ammo...
> Dan
Here now! If this kind of nonsense continues, people will be questioning the
idea of *fighting* altogether. Then where will we be? I ask you?
-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading wrote:
> In article <>,
> "D.C.KOH" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Beer fridge would be nice, as would a mini-tele, and a sat dish in place
> > of loader's GPMG. More stowage is definitely a must-have, even if you
> > have to off-load some MG ammo...
> >
> > Dan
> Here now! If this kind of nonsense continues, people will be questioning the
> idea of *fighting* altogether. Then where will we be? I ask you?
Tankers on both sides will be flinging beer cans at twenty paces, with
NIN blaring on the speakers. Perhaps tanks would become outdated and the
new FV would be the Winnebago...
"D.C.KOH" <> wrote:
>Tankers on both sides will be flinging beer cans at twenty paces, with
>NIN blaring on the speakers. Perhaps tanks would become outdated and the
>new FV would be the Winnebago...
Ever been to Knob Creek, Kentucky (the world's largest fully automatic
gun convention)? From what I've heard, it's about like that...
Samuel Fang
> Tankers on both sides will be flinging beer cans at twenty paces, with
> NIN blaring on the speakers. Perhaps tanks would become outdated and the
> new FV would be the Winnebago...
Now would this not be altogether more civilized....with 'can' races for
larger volume(oh my's a gallon!) weapons.
Since I started all this...I suppose I need to really explain why this
thread began. There are some who will always maintain that the life of a
soldier borders betweeen ascetic and unbearable. This, perhaps results in a
tougher....meaner soldier. And then there is the view that a soldier need
to be kept in a good physical state and his/her needs satisfied to perform
at maximum capacity. This thread is about the latter.....and not debating
the realtive merits of either.
Beer fridges......yes...have seen some.....actually on armoured ambulances.
What is not used to chill plasma is useful for chilling beer. Not that I
would approve the consumption of alcoholic beverages whilst driving a
tank......The APU idea is even more interesting now with extrenally mounted
power points to plug in power tools, working lamps and virtually anything
else that needs electrical power. Imagine how much PSYOPS would love
this.....'Surrender now and we'll give you a cold drink from our fridge!'
Armies by an large observe fairly strict regimes in peacetime, but in the
field...this often has tendency to be relaxed. Pretty surprising the amount
of non-issue kit appearing outside of inspection.
"KWANG TEOW SANG S/B" <> wrote:
>> Tankers on both sides will be flinging beer cans at twenty paces, with
>> NIN blaring on the speakers. Perhaps tanks would become outdated and the
>> new FV would be the Winnebago...
>Now would this not be altogether more civilized....with 'can' races for
>larger volume(oh my's a gallon!) weapons.
So will the newesrt IFVs have keg-launchers? ;->
<*> James A. Wolf - - <*>
"The jawbone of an ass is just| |"I would rather stand next to an honest
as dangerous a weapon today as| |man who uses a clumsy word than an
in Samson's time." | |illegal man with five sharp spinners
Richard M. Nixon | |any day of my life." Newt Gingrich
D.C.KOH ( wrote:
: wrote:
: >
: > Here now! If this kind of nonsense continues, people will be questioning the
: > idea of *fighting* altogether. Then where will we be? I ask you?
: >
: Tankers on both sides will be flinging beer cans at twenty paces, with
: NIN blaring on the speakers.
I hope you aren't implying this is a _bad_ thing...
Kurt Montandon