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Presenting Willow, aka ''The Puppy'', at seven months

She's been honing her ''sweet and innocent'' look.

Puppy-chow just tastes better eaten from cobalt's hand!

We buy her chew-toys galore, but the cardboard roll-cores are her favorite

Chew, chew, chew!
Her hair sure has grown.

Her legs have been growing a lot too.

Rockabye Willow!
Nice shot of cobalt's tattoo

Treat for the puppy!
Yum yum yum.

Willow and Sam just hanging out (blurry)

Sam's not above ambushing her from behind

Willow getting in Sam's face.
Girl, he's bigger than you!

When Sam and Willow mix it up, every room is a playroom!

Looks horrible, doesn't it?  But she just can't get enough!

Closeup of Sam the Gorilla-Cat (blurry)

Sam, letting his mighty gut hang out for all to see (very blurry!)
